Monday August 8th Regular Town Council Meeting

Tonight’s meeting sure got interesting. There was so much back and forth on so many issues, I seriously could not keep up at times with my note-taking. I will do my best and I hope I understood what transpired. (If I misunderstood, I apologise, but I don’t think it’s necessary to call any lawyers.) The gavel was pounded, more than once and there was a recorded vote. Sorry if tonight’s blog is a bit choppy, but if it is, it’s because it’s a reflection of the meeting. There was also a full house tonight, which was really nice to see. The CUPE members from our local libraries were present once again, in the hopes of getting back to the bargaining table. There were also many members of the public in attendance as well. Here we go!

**Important side-note, Councillor Courtney was absent tonight.** (There was a discussion overheard regarding Councillor Courtney’s, what seem to be many, absences. Some seem to feel that she has missed too many meetings and that there should be some type of limit in place in regards to meetings missed. I don’t think there is though.)

WE Harvest Fest Road Closure Request – Chris Gibb, Windsor/Essex Harvest Fest Committee

Mayor DiCarlo declared a conflict for this portion of the meeting since he is co-chair of this new event. Mr. Gibb spoke and requested the road closures that were outlined in the report. The event is happening September 9, 10 and 11th at Fort Malden. The delegation was short, sweet and to the point. Basically, to ensure the safety of the residents, road closures were requested by the Fire Department, Police Department and Town administration. The closures would be manned by volunteers so that homeowners and local traffic could still pass through. Simple, right? Not quite. Councillor Meloche needed clarification of which roads were being closed . (Yes, they were clearly indicated in the report.) Councillor Pouget had a somewhat lengthy back and forth with town administration. Councillor Pouget was wondering if this is a special event being overseen by the special events committee. Since the event is being held on Federal property (Fort Malden), it is not considered a town special event. Councillor Pouget was concerned that people that live in the area would not have access to their homes. Administration explained again, as had the delegation, that it would be “local traffic only” and the closures would be manned so that residents that live in the area would still have access to their property. Deputy Mayor DiPasquale interjected that this process had worked successfully for years for the Wine Festival. (hence, why are we still talking about this?) Then Councillor Fryer made a motion to close the streets, provide notice to the residents AND waive the road closure fees for the event. (Wow! Did I just hear this right? Waiving the fees for a Chamber of Commerce event?) Councillor Lavigne seconded the motion. This fee-waiving part did not sit well with Councillor Pouget. She said she supported the motion, however, not the part about waiving the fees for roads closures. She felt this is setting a precedent. (Um, how many meetings have I attended where I have seen fees waived? Many, let me tell you, many. This is hardly a precedent.) So, it goes to a vote and was supported by Councillors Fryer, Lavigne and Meloche. So, it passed. (Don’t forget, Councillor Courtney was absent, the Mayor declared conflict, the Deputy Mayor was the chair, therefore does not vote, so the lone dissenter was Councillor Pouget.)

2017 Budget Direction

It looks like administration is approaching council early about the 2017 budget process.  They are looking to have the budget tabled to Council (and provided to Audit and Finance Committee) the week of November 7th. Council and the Committee would then have two weeks to review the budget and get their questions answered. There is also a public information session scheduled for November 26th. (For those who are interested, mark your calendar!) Then there would be budget deliberations with the Committee presentation at the start November 29 and December 1. The budget adoption is scheduled for December 12th. Councillor Pouget seemed concerned we were only having one public session. (Really? Last year I think 20 people showed up for the public session…..).  The CAO explained that the schedule was adopted by council earlier this year and yes, there is only one public information session, however, the public has 4 days of speaking to the budget. They can attend the public information session, they can attend the 2 dates set aside for deliberation and ask questions and they could also request a delegation for the December 12th budget adoption meeting. There was then some back and forth about the times of the November 29th and December 1st meeting. The Mayor offered several times that they could be determined right here and now, but they weren’t. The report carried and that was it.

