Monday April 24th Regular town council meeting

WOW!!!! What a night!!! And I don’t mean that in a good way. Not even a little bit. This week’s marathon meeting lasted until 10:30 PM. It was such a fiasco that motions weren’t made to receive delegations…..motions weren’t made to extend the meeting past 10:00 PM…..rules of order were all over the place….speaking of all over the place….the gavel was bouncing around like a ping pong ball. Luckily I decided to watch the meeting from home Monday night, so at least I could sit at my computer with my feet up while the meeting dragged on and on and on…..One member of council was even on their cell phone texting. Frequently. A lot. I wonder if they forgot that there is a camera on them at all times during the meeting? If you’ve got four and a half hours to watch Monday night’s meeting, you’re in for a show. Not a good one, but a show regardless. 

***Councillor Courtney was on zoom and appeared to be at work***

Anyway, here’s the summary. And your first warning. Do not read this blog. 

Save our Amherstburg Neighbourhood – Mike Kisch (supplementary agenda)

This delegation was added on a supplementary agenda for Monday night’s meeting. Mr Kisch expressed his opposition to the development proposed for 639 Front North. He did not seem to like the 28 unit 5 story apartment/condo building being proposed. He mentioned that he had a petition and had submitted it to the clerk and that emails had also been sent to the Clerk. He mentioned several concerns (and remember I take my notes by hand, so no, I cannot note each one…)….he mentioned concerns for health and safety since it is a high traffic area. He also mentioned reduced visibility with a large building close to the road. He cited some accidents that happened in the area, even one that was fatal. He also mentioned environmental concerns. He felt that a housing development would be fine but with a suitable mix that does not conflict with the housing types already in existence. 

Ms Osborne, the Deputy CAO spoke at length. She explained that the motion for council was regarding changing the zoning and waiving the setback limits. She noted that these are consistent with other developments such as Kingsbridge, Meadowview and Mulberry. She noted that by council just approving these two items does not guarantee that the development will be exactly what is proposed. All of it would still have to go through the plan of subdivision, with numerous studies required. She also noted that the current proposal fits all of the requirements of the Planning Act. (..…side note…..this seemed clear to me….but it seemed less than clear for some members of council…..)

Councillor Pouget asked some questions and even argued about which members of administration should answer her. She seemed to take issue that it was not included in the report that either party could take the issue to the Land Tribunal. (Is there anybody out there that is a developer or anybody out there that is opposing a development that wouldn’t know they can go to the Land Tribunal if they don’t like council’s decision?) The back and forth created by Councillor Pouget went on so long that even Mayor Prue interjected and asked if there were any questions for the delegate. Councillor McArthur asked Mr Kisch if he was just against the condo but okay with houses or semi-detached. Mr Kitch felt he wanted compromise and even a deferral. Councillor Courtney noted that the area is zoned in the Official Plan for high density and that this proposal is for medium density which is a step down in zoning. 

I don’t believe there was ever a motion to receive the delegation…..

Zoning By-law Amendment for 639 Front Road North Zoning By-law Amendment

There was a motion to bring this item forward on the agenda since this was the item the delegation had spoken to. 

Councillor Pouget started in again with more questions that kept getting the same answers, the proposal met the Planning Act Requirements. Councillor Allaire admitted she was new to the process and felt she understood the process but felt that it was backwards since the County would still need to approve the setbacks. Administration said that this process had happened in the past. Councillor Allaire then expressed her concerns and wanted to get a draft plan first. Ms Osborne, the Deputy CAO explained that the draft plan of subdivision involves work, cost, time and money. She also noted that the ultimate layout of the plan could change since the studies could dictate changes. 

Mr Bolger, the developer, spoke and said that it would be nice to have all of the approvals all at once and that as it stands he could put in 300 units as per the Official Plan. The proposed development is far less homes. He also felt that the zoning meeting had gone too far since this was not a plan of subdivision meeting yet, it was simply a zoning change. He said he’d rather put in the money now and start planning and that it would be another year or year and a half before he’d be ready to proceed. 

Mayor Prue interjected and wondered if Mr Bolger would consider just the zoning being approved but not all of the setbacks. (It seemed like a quick Let’s make a deal on the fly type thing……). Mr Bolger was not interested. He noted that he did understand that the process may have to go to the County as a next step. 

Suddenly, Councillor Courtney popped back onto the screen…..he said what he was about to ask may have been answered but that he had to step away. (Um… we have to repeat everything for a councillor who stepped away? You’re either present or you’re not…..) Anyway, Councillor Courtney said that he was ready to come in and defend the staff recommendations and asked about the developers asking for reprieve on setbacks. Mr Bolger noted that he was seeking relief since the town’s bylaws are completely out dated. He also noted he knows he may have to put in a storm pond, as he had to do in Meadowview. Councillor Courtney said that he would vote in favour of the amendments since the development meets the Official Plan. 

Councillor Allaire started talking about setbacks and ERCA requirements. Mr Bolger said that Monday night’s meeting was about different matters and that ERCA requirements will be dealt with later. 

And then it happened…..the gavel was passed for the first of 687 times…..Mayor Prue felt that he had an option for council. He wondered if council approved the recommendations as written then the town could tell the County what we want and he cited a bunch of examples. He felt that it looked like council would vote no to the zoning changes and that it would end up in court and that there wouldn’t be much chance that we would win. (Remember falling on the wrong side of a decision costs $$$$…...) Mayor Prue went on and on about possibly adding conditions. It seemed to me he was trying to influence the council vote, but what do I know? (If you just made a snarky reply to that in your head, you should’ve stopped reading this blog at the top when I warned you.) Mayor Prue took the gavel back and then said he needed a motion from council. (He could’ve left the gavel with the Deputy Mayor and made a motion himself, since that seemed to be what he wanted perhaps? ) 

Well, he got a motion. Councillor Allaire made a motion to deny the zoning change and the setbacks as well. Councillor Pouget seconded it. Councillor Allaire explained her rationale that she was okay with the rezoning but not okay with the setback relief. She had concerns about the ravine and felt that the process was being done backwards. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb then spoke. He said he would likely be hated by some people in the room. He said that this development satisfies the province, the Essex County Official Plan and the Amherstburg Official Plan. He noted that the province wants to build 1.5 Million homes in 10 years and that this is how they are doing it. He felt that if council denies the changes that it will go to the Land Tribunal, that the town will lose and that the development will be built. He did note that all of the Mayors and Deputy Mayors at County Council had sent a letter to the province telling them how difficult Bill 23 is making things for municipalities. However, he said that approving this development was in the best interest of Amherstburg and that he was not okay with defeating the recommendation. He felt that council had to uphold the law. 

