In preparation for Monday May 27th Regular town council meeting

One meeting just finished and a few days later, I’m already reading the agenda for the next meeting! 

The agenda is 323 pages. Here’s the link for the PDF version

And if you prefer, here’s the HTML version (it’s easier to navigate if you just want to read a specific report one at a time, well I think so anyway)

Here are the highlights as I see ‘em : 


2024 Transportation Masterplan – Presenters from Tylin – Adam Bell & John Grieve

There isn’t a presentation linked in the agenda but I would guess it is in relation to the report about the Transportation Master Plan that is the following agenda item. 

Transportation Masterplan

This is absolutely fascinating. If you recall, there have been a couple of public consultation sessions and some surveys in order to create a Transportation Master Plan. There are some recommendations that come from the study and the survey results. 

For those that want the entire story (and I STRONGLY encourage you to read the whole thing)  Here is the link to the report :

It’s only 12 pages long, so it’s not too bad to read. 

And here is the 218 page final report from the consulting firm that did the studies and oversaw the surveys :

And if you’re interested in the detailed reports about each intersection, here is the detailed synchro report as they refer to it

While the full report is much longer, it is a VERY interesting read and extremely detailed. I strongly encourage all of my readers to take a good read through it, before forming an opinion. There is some very interesting stuff in the study to create a plan for Amherstburg’s future in regards to transportation. It’s important to note that transportation is not only cars. The study encompasses ALL modes of transportation….walking, cycling, scooters, bussing etc.  It also captures transportation now and how it will look in the future and how Amherstburg can start now to respond to the changes, as well as adapt to the changes through the years. There are simple changes mentioned, like adding more places to lock up bikes, to eventually putting a street light at the Meloche/Simcoe intersection. There is even a mention about having our own Amherstburg bussing system (eventually of course, not now).  Basically, this plan will help council, if they’re open to it, plan for how people move around our community now and how people will move around our community in the years to come. Since there is a large focus, globally, on walking or cycling as modes of transportation that are healthy and environmentally friendly, there is quite a big focus on that as well in the plan. If you are a person that can adapt to change, you will probably find a lot of interesting information in the reports.

Based on the data, here are the recommendations before council : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Transportation Masterplan BE APPROVED; Administration BE DIRECTED to institute the 30km/h ‘slow zone’ in the Town Core as outlined in the Transportation Masterplan; 

2. Administration BE DIRECTED to complete the short-term intersection improvements at Simcoe Street / Meloche Road intersection as outlined in the Transportation Masterplan; 

3. Administration BE DIRECTED to institute the full closure of Murray Street between Dalhousie Street and Ramsey Street as outlined in the Transportation Masterplan; and

4. Administration BE DIRECTED to incorporate components from the Transportation Masterplan into future capital budgets. 

2024 Special Events Approval – Part 4

Some more events are coming to our beautiful town this summer! It looks like the Rocks and Road Race is a bike race that is returning for a third year to Amherstburg, in the area of the Libro Centre. And the annual Garden Tour is looking to coordinate with Open Air to use Toddy Jones Park to sell tickets for the garden tour. Both look to be wonderful events for our fun-filled Amherstburg summers! 

It is recommended that: 

1. The following events BE APPROVED: 

a.Rocks and Road Race Series – Mini Fondo – August 11th , 2024 

b. 2024 Garden Tour – Amherstburg Fort Malden Horticultural Society – June 8th & June 9th 2024 

2. An exemption from table number 3-1(2) of Noise By-law #2001- 43 with respect to the operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers to allow for music BE GRANTED for the following events: 

a. Rocks and Road Race Series – Mini Fondo – August 11th , 2024 

3. The following events BE EXEMPT and PERMITTED for road closures to begin prior to 5pm:

a. Rocks and Road Race Series – Mini Fondo – August 11th , 2024 

4.The Public Events Committee BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to the event. 

Temporary Patio Extension

It seems that the AGCO used to provide authorization for temporary patio extensions, but they stopped doing so in 2023. It seems that permanent patios still go through the AGCO though. So, since the municipality is now responsible to govern temporary patio extensions, it looks like a policy to do so needs updating. The town would now be responsible to ensure that the patios are safe, insured properly and compliant and would need an annual inspection. 

Here are the recommendations: 

It is recommended that: 

1.The report from the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement dated April 28th, 2024 regarding a new Temporary Patio Extension BE RECEIVED; and 

2. By-law 2024-026 being a By-law to Temporary Patio Extensions on public lands be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; and 

3. The CAO and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to enter into agreements for temporary patio extensions, should all the criteria be met. 


Any member of council can ask about any unfinished business items. 


Any member of council can bring up any random item that pops into their head for an endless amount of discussion… know the saying “This could’ve been an email”?  Well, most often the random items could’ve been an email LOL We’ll wait and see what Monday night brings us I guess. 

Hope everyone had a great long weekend! See you sometime after the May 27th meeting! Oh and for those of you that are counting down…..Open Air starts on Friday May 31st! Weekly Friday night Night Markets this year! Just a few more sleeps and Amherstburg will be ready for lots of summer fun!

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