Removal of Holding Zone for 7809 Howard Avenue 

OK, I’m going to be very honest here. I have no idea what the heck this part of the agenda was about. There was a very lengthy report, that quite frankly, I did not read. (Remember, I’m just doing this for the fame and glory, right?) Anyway, there was a gentleman there (I didn’t catch his name) who works for the company (Jones demolitions???) and stated he was in support of administration’s recommendation. Councillor Fryer immediately made a motion to defer and Councillor Pouget seconded it. Here’s where it got sticky. Once there is a motion to defer on the floor, the issue can no longer be discussed, the only thing that can be discussed is a time-line for the deferral. Well, the councillors seemed to have questions and still wanted to discuss…..Then it was debated, how would administration communicate with the people, by phone or written communication. How long would it take? Several various offers got floated around (one month, 2 weeks, 6 weeks). Councillor Fryer didn’t want it scheduled for a long meeting with another 575 page agenda (aren’t they all long meetings with agendas of several hundred pages, but I digress.) Councillor Pouget suggested scheduling it as a planning meeting one hour prior to a regular meeting, then it was discussed it could be a special meeting on September 19th. I think that they decided on the latter. It got deferred and about a dozen people got up and left. (I should have joined them. Those chairs in council chambers are ridiculously uncomfortable.)

Sign Encroachment Request – Duby’s Furniture 269 Ramsay Street

Duby’s Furniture has a new owner and he is seeking “pre-approval” for a sign to project off of the building. It would be 12 feet above the ground, therefore, would not impede pedestrians. Again, this should have a simple and quick process, but noooooooooooo……back and forth and up and down we went. Councillor Meloche was concerned a tractor trailer could pull off the sign. (Um, it’s on Ramsay Street, above the sidewalk……is it just me or was I missing something?) Councillor Pouget also had concerns with the sign. Councillor Lavigne pointed out that this is simply an encroachment agreement. The CAO said the owner is abiding by the town’s sign bylaw and is seeking to hang it in the air space that the town owns and that the sign itself would have an “old world theme” and would be attractive. The owner would still have to comply with permits etc. The debate went back and forth for some time and then finally, it carried. (phew!)

Site Plan Control Agreement, Stella Maris School, 140 Girard Street

OK, this got a little crazy. I had a hard time keeping up with the note-taking. As you are probably aware, the Board of Education closed St. Bernard’s elementary school and is transferring the student body to Stella Maris School for September.  Councillor Fryer went into a personal story about driving by the school with his daughter (he even mentioned her by name….?—-I don’t get why he always talks about personal stories, but again, tonight, there was a lot I didn’t get. Later in the evening, he told us a story about being hit in the head by a BB gun bullet on a certain property in Amherstburg……I don’t understand the relevance…..) He had concerns with how the area would be ready for September. Councillor Lavigne wanted to know if site plan controls have ever been debated before. It seems there was a traffic report for the area and then administration had another traffic report done. Councillor Lavigne pushed the question about if site plans had ever been questioned by this council. He even cut off Mr. Galvin (the Director of planning, development and legislative services) when he was talking. Mayor DiCarlo then said that this current council has questioned many professionals, during it’s term including engineers, accountants etc. Councillor Lavigne pressed on and the Mayor pounded the gavel. The Mayor said that it was his meeting and he answered the question. Councillor Lavigne was not happy. (Since I have attended almost every meeting for well over a year now, I can attest to the fact that council has really and truly questioned some professionals and their reports, sometimes to a level of embarrassment, in my opinion.) Councillor Pouget then said she would like to speak with the Board of Education. Three representatives approached the podium (sorry, did not catch names or titles). When I say that the discussion went back and forth, it is no lie. It did for quite some time. It was difficult to keep up. Councillor Pouget feels that the school board created a crisis and lead the public to believe the construction would be done by September. The School Board defended their position and much more back and forth ensued. Councillor Lavigne seemed not to want to debate this and spoke a few times about approving this item and moving on. Basically it seems that council would be giving authority to the CAO and Mr Galvin, Director of Planning, Development and Legislative Services to approve the site plan control agreement once the traffic study is updated to the town’s satisfaction. Then, apparently, the show could get on the road. Councillor Pouget made the motion as per the agenda. Councillor Fryer wanted an amendment to the motion since he felt that council was delegating their authority to the CAO and administration. Councillor Pouget stated that she believes the town is moving forward right now and that the motion is fine the way it is. (My heart skipped a beat. We agreed on something!) Back and forth, forth and back and then Councillor Fryer asks for a recorded vote.