Councillor Pouget said she would be voting to defeat the recommendation. She felt that the Land Tribunal was just an excuse. (I guess she’s okay with spending taxpayer money at the Land Tribunal to try to defend decisions that violate the Planning Act? Interesting…..)

Again, Mayor Prue passed the hot potato, I mean the gavel. He suggested voting in two parts. One part about the condo and then the other part about all of the other things and density. Councillor Allaire took offense and said he had told her it couldn’t be. CAO Critchley spoke about asking the proponent and that the motion could be divided. Mayor Prue said that he was going to trust the lawyer (the CAO) and he felt it would make the hearing simpler. 

In the meantime it was havoc in the gallery. I was watching from home and could hear someone yelling from the gallery – even without a microphone – that there was a motion on the floor and that it had to be voted on. (Yup. Whoever you were, random voice, you were right…..there was a motion on the floor and it needed to be voted on….but for anybody that’s been watching council for a while… would know that Mayor Prue, who used to be Councillor Prue, has a reputation for making “friendly amendments” to motions, suggesting changes to motions, playing with words in motions…..)

Mr Bolger explained that the setbacks will not impact the traffic. He explained that the difference would be how big of a house could be built on the lot. 

Councillor Pouget said that council should vote. There was a man yelling from the gallery….I couldn’t make it out….but Mayor Prue said to the man yelling in the gallery that he could not challenge the chair of the meeting, that only a member of council could do so. Soooo…..Councillor Pouget challenged the chair. (I had a hard time taking notes here….for two reasons…..the dialogue was heated and fast and furious…..and secondly, my daughter and I were sitting and watching and laughing at the complete chaos and lack of order… was really something else….and I’ve watched hundreds of meetings…..gulp….hundreds….) Anyway, Mayor Prue said something about Councillor Pouget being sadly mistaken and that the motion was still open for debate. She replied, and he fired back something about “excuse me” and parliamentary procedure. He then asked council for a vote if they would sustain the chair since they were in the middle of the debate……There was some clarification requested, blah blah…..and then the 4 members of council voted to sustain the chair and Councillor Pouget was opposed. I’m not sure where Councillor Courtney had disappeared to again…..

Councillor McArthur then spoke about respecting Mayor Prue a lot and he felt he knows parliamentary procedure. He did make a comment about passing the gavel a lot. He noted that Mayor Prue had talked about wanting to build consensus on council when he was elected. Councillor McArthur felt that the reality was that if council opposed the zoning changes that they would lose at the land tribunal. He made a motion to approve the zoning change but not the setbacks. Deputy Mayor Gibb seconded it. 

Mayor Prue felt that this was splitting the motion. At this point, council voted on splitting the motion. It passed 4 votes for, Councillor Pouget was opposed. Councillor Courtney had disappeared from zoom again. Maybe he was searching for the flying gavel, I don’t know. 

Councillor Allaire withdrew her motion. Then there was a lot of whispering between Mayor Prue and the Clerk…..Probably trying to make sense of this fiasco? So the motion went to a vote to approve the zoning but not the setbacks. It passed, 4 in favour again and Councillor Pouget opposed. Again, Councillor Courtney had disappeared from zoom. Maybe he found the gavel? 

At this point it was 7:32. Council had discussed ONE item for an hour and a half…..the most confusing hour and a half of your life, if you’re interested in watching……

Council made a motion for a 5 minute recess. That made me happy. I had a small reprieve to get up and move around before Act 2 of the fiasco would start up again. 

Are you still reading this blog? Stop reading now. 

2017-2022 Tree Maintenance Program

This report outlines the tree maintenance program already in place and was simply for council to receive as information. (So this should be quick and painless right?…..Not so fast!

It looks like a comprehensive study of town owned trees was done in 2017 by a certified Arborist which the Town retains under a seasonal contract. The report outlines how many trees have been cut down and how many have been planted (many more planted than cut down in case you’re wondering.) 

For any of my readers that are tree lovers, here is the link to the full report if you’re interested

Deputy Mayor Gibb asked about the increase in town owned and shared trees. He also noted that the cost of maintenance for the trees is $195,000 per year and wondered if there was a metric for when we have enough trees. Mr Chamberlain, Manager of Roads and Fleet, said that it was currently a council policy to build the tree canopy. Deputy Mayor Gibb felt that with more trees it was increasing the town’s liability to maintain them all. He wondered if once the town hit a certain number of trees being planted that instead of the current 2:1 ratio, the town could return to a 1:1 ratio. (At the moment for each tree cut down, we plant two trees.) Ms Giofu, Director of engineering said that last year the 2:1 ratio was met and that for now the town can meet the goal. She noted that there may come a time that the 2:1 ratio will become too costly and that the town may need to return to the 1:1 ratio. 

And then Act 2 with extra drama began. Councillor Pouget felt that town staff were clear cutting trees. She felt that trees the size of a broomstick are being planted. There was some back and forth and then Councillor Pouget made a motion to accept the report and forward the report to the Environmental Committee and the Parks Committee before any further trees are destroyed, unless dangerous……(If that wasn’t a loaded motion I don’t know what is….Are you still reading? Stop reading.)

Councillor Crain felt he could support sending the report to the two committees but not the verbiage about destroying trees that was in the motion. Councillor Pouget felt those words were not in the motion. The Clerk read the motion. They were. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb felt that he agreed with the spirit of the motion but that he did not agree with committees deciding about trees being cut down or not. He felt that that was restricting staff. He felt that if the report was just being sent for them to read it and advise on it then that would be fine. 

Councillor McArthur felt that the motion made it look like staff were cutting down trees unnecessarily and that he couldn’t support it unless it was amended. 

The Clerk read the motion again about forwarding the report to the two committees before any further trees are removed that do not pose a risk. Councillor McArthur felt that the wording implied wrongdoing on staff’s part. (I agree.) Deputy Mayor Gibb did not feel that committees should be over ruling staff. He noted that trees sometimes need to be cut down if they’re diseased or have problems with the roots or other possibilities. Councillor Crain suggested an amendment to change the motion to just receive feedback from the two committees. Councillor Pouget (the mover) and Councillor Allaire (the seconder) were okay with the amendment. 

Suddenly Councillor Courtney reappeared. 

They voted and it carried. The report about trees will go to the Environmental Committee and the Parks Committee for feedback. 

2023 Special Events Approval – Part IV

Great news! More events coming to Amherstburg! Here they are and they’re all approve: 

It is recommended that:

1. The following events BE APPROVED: 

a. Park House Museum – Music Off the Back Porch – May 5th, June 2nd, July 7 th, August 4th, September 1st & October 6th, 2023 

b. Annual Bob Meloche Kid’s Fishing Derby – June 18th, 2023

c. Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st, 2023 

d. Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 30th, 2023 2. 

An exemption from table number 3-1(2) of Noise By-law #2001-43, as amended with respect to the operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers to allow for music BE GRANTED for the following events:

 a. Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 30th, 2023 

b. Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st, 2023 

c. Park House Museum – Music Off the Back Porch – May 5th, June 2nd, July 7 th, August 4th, September 1st & October 6th, 2023 

3. The following events BE EXEMPT and PERMITTED for road closures to begin prior to 5pm: a. Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 30th, 2023 

b. Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st, 2023

 4. The Special Events Resource Team BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to the event. 

5. The fee waiver requests BE APPROVED as follows:

a. Park House Museum – Music off the Back Porch – $59.00

South Fire Station – Consolidated Build versus Renovation Options

Stop reading this blog. Stop right now. 

Fire Chief Montone made a presentation. He apologized at the beginning for the length of the presentation, and it was a long one. But I guess that’s what’s necessary when some members of council don’t read or can’t understand the reports that they read? I dunno. Long story short, two of our fire halls are 60 years old and one of them is 30 years old. They are all in terrible condition. They can’t accommodate new fire trucks and new technology. One of them doesn’t have showers for the firefighters. In 2021, the old council made a motion and decided to go to a two station model. This would involve building a new fire station at the Libro and closing the one at town hall. Then the fire station in Anderdon would get a new fire station built on the same piece of property. The fire station in Malden would eventually close. That was the plan. The Fire Chief spoke at length about response times and travel times. In August of 2022, the old council was presented with drawings and a plan for the new fire hall at the Libro. They didn’t make a decision on it. (Yet, at the same meeting, the old council committed $6 Million towards two parks…..if we really want to talk about wants and needs, please let’s talk…..but it was just before an election…..guess it looked prettier to throw huge money at parks, but cheap out on fire services? So, they did nothing and here we are….the new council has to decide what to do and how to do it.) The Chief explained some changes that were made to the design of the new fire hall to get the costs down. 

Councillor McArthur asked the Fire Chief to explain how closing the Malden Fire station (#3) wouldn’t affect response times. Chief Montone explained that that fire station is not staffed. So, while it appears that it would be fast if you live close-by, the reality is that it’s not staffed and it does not offer improved response times. The new fire station at the Libro would be staffed 24/7 and would be able to meet target response times even in the Malden area. And the Libro building itself is actually served by the Malden Fire Station as it stands right now. Chief Montone explained that since the full time fire fighters would already be at the new Libro station, the truck from the Libro would be arriving in the Malden area quicker, while with the current model, firefighters would be just arriving in Malden to get the truck, in the same amount of time. He felt that the Malden area will maintain their service level. 

Then Councillor Courtney spoke and spoke and spoke….he said he had so many questions….he said his head hurt (ya, tell me about it….watching this meeting was painful…) and that there were a lot of numbers and numbers that didn’t make sense to him. Councillor Courtney went on and on and on….I stopped taking notes as my eyes rolled back into my head….but then I perked up when he said he thinks the Fire Stations should be deferred. (I almost lost my mind as I’m guessing others watching did too…..unless you’re somebody that shouldn’t be reading this blog….maybe you thought it was the best thing you heard all night, I don’t know…..BTW, stop reading!)

Councillor Crain asked a good question about the possible future growth in Malden could affect things. Unfortunately, I did not catch the answer because my cat decided he wanted my attention and was crawling in front of my screen and on my notebook…..and I guess I could go back and check the video….but I don’t think I can relive all of that again…, if you’re super interested, go check the video I guess. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb spoke and said that we are building a new fire hall tonight and the second one can happen down the road. He was concerned about Malden and should they need a third station in the future. CAO Critchley felt that the Chief had shown a model that can work but that she could not guarantee that a third station could possibly be required in the future. Councillor McArthur felt that the conclusion to all of this was that Amherstburg desperately needs a new fire hall. He felt that council had to move and they had to move tonight. (Nice to see some decisiveness rather than talking in circles that we got from others….)

Mayor Prue passed the gavel for the 88th time (I’m exaggerating but it was really a lot on Monday night….I should count, just for fun….perhaps somebody would like to count and we can make bets at the next meeting?) Anyway, he noted that while he was on the old council he had voted against the 2 station model but he felt that the town has progressed since then and that it’s too late to go back. He noted that council will have to take on debt for the fire hall and didn’t want to build the second station too quickly in order to take some time to pay down the debt. 

Councillor Allaire then spoke. She felt that the whole reason she ran for council was to protect our amenities. She wondered about building one fire station but renovating two of them. She felt that she understood the response times….

Councillor Pouget felt that everyone was ignoring the elephant in the room since she felt that council had to vacate town hall in 2025. She felt that the residents of Malden were being short changed. 

Then, Councillor Crain made the motion to go with Option B (new fire hall at Libro and new fire hall in Anderdon and close Malden one, eventually) as well as issuance of debt to finance all of this. Deputy Mayor Gibb seconded the motion. 

Councillor Courtney asked for a recorded vote. He felt that this was a mile high building to look down at our little town. He went on and on about a space needs study. He then started comparing prices and sizes to Fire Halls in Windsor…..(I guess it’s easier to oppose motions than come up with another solution?

Councillor Crain said that we have to move forward and get the process going. (Amen. Enough talking and beating around the bush. It’s time for action. Fire Halls are a very basic required service and as it stands, ours need replacing. I heard Mayor Prue tell somebody in the gallery that they could not speak. Guessing somebody had raised their hand…..

And the results supporting building the two new fire halls…

Support : Councillor Crain, Deputy Mayor Gibb, Councillor McArthur, Mayor Prue

Opposed : Councillors Allaire, Courtney and Pouget. 

Interesting that the top 4 vote getters in the recent election all voted in favour. Just an observation…..