Support : Deputy Mayor Dipasquale, Councillors Lavigne, Meloche, Pouget and Mayor DiCarlo

Opposed : Councillor Fryer

Big Creek Wetland Signage

There was a delegation in the spring that was requesting signage for Big Creek Wetland. Administration was asked to prepare a report. The signs would cost approximately $1200.00. Administration is not recommending approval. Councillor Fryer did not agree. He felt the signs are important and would not encourage trespassing. He made a motion to support the signs and Councillor Pouget seconded. Then, once again, the ride and the music started back up. Back and forth, up and down we went. (Round and round and up and down we gooooo again…..Boblo!, sorry, off topic, I really have been attending too many meetings.) Councillor Lavigne understood administration’s concerns that they’re putting up a sign on property that does not belong to them. The CAO said council would have to pay the $1200.00, decide on the location of the signs and the verbiage on the signs. So, low and behold, after much back and forth about the type of signs, sandbags, wording, location, etc, the motion passes that administration can consult the county about erecting signs for Big Creek Wetland. (Hey, do you think council would pay for a sign in front of my house? Home of Amherstburg2, local blogger. Doubt it.)

Unfinished Business

There were a few issues brought forward under unfinished business. Councillor Pouget wanted to know the status of the sign by-law. Mr. Galvin said it would be on the September 12th agenda. Councillors Fryer and Pouget seemed to feel that people don’t want the signs, most especially the portable type I think, along Front Road.  Also, Councillor Pouget asked about the 2016 budget. She said that Council had asked administration to reduce the budget of a particular department by $100,000.00 and wondered what the status was. (I think that was the by-law department.) Administration said they are finalising two postings to deal with those issues.

Overall, this meeting lasted about two hours and 20 minutes.

As for councillor of the week??? I make a motion to defer. What about the timeline you ask?? I don’t know. Perhaps when and if they ever replace those horribly uncomfortable chairs in the gallery. Or maybe when they can keep the discussion relevant, pertinent and on-point, which would translate into a whole lot less time sitting in those chairs.  Hmmmm…..maybe instead of asking council to pay for a sign in front of my house, maybe I could make a motion to replace the chairs in the gallery? Any seconders?



In preparation for Monday August 8th Regular Town Council Meeting

Well, it’s summer time and this is only the second regular meeting scheduled until September. Needless to say, the agenda is pretty full, it totals 575 pages! Looks like council will have some decisions to make Monday night. Here are the highlights, as I see them:


WE Harvest Fest Road Closure Request – Chris Gibb, Windsor/Essex Harvest Fest Committee

First up is Mr. Chris Gibb, who, on behalf of the WE Harvest Fest Committee will be asking for some road closures during this new event in September. For those who may not be familiar, this event is taking place at Fort Malden during the weekend of September 9, 10 and 11th. It appears he’s asking for road closures to ensure public safety, before, during and after the event. Will see what happens.

Audit and Finance Advisory Committee 2015 Achievements and 2016 Goals

Before I get into this report, I just need to have a small rant. The Audit and Finance Advisory Committee is comprised of local volunteers who look at our finances and weigh in with their opinions. The concept is a good one. Normally, who would care? Normally, I would not. However, some members of council take what this committee of volunteers have to say and hold it up almost as gospel. Some even feel that the committee recommendations usurp the CAO and town administration’s recommendations. It’s weird. I don’t get it. Anyway, here’s a summary.

In 2015, the 3 major accomplishments and initiatives for the Committee were as follows:

  • The report and presentation to Council on the 2014 Audited Financial Statements.
  • The report and presentation to Council on the 2016 Operating, Capital, Water and Wastewater Budgets.
  • The preliminary work for a financial review on the Libro Centre.

For 2016, the 3 main goals of the Committee are as follows:

  • Completion of the Libro Centre Review.
  • 2017 Budget Review.
  • Development of the Long Term Financial Plan in conjunction with the Strategic Plan.

2017 Budget Direction

Once again, it looks like administration is approaching council early about the 2017 budget process.  They are looking to have the budget tabled to Council (and provided to Audit and Finance Committee) the week of November 7th. Council and the Committee would then have two weeks to review the budget and get their questions answered. There is also a public information session scheduled for November 26th. (For those who are interested, mark your calendar!) Then there would be budget deliberations with the Committee presentation at the start November 29 and December 1. The budget adoption is scheduled for December 12th. (Can Amherstburg finally get through a budget process smoothly, without chaos and in an orderly manner? The time table is up, it’s all public, it looks good to me…..but what do I know? ) It looks like administration may want to propose a tax increase of  up to 2%.