Councillor Pouget made a motion for town administration to provide a floor plan of the Salmoni building, indicating bedroom windows and egress windows and something about the National Building Code for the May 23rd meeting. (I take my notes by hand folks….I did the best I could….Stop reading BTW!) Councillor Allaire seconded the motion. Councillor Courtney felt he would support it and mentioned receiving correspondence and that this was worth educational purposes. Mayor Prue asked the Fire Chief if he would be able to prepare such a report in a short time frame and he felt that he could. So, the motion carried. I’ll have my seat cushion ready for May 23rd. Or maybe I’ll watch from home again. I bet it will be a looooong one. 

Councillor Pouget then made a motion for administration to organize a meeting with EMS, Fire Department, Police Department, and a bunch of other organizations, for the next council meeting regarding the ferry issues on Boblo. (The list of invitees was long…..surprised the dog catcher and the fence viewing committee weren’t included LOL). Councillor McArthur felt that this would simply be a big public spectacle and to organize so many agencies for the next meeting would not be the most effective use of dollars. He also felt such a meeting should not be held in council chambers. Deputy Mayor Gibb said that he’d be upset too if he lived on Boblo however, he said that the more council gets involved with the situation, the closer council gets to being responsible for the ferry…..(Let that sink in folks….as it stands, the ferry is provided by a private company and the town is not involved…..but if one continues to stick one’s nose into something… can create liability……)

Chief Montone spoke about Annex X in the Town’s Emergency Plan in regards to Boblo Island. Councillor Crain felt that getting all of those people together in such a short time frame would likely be impossible. Councillor Pouget asked for a recorded vote and felt that it was a sad day that some on council didn’t want a meeting. (Did she forget so quickly that just two months ago council summoned Boblo representatives for a meeting about this? How many meetings are required to discuss the same thing over and over again? There was a meeting about this. It’s done. It’s over. Move on.)

Mayor Prue spoke at length and offered his perception of the Homeowner’s Association. At this point I noted that it was after 10:00 and there had not been a motion to extend the meeting. And there never was such a motion made…..interesting how rules of order are forgotten or not followed at times….yet other times…..hmmmmm……I guess when you’re busy passing the gavel around constantly, it’s easy for things to get missed….? 

Councillor Allaire felt that the owner of the ferry did have a back up plan and unfortunately the backup plan did not work, so the tugboat was okay since it was the third option. She felt that essentially the developer provides the basic level of service and that 911 would exhaust all options should there be an emergency. 

Councillor Courtney also did not feel that an open forum would be a good idea and he felt that he had to protect the municipality. He did not want the meeting in open session. CAO Critchley noted that the ferry involves a private contract with the developer. 

Anyway, it went to a recorded vote and failed. 

Support : Councillor Pouget

Opposed : Everybody else. 

Councillor McArthur then made a motion for administration and the Fire Chief to request permission to provide Annex X from the town’s emergency plan, since it is Boblo’s emergency plan. Councillor Allaire seconded the motion. Councillor Pouget made a comment that council is supposed to be running the town not administration. (Which, before I go on, really isn’t the case…..council gives direction to administration and administration does the day to day work of running the town…..) Anyway, Councillor McArthur said something about that’s why he just gave direction to administration and Councillor Pouget got upset….and then they voted and the motion carried. Although Councillor Pouget voted in opposition. 

It was 10:28 and council was starting to move to the two final bylaws. My screen went black and the video feed cut out. I took that as an omen, that I was done for the night. 

Stop reading now. 

Just a personal observation from someone that has actively watched council meetings for over 8 years… seems that each meeting is more chaotic than the last with this new term of council. I believe that the chair of the meeting is supposed to remain neutral and just concentrate on running an orderly meeting. Here is the link about passing the gavel that I had provided before

I think Mayor Prue has some thinking to do…..does he want to speak on so many items, passing the gavel around, influencing council and generally creating very difficult to follow meetings? Or does he want to just chair the meeting and get business done? 

And that’s it, that’s all. If you’re still reading this, you shouldn’t be. You were supposed to have stopped reading a long time ago! 

Have a great week Amherstburg! I’ll see you in two weeks!

In preparation for Monday April 24th Regular town council meeting

Well Monday’s agenda is 642 pages….and I’m betting it will bet yet another marathon meeting….Here are the highlights : 

2023 Mill and Pave Program – Tender Results

Looks like some road work will be getting done! The RFP went out and here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The 2023 Mill and Pave Program Tender BE AWARDED to Armstrong Paving and Materials Group Ltd. for an amount of $541,021.55 plus H.S.T to complete rehabilitation works for Kentucky Avenue, Thorn Ridge Crescent, Briar Ridge, Cedar Ridge Crescent and Fern Ridge Court; and, 

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Armstrong Paving and Materials Group Ltd. for the 2023 Mill and Pave program.

2017-2022 Tree Maintenance Program

This report outlines the tree maintenance program already in place and is simply for council to receive as information. 

It looks like a comprehensive study of town owned trees was done in 2017 by certified Arborist which the Town retains under a seasonal contract. The report outlines how many trees have been cut down and how many have been planted (many more planted than cut down in case you’re wondering.) Anyway, since the report is for information only, council ought to receive it quickly since all of the information is there in black and white. 

For any of my readers that are tree lovers, here is the link to the full report if you’re interested

Deeming By-law for a Portion of Plan 1131

It appears that some residents want to build a house on two lots and merge the lots into one. It looks like it is recommended to proceed as per the planning act. 

Mulberry Court Subdivision Agreement File No. 37-T-22008

It looks like the Mulberry Court subdivision (just off of Simcoe Street) is ready to proceed. Looks like 26 new homes will be built so that is good news! The development is being recommended for approval. 

Zoning By-law Amendment for 38 Victoria Street South

It looks like this item has already had it’s mandatory planning meeting and is being recommended to proceed. It seems that a studio area will be added onto a property at the above address. 

Zoning By-law Amendment for 639 Front Road North Zoning By-law Amendment

The development at the above address has also had it’s required planning meeting and is being recommended to proceed. Ironically, what the developer wants to build by amending the bylaw is actually less than what they could do if the zoning in place remained. IF the zoning in place were to remain, according to the report, the following would be permitted : 

“The property is currently zoned Special Policy Commercial Neighbourhood/Residential Type 1A (CN-4/R1A) Zone. Under the CN-4/R1A Zone, the current uses would be permitted on the site:

  •  Business office;
  • – Day care;
  •  – Dry cleaner’s distribution station;
  •  – Dwelling unit;
  •  – Medical/dental office;
  •  – Professional service shop;
  •  – Professional office;
  •  – Public use;
  •  – Retail store; 
  • – Convenience store;
  •  – Video rental establishment; 
  • – Restaurant;
  •  – Tavern; 
  • – Marina; 
  • – Single unit residential uses; 
  • – Home occupation; 
  • – Accessory uses; 
  • – Public uses. 

Under the current zoning, the applicant could build a subdivision with large lots for single detached dwellings. The minimum lot size in the R1A zone within the serviced area is 900 m2 . Conservatively and hypothetically, the developer could potentially build an 18 lot subdivision, while keeping in mind setbacks from the drain and room on the property for a 20 m road right of way. Under the Bill 23 amendments to the Planning Act, each lot would be permitted to build two additional dwelling units on their property, which would not be accounted for or planned for when considering sewage capacity, stormwater management, drainage or traffic. Additionally, due to the large size requirements for the lots in the R1A zone, it is more likely that new homeowners would have the space on their property to construct the additional dwelling units. Due to the provincial legislation that allows all property owners the as-of-right permission to build up to two additional dwelling units, there is potential for a conservative estimate of 54 dwelling units on the property, under the current zoning. Additionally, the applicant could replace the old Anderdon Tavern, on the existing footprint with the same massing and volume, with a new tavern or restaurant and associated parking.”

Soooooo, it seems that what could be developed there is much much more as the zoning stands right now. With the zoning change, instead, here’s what we’re getting : 

“The current proposal, which would be supported by the proposed zoning by-law amendment, is for 42 dwelling units, including 28 condominium units, 12 semi-detached units, and 2 single detached units. Under Bill 23, the property owners of the semidetached and single detached units would also be permitted to build additional dwelling units. However, due to the smaller size of the properties and the increased lot coverage request, there would not be as much room on the properties to accommodate the additional units or parking, as would be provided under the current zoning. Therefore, it is less likely that the smaller lots would be able to support as many additional dwelling units as the larger lots permitted under the current R1A zoning.”

I know the planning meeting about this lot was a looooong one……let’s see what council does Monday night… far as I can see, everything lines up as per the planning act…..

If you’re interested in the report on this one, here’s the link :

2023 Special Events Approval – Part IV

Great news! More events coming to Amherstburg! Here they are: 

It is recommended that:

1. The following events BE APPROVED: 

a. Park House Museum – Music Off the Back Porch – May 5th, June 2nd, July 7 th, August 4th, September 1st & October 6th, 2023 

b. Annual Bob Meloche Kid’s Fishing Derby – June 18th, 2023

c. Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st, 2023 

d. Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 30th, 2023 2. 

An exemption from table number 3-1(2) of Noise By-law #2001-43, as amended with respect to the operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers to allow for music BE GRANTED for the following events:

 a. Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 30th, 2023 

b. Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st, 2023 

c. Park House Museum – Music Off the Back Porch – May 5th, June 2nd, July 7 th, August 4th, September 1st & October 6th, 2023 

3. The following events BE EXEMPT and PERMITTED for road closures to begin prior to 5pm: a. Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 30th, 2023 

b. Canada Day Celebrations – July 1st, 2023

 4. The Special Events Resource Team BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to the event. 

5. The fee waiver requests BE APPROVED as follows:

a. Park House Museum – Music off the Back Porch – $59.00

South Fire Station – Consolidated Build verses Renovation Options

For those of you that have been following, you may remember that the last council couldn’t make a decision about building a new fire hall. They put it off for the new council. 

Well, the new council is being asked to approve one of three options (and they all involve issuance of debt). 

Scenario A) Continue with a Three (3) Fire Station deployment model including additional staff and resources outlined in the 2021 report (attachment #4). Provide new direction and Funding to renovate the three existing stations based on conditions reported in the Masri O Fire Stations development options report (Attachment #1) informed by the Facilities condition report from JS HELD ULC (Attachment #5, #6 #7) and issues, identified in the report from the fire chief in his August 15, 2022 report (attachment #8). 

Scenario B) is to move forward with the consolidation option directed by the previous council and approve the revised design presented, for a consolidated South Fire Station from the administration report of August 15, 2022. (Attachment 8) This option includes a future replacement, of the North Station on Middle Side Road, with a much smaller version of the existing station. 

Scenario C) Construct a New Consolidated Station at the Libro Centre Property as in Scenario B creating a South Fire Station and Renovate Station #2 on Middle Side Road as a North Fire Station. 

In a nutshell, our current fire stations are not in good shape (seems the one in Malden is in REALLY bad shape) and can’t even fit new, modernized equipment. Two of the fire stations are about 60 years old. It  looks like the cost for the new fire hall has been reduced from the original price from last summer, down to about $9.8 Million. 

I anticipated lots of hemming and hawing and arguing about costs and necessities…..for those who are interested here is the report :


Council can inquire about any unfinished business items at this time during the meeting. 


And here, council can bring out the grocery list of any random items, random phone calls, or emails or conversations…..anything goes for new business! 

And that’s it that’s folks! Have a great weekend! If this meeting is half as long as I anticipate it will be, I won’t be back with the summary until Tuesday or maybe even Wednesday evening. But either way, I’ll be back! And when I am back with the summary, don’t read it! 😀

Oh and BTW, there were 2 special meetings last week. I took the week off from blogging, since, well….the pay isn’t great and there’s only so much one person can do LOL ! Have a great weekend everyone! 

Tuesday April 11th Regular town council meeting

Do not read this blog. If you’re not sure if that means you, it probably does. 

I decided to watch the meeting from home last night. Wise decision on my part…..because wow just wow. 

When I tuned in for the regular meeting, the planning meeting was still going and going and going…..Very much like the Energizer Bunny. But not in a good way. 

I didn’t take notes during the planning meeting as I usually don’t cover them, but since it went on until past 7:00, I watched. And for the most part was disgusted and sometimes ashamed of some of the behaviours, in particular from certain members of council. Again, another warning. Stop reading now. If you can’t handle it, stop reading. If you’re not sure if this is you, it probably is. Stop reading. 