Ontario 150 Grant Application – Amherstburg 150 Amazing Race

Next year will be Canada’s 150th Birthday! Looks like administration is looking to apply for some grant money to help with the big celebration. (I love a good party, just sayin’.)

2017-2018 World Sledge Hockey Challenge Bid

This looks pretty darn cool too. Administration is looking for permission to submit an application to host either the 2017 or 2018 World Sledge Hockey Challenge. How awesome would this be????

2016 Special Event Approval

  • Music Off the Back Porch – September 2, October 7, 2016 (Alternate rain days September 9, October 14, 2016)
  • Legion Week Parade – September 17, 2016

It looks like Music Off the Back Porch is seeking a straightforward approval. The Legion, however, needs a street closure for the parade. Will there be any discussion or will this just fly through?

Sign Encroachment Request – Duby’s Furniture 269 Ramsay Street

Duby’s Furniture has a new owner and he is seeking “pre-approval” for a sign to project off of the building. It would be 12 feet above the ground, therefore, would not impede pedestrians. (Nobody that tall lives in Amherstburg, right?) Anyway, this caught my eye because I thought “what a smart guy….”. Why did I think that? Well, last year, another business had jumped through the hoops, paid all the fees, paid for a drawing of the sign etc etc. When the request came before council, a half an hour of debate ensued and it looked like the sign was going to be turned down. It almost was. It was approved by a 4 to 3 vote. So, this business owner is being prudent, in my opinion, and basically seeking “pre-approval” before he lays out the cold, hard cash and then applies for a final approval.

Site Plan Control Agreement, Stella Maris School, 140 Girard Street

As predicated, Stella Maris School is seeking approval for an addition. For those who were not aware, St. Bernard’s school has been closed and the students were relocated to Stella Maris, hence the addition. There is a lengthy report with drawings. Did I read it all? Nope. I’m not one of the seven people paid to read it all. 😉

Big Creek Wetland Signage

There was a delegation in the spring that was requesting signage for Big Creek Wetland. Administration was asked to prepare a report. The signs would cost approximately $1200.00. Administration is not recommending approval. There are a few reasons why, but this one I found very interesting:

“A risk also exists in the setting of a precedent. In this case, Council would be solely funding the purchase, maintenance and potential replacement of signage which promotes areas that are not within its ownership or control. While it is always within the discretion of Council to provide administration with direction on any matter, this would be largely unprecedented and could lead to further delegations requesting that the Town fund signage for a variety of issues and/or causes.”

Therefore, pay attention people, if they approve this, you too, can come and ask for signs.

Accounts payable

This policy was recently changed by council. As of now, the bills have been paid, however the report comes to council to be received as information. I like to tally up to see what was paid in legal fees and this month, the grand total is approximately $25,700.00.

Amherstburg Police Service Board Monthly Activity Report – May 2016

Council had previously requested that the police department provide a monthly report of how many calls they attend and of what nature, money spent etc etc.  (I’m not quite sure why, in my opinion, seems kind of micro-managementy – is that a word? probably not, but anyway, nobody asked for my opinion, so the report is in.) It is very, very lengthy. Did I read it all? No but I hope those who requested it did.

By-law 2016-76 – Repair & Improvement of the 8th Concession Drain South

There are hundreds of pages on reports of various drains, including the one names above. With all due respect to engineers and any others who do work with drains, I find them very, very boring and kind of gross, therefore I will not be reading the 200 pages of information provided. Council appointed a drainage board (committee?) to deal with these, maybe they feel the same way as I do. However, I provide this free public service out of interest, not monetary gain…..hmmmmm……


At the end of the meeting, council will go in-camera to discuss the following:

ITEM A – Potential Property Disposition – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

I think I’ve mentioned it before, but man, this council seems to go in-camera (behind closed doors) almost every darn meeting. It would seriously be interesting to compare if they’ve gone in-camera more than the previous council.

All in all, Monday night’s meeting should be fairly interesting. There’s quite a few items up for discussion and decision-making. Will keep you all posted.