From what I could gather, on the spot, watching a live streamed drama movie… looks like the new boutique hotel on Dalhousie Street is seeking a zero variance to build the building. From what I understood, everything else about the project meets the requirements as per the planning act. It seems to need this variance so that two accessible units can be incorporated into the structure. Since the lot is very narrow, the only way to get the extra space to make the accessible units larger is to make them deeper, hence zero variance and the building would go right to the lot line. Let’s all be honest with each other here…..this zero variance will affect a handful of people (and if I were one of them I probably wouldn’t like it either). However, Amherstburg needs this hotel and needs it desperately!!!! 

The things I heard…..oh wow the things I heard… councillor said that she didn’t like the changes she’s seeing in town (WOW, just wow!)…..questions about parking……Mrs Peddie mentioned that the patrons would park and walk. The silence that fell over the room was pretty funny. I don’t get what people in Amherstburg have against walking. It’s really good for you. My family and I travel every year and we love to park and walk and explore a town or city. In fact, we’re quite used to it. We’ve stayed at many places that had off-site parking and had no problem with that. I bet that the tourists coming to stay in Amherstburg will not have a problem walking an Amherstburg block or two or even three or four! Anyway…..there were questions about the restaurant and how it would run, questions about the height of the building (even though in reality, the Peddie’s could build a building that is higher than what they are proposing I believe….)….one councillor started far too many sentences with “I don’t quite comprehend….”, fill in the blank. This is a planning item. If a member of council does not comprehend the planning act, then they ought to avail themselves for some training STAT. Asking questions during a public meeting, about issues that YOU were elected for and are being paid to make, is a huge red flag that you seem not to know what you are doing! Get that training request in ASAP. I believe council has money in the budget for training. Use it. And use it fast and LEARN. 

The planning meeting was simply to receive comments from the public so that administration can compile all of the comments and provide a report to council. While the Clerk read the numerous emails into the record (most seemed to be in support of the new hotel), the body language of certain members of council was very telling. So were the comments. When the gallery was opened for the residents to speak, most seemed to be from the Salmoni building (or have a relationship with somebody from the Salmoni building) and were opposing the hotel. Various issues, parking, views etc etc were used. (Did you listen to me? Are you still reading? Stop reading.). Some residents spoke disrespectfully to staff and even to the Peddie’s. Mayor Prue put a stop (somewhat) to most of it, but I think ought to have been more firm. Allowing town staff to be referred to as “Mr Planner” by residents that repeatedly said that they did not understand planning, was frankly, ridiculous and disrespectful. There was some grasping at straws when “concerns” about the construction phase were mentioned. (Has nobody ever had some construction around their home and been inconvenienced for a few weeks? Ever? This is somehow a huge issue that there will be construction equipment around for a few weeks? I was completely floored…..) 

At one point, one member of council claimed that council did not receive documentation that was sent in from a planner representing the Salmoni residents. The Clerk said that it was sent via the town’s shared document system to all of council. The member of council disputed this. Another member of council said that he had seen the documentation in the system.  It seems that some members of council only check their email and not the town’s document system? I don’t know….

One thing that really made me laugh…..when a resident was speaking…..he went past the 5 minute time limit. Mayor Prue asked him to wrap it up. Councillor Courtney made a motion to extend the resident’s time. There was no seconder and no vote! LOL! The man was allowed to continue on based on a motion that was not seconded or voted on….(Perhaps for those that didn’t watch the show, this gives you a picture into the chaos of the meeting? BTW, if you are still reading, stop reading!)

Another thing that I didn’t write down but I probably will never forget… one resident made her feelings known about high end boutique hotels…..she made a comment that she prefers “low end Amherstburg”. Seriously! (oh my……why can’t Amherstburg have nice things and provide nice things? I like nice things, I’m guessing others like nice things? If people prefer low end things, they can do so as well…..but “low end Amherstburg”…..all I could picture was people with banjos around a bonfire…..maybe that’s what some people want for Amherstburg? Not me, no thank you…..we don’t want people coming to Amherstburg to spend their money? Really? I have no words…..)

Anyway, there was a motion to receive the comments and prepare a report made around 7:20. The end was in sight. The Mayor requested a motion for a recess (although he should have requested a motion to adjourn) and there was a 10 minute recess. This motion was made, seconded and voted on at least. 

Anyway, it looks like Mayor Prue has some work to do. He has spoken about wanting to build consensus on council……Not sure how he’s going to do that when some members of council don’t even “comprehend” the planning act……Oughta be interesting when this comes back to council in May sometime….I’ll probably watch from home again. 

Are you still reading? Are you upset by my perspective and opinion? If the answer is yes, then you didn’t listen and you’re still reading. Stop reading. 

So finally, council came back on line. Only to make a motion to adjourn the planning meeting. I had to wait a few minutes for them to come back online to start the regular meeting. It started around 7:39 PM. 

Essex Power Corporation Presentation – Joe Barile, Vice President of Regulatory and Corporate Affairs, Essex Power Corporation

Mr Barile made his annual presentation to town council on behalf of Essex Power. He congratulated the newly elected members of council and explained that he comes annually to present to council and to listen to their feedback. He started with a little bit about who Essex Power is and explained their flow chart. He said that Amherstburg is one of four municipal shareholders. He spoke about the hydro rates and explained that they are heavily regulated by the provincial government. I believe he said that 80% of the rates that we pay are controlled by the province and are passed through to them. That leaves 20% for Essex Power. Mr Barile explained that they are trying to deliver more reliability with a self-healing grid. It seems that Essex Power is also looking into Economic Development opportunities and will be sending aggregate power from Leamington up the 401 and off to other areas. 

Councillor Crain inquired about how Amherstburg is serviced by Essex Power and Hydro One and how when there is a loss of hydro, it can be difficult with two providers. Mr Barile said that they take great pride in being locally owned and suggested that council ask Hydro One to come and make a similar presentation. 

There were a few more questions and then the presentation was received. 

Final Tax Rating By-Law 2023-040

This is what I wrote in my pre-meeting blog : “Well it looks like the County tax rate is set, as well as the Education tax rate. Amherstburg had approved our tax rate last month. So, it’s all in, just time for council to finalize it all. I don’t foresee much discussion here. It’s all over and done. Just have to approve the final bylaw.“

Well, I was right. There was no discussion and this passed unanimously. 

But….if you recall, when it came time to approve the budget a month ago, Councillor Pouget had a laundry list of why she was voting against the budget and she did. Yet, she voted to approve the final tax rating by-law, which is essentially the same thing, approving the budget. Seems odd, such a big show of disapproval for the budget, yet quickly passed through the final tax rating? Seems inconsistent to me….. 🤷

Revision to Recreation Rental Rates for Minor Sports Organizations

If you recall, there was a lengthy debate a few months ago about reducing the user rates during non-peak times and increasing the rates during peak-times, to try to increase use of our facilities during non-peak times. It’s been a while, but I think that was the gist of it….

This part of the meeting went into double overtime. Councillor Courtney spoke in circles at length to the point that even Mayor Prue made a comment to just say something, throw a number out there and to think about a motion…..

I had a hard time following, as well, again, all the talking in circles….Councillor Courtney kept talking about comparing rates and seemed to be pushing administration to recommend a number. And, if I understand the big picture…..council approved the budget but now seems to want to change the hourly rates for ice rental, which will now, after the fact, affect the budget? The Treasurer was working out numbers and numbers were being tossed around. I know that I was having a hard time following, but I wasn’t alone…..seems most of council was having a hard time following along too. Mayor Prue suggested that rather than make a decision on the fly, that council should request a report for April 17th when they are back for another meeting. So Councillor Courtney made the motion (as suggested by the chair of the meeting….hmmmm….) and Councillor Pouget seconded it. Administration said that AMHA needed a confirmed rate to open their registration. There were more numbers flying around between the Treasurer and Councillor Courtney. Then Councillor Courtney withdrew his motion and Mayor Prue told him to make a new one. 

Councillor Courtney made a motion to keep the rates the same as 2022 and to waive the office space rental fees for both main user groups (AMHA and Skate Amherstburg). Councillor Pouget seconded it. 

The Clerk talked about changing some wording in the motion since what was in front of council was the user fee bylaw. Deputy Mayor Gibb wondered if by lowering the fees that there would be pushback from other user groups asking for lower fees. Administration seemed to feel that yes, there would be pushback. 

Finally, the motions were on the floor and about to be voted on. Councillor Allaire was told by Mayor Prue how to make a motion to divide the items so that they could be voted on separately. Councillor Crain started asking questions. Councillor Courtney circled back in and was once again, all over the place. 

Finally, the part about having the hourly fees returned to the 2022 rates was carried. I watched the vote and all 5 members of council voted in favour. (Councillor McArthur had declared a conflict on this item therefore did not participate or vote.) 

Then Councillor Courtney withdrew the second part of his motion about waiving the office space rental fee. I’m not even sure what the new motion even was… went to a vote and four voted in favour in regards to the office space rental fees. Deputy Mayor Gibb did not raise his hand and Mayor Prue didn’t ask about anyone being opposed. I don’t know. I could barely follow along. And if you’ve managed to make any sense of all of this, good for you! And thanks for holding on and powering through this roller coaster ride. (Makes me think of Boblo…..this was like a ride on the Screamer, twists, turns and upside down…..but it felt more like a Nightmare! Haha! Sorry. Those of you that worked on Boblo will get it. LOL I’ve had Boblo on my mind lately. Those of you that know me, know why 😀  ) 

Mulberry Court Subdivision Street Name Request

There is a street for a subdivision just off of Simcoe Street that needs a name. The developers are proposing Mulberry Court and administration is recommending the name. 

A motion was made immediately by Councillor Courtney to approve the street name as recommended. Councillor Allaire seconded the motion. 

Mayor Prue immediately passed the gavel to express that he did not agree. He felt that Amherstburg has a policy for street naming and needs to follow it. He felt that street names should be sent to the Heritage Committee and that the developers should follow the process for naming streets. He said that he did not support the motion. He then took the gavel back. (So much for running an impartial meeting I guess…..I am of the understanding that the willy-nilly gavel passing doesn’t follow proper procedure…..I believe the gavel isn’t supposed to go back until the item is dispensed of and voted on….? Also I was of the understanding that the chair is supposed to run an impartial meeting… expressing opinions on all matters and passing the gavel around every 5 minutes, well, it doesn’t seem to add up….?)

Councillor Pouget thought that the street names were supposed to go to the Heritage Committee. Administration said that there is no mention of the Heritage Committee in the policy and that they are following the policy. They also noted that the street does not have a heritage impact. 

Councillor Crain felt it was a good idea to amend the policy (and would do so later in the meeting) to include the Heritage Committee. 

Councillor Courtney felt that from a planning perspective the street name was fair for the developer. (Kind of funny that a street name, he could see from a planning perspective, but a hotel not so much…..) He felt that the name made sense and would stick with the recommendation. 

The motion carried 5-1. (Councillor Pouget was opposed, I watched, it wasn’t recorded. Maybe she had another street name in mind? Who knows.

The rest of the items on the agenda flew through with either no discussion or very little at least. Even an item about Boblo Island carried with no discussion! That may have been the first time I have ever seen that happen! LOL


Councillor Crain made a motion to adjust the street-naming policy so that names would go to the Heritage Committee first for comment and then to council. This carried. 

Councillor Pouget made a motion to invite Hydro One to come and make a presentation to council. This carried. 

Councillor Allaire asked about notifying all units in a condo building about planning matters instead of only the condo corporation. Mayor Prue said that planning matters and notifications are provincial legislation. CAO Critchley said that she would caution council about notifying individual parties since the resident of the condo is not necessarily the owner of the condo, for example, they can be rented to others. She also felt that this was not a level of notice that the province sees as being required and that the town needs to follow the Planning Act (which is provincially legislated). Councillor Courtney felt that administration could start looking at the tax rolls for each condo unit and send out notices based on that. The CAO again noted that they need to follow the Planning Act and not go above and beyond the provincial legislation. 

Then council went in-camera to discuss : 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reasons: 

Item A – Negotiation of Service Agreement 

Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; 

Section 239(2)(k) – A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 

Mayor Prue said that it would be a short meeting and that there would be a report out. So, I left my computer on and went about a few things around the house. 

Around 9:40, I heard voices coming from my computer, so I went back to my computer and tuned in. 

There was a motion made about extending an agreement with Pelee where Amherstburg provides help regarding drainage issues. 

Recorded vote : Opposed Councillor Pouget

Support : everybody else. 

There was another motion made about entering into a similar agreement with Pelee for bylaw services. 

Recorded vote : Opposed : Councillors Pouget and Courtney

In favour : the other five

And the meeting adjourned at 9:42 PM. 

What a night! If you read through to the end and your blood pressure is still in check, thank you! If you read through to the end and it’s not, then you didn’t listen.

And that’s it folks! Another summary in the books. This week is supposed to be beautiful! I hope everybody can get out there and enjoy it! Maybe go for a little walk? Even if it’s just a block or two from your parking spot downtown! 😀


In preparation for Tuesday April 11th Regular town council meeting

Council will be meeting on Tuesday night this week. There is a planning meeting scheduled for 4:30 PM. I generally don’t cover them, since, well, they’re kind of dull. And, really, they’re simply for people to speak and then administration prepares a report to receive and summarize the comments. So, it’s a lot of talking and no decisions until a later meeting. 

The regular meeting is set to begin at 6:00. The agenda is a mere 246 pages but that doesn’t mean a thing! LOL Although the “big” Boblo item from the last meeting doesn’t seem to be on the agenda… maybe, just maybe, the meeting will wrap up in a timely manner…..

Here are the highlights : 

Essex Power Corporation Presentation – Joe Barile, Vice President of Regulatory and Corporate Affairs, Essex Power Corporation

Each year, Essex Powerlines presents their annual report to town council. I’ve sat through quite a few of these now….This will likely be similar…..percentages about rate increases, percentages about power outages and such for 2023 but this year I noticed a slide about Electric Vehicle Chargers. I’ll take a listen, as always, and see what they have to say. 

Final Tax Rating By-Law 2023-040

Well it looks like the County tax rate is set, as well as the Education tax rate. Amherstburg had approved our tax rate last month. So, it’s all in, just time for council to finalize it all. I don’t foresee much discussion here. It’s all over and done. Just have to approve the final bylaw. 

Revision to Recreation Rental Rates for Minor Sports Organizations

If you recall, there was a lengthy debate a few months ago about reducing the user rates during non-peak times and increasing the rates during peak-times, to try to increase use of our facilities during non-peak times. It’s been a while, but I think that was the gist of it….

Here are the recommendations for Tuesday night : 

It is recommended that:

1. In accordance with the staff recommendation in the report of April 11, 2023, Council DIRECT Administration to proceed with the revision of the User Fee Schedule for 2023, with the rates indicated below prior to the opening 2023/24 season for local minor sports associations: 

a. The Prime Time ice rental rates for local minor sports associations be reduced from $205.00/hour to $201.96/hour (a 2% increase over 2022). 

b. The Non-Prime Time ice rental rates for local minor sports associations be reduced from $180.00/hour to $110.00/hour. 

c. The $8 surcharge for all minor sports organizations for 2023 be reduced back to $7/hour. 

d. The dedicated office space fee be reduced to $5.60/square foot rather than $12.00/square foot; and, 

2. By-law 2023-057, being a By-law to establish User Fees or Charges for Services, Activities or the Use of Property be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

Mulberry Court Subdivision Street Name Request

There is a street for a subdivision just off of Simcoe Street that needs a name. The developers are proposing Mulberry Court and administration is recommending the name. 

I, for one, am very, VERY happy to see that the street will not be named after a person. I have blogged about this in the past…..I do not think we should be naming streets or other things around town after people. (The sole exception being our local war veterans.) 

So, we shall see what council says…..

Suitability for Development on a Private Septic System on Front Rd N, County Road 20 and Concession 2 N

There is a lot seeking development that would need approval for a septic tank system. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The development of one lot on Front Road North (severed from 2113 Front Rd N), one lot on County Road 20 (severed off a farm parcel on the west side of Concession 6 S) and one lot on Concession 2 N (severed from 580 Middle Sideroad) on a private septic system, BE APPROVED.

Zoning By-law Amendment for Part of 551 McLeod Ave

It seems that the above property has had its mandatory public meeting for feedback. (Planning meeting, as above). The report is in, the questions / concerns are answered and summarized. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. By-law 2023-037 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 1999-52, to amend the zoning for the subject lands which are part of 551 McLeod Avenue, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same. 

Zoning By-law Amendment for Lands on the West Side of Crystal Bay Drive

So, this item is NOT the same item as per the last meeting. Two weeks ago, council had a lengthy (and unnecessary) debate about removing the H symbol on the property on the south end of Boblo Island. From my notes, the amended plan of subdivision was supposed to be coming before council on April 11th, but I do not see it anywhere on the agenda. Who knows? I see it as a gift LOL! The meeting may have lasted until 1:00 AM, if it were on the agenda….

Anyway, this is a smaller item, involving what looks to be a lot or two. It seems that the property in question is zoned Recreation, dating back to when Mr Oram owned the island. (That was quite some years ago…..) Anyway, it is being recommended to change the zoning, it seems to line it up with the rest of the zoning on the island. 

It is recommended that:

1. By-law 2023-036 being a by-law to amend Zoning By-law No. 1999-52, to amend the zoning for the subject lands known as the west side of Crystal Bay Drive be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; 

2. The execution of a Consent Agreement with Terry Ernie Hermiston and Michelle Margaret Rennie and Boblo Developments Inc. associated with Zoning By-law Amendment File No. ZBA/04/23 inclusive BE APPROVED; and, 

3. By-law 2023-052 being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Consent Agreement be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.


Council has the following three items before them in consent correspondence : 

  • 2023 Business Excellence Awards Sponsorship – Amherstburg Chamber of Commerce
  • Canadian History EHX Sponsorship Request
  • Letter re. Enbridge Motion – Association of Ontario Road Supervisors (AORS) 

Council can simply receive the items or choose to support any of them and take action if they wish. 


Council can inquire about any unfinished business items. 


Members of council can bring up any random item under New Business. It can range from the minor and mundane to a mountain or a mole hill. Who knows. It’s like playing roulette. Either way, it’s the wild card of the night. 

At the end of the meeting, council will go in-camera to discuss : 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reasons: 

Item A – Negotiation of Service Agreement 

Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; 

Section 239(2)(k) – A position, plan, procedure, criteria or instruction to be applied to any negotiations carried on or to be carried on by or on behalf of the municipality or local board. 

And that’s it, that’s all. Tuesday night may not be too bad. No major issues on the agenda that I can see… it possible that we’ll get an efficient and productive meeting Tuesday night? A girl can dream I guess LOL

With that, I am going to enjoy a long holiday weekend with my family! Have a great weekend Amherstburg! I’ll be back some time later next week with the post-meeting SUMMARY! 🙂