Monday January 25th Regular town council meeting

Well they say that the worst decision is indecision. It seems this council has this down to a T. I’ve also heard that greatness is never achieved through indecision. Well, I guess we don’t have to worry that we will achieve greatness either……ugh! If you’re ready to read about a whole lot of back and forth and indecision, grab a seat, you’ll be here for a while. LOL I’ll try to summarize it all as briefly as I can. Last night, my hand actually hurt from all of the note taking. And just a head’s up…..the show, I mean the meeting, didn’t finish up until 9:09 PM. Although I doubt that is a surprise to anyone. 


Libro Centre Expansion Master Plan – Peter McIntyre, Amherstburg Indoor Sports Association

Mr McIntyre addressed council via Zoom for the virtual meeting. He said he was speaking about a potential building expansion at the Libro Centre. The Amherstburg Indoor Sports Association was formed in late 2020 and is in the process of incorporating. He was supporting the building of an Annex that would be attached to the Libro Centre building. The Annex would be able to accomodate 5 indoor sports and would provide efficiencies since it would be attached to the Libro. I believe he said that the multi-use facility would be used for volleyball, basketball, pickleball, badminton and tennis. It would be used by the residents of Amherstburg but would also be used as a vehicle for sports tourism. He explained that there would be user fees and advertising space and that the facility would pay for itself and would not involve taxpayer money. Mr McIntyre explained that the group had had a CPA review their business plan to ensure that it was a solid one. He also said that the facility would be accessible and self sustaining. He thanked the CAO, Mr Miceli and The Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture, Mr Phill Roberts. (Just some foreshadowing these two would take on big supporting actor roles throughout the evening as they would explain and re explain so many things to the main actors.) Anyway, Mr McIntyre said that once the incorporation was finalized and the business plan was complete, they were looking forward to presenting it to town administration. 

Councillor Prue wondered about the cost to build the facility. Mr McIntyre explained that their group would cover the principal and interest and they would be asking the town to arrange the financing. Deputy Mayor Meloche felt that the overall concept was a good one and he was happy that they had sought financial expertise to help them. Councillor Renaud agreed with the Deputy Mayor and wanted to understand the town’s obligations in the matter. Councillor McArthur felt it was a great plan and felt it sounded almost too good to be true. He wondered when the business plan would be ready. 

Mr Roberts explained that the plan would come before council. It would have to be vetted to the public, but since the Libro Centre Expansion Master Plan was on tonight’s agenda, they needed to reserve space in the plan to ensure a reasonable location. Mr Roberts explained that a lot of work would have to be done, that the group had already done a lot of work but they all needed to ensure it would be in the right spot on the Libro property.

CAO Miceli explained that this was the beginnings of a public/private partnership, that it was a group with a desire to build the Annex. He said that administration would continue to work with the group. The CAO said that the town would analyse the business plan with the three CPA’s that we have on staff and that there is experience on staff with building recreation facilities to review all of the documentation. 

Councillor Simone wondered if the building would be able to host tournaments. The CAO explained that presently we do not have a facility like this but that yes it would be able to host tournaments. 

Councillor Courtney felt that the town has a joint use agreement with the School Board for use of the gym and wondered if the town were doubling up. (Sigh……this was just the beginning of a lot of questions that seemed somewhat out of nowhere.) The CAO explained that yes there is an agreement with the board but that the availability does not align to all user times. Translation, the gym at a school is not available all day and many evenings…… The CAO explained again that this was simply a preliminary plan and that they’re waiting for the full proposal and business plan. Council just needed to be appraised of the idea due to the Libro Center Expansion Master Plan that was on the agenda that night. (More on that fiasco later.)

Finally, a motion was made and the delegation was received. (I am looking forward to hearing more about this initiative as things come together for this group. It sounds like a fantastic idea for our town!)

Due to technical difficulties (I’m guessing) the next delegation didn’t happen right away, so the meeting moved on….

Libro Centre Expansion Master Plan

This plan was on the agenda last night for council to adopt it as a planning document for future development of the park property at the Libro Centre. It was a plan for the entire property that surrounds the arena but did not include the arena complex. 

The plan is truly beautiful!!! The massive amount of acreage was planned out in order to properly place items as budget money becomes available. Bear in mind, nothing in the document was written in stone, simply a guiding document to help plan the future development of the property. Hold on to your hats folks! Council’s weakness at decision making shone far and bright last night!

Councillor Prue asked right away if the plan had to be adopted tonight. He wondered if it could wait and wondered why it had to be done that night. (As soon as I heard those words I knew we were doomed……and we were…..I just don’t get it……council was elected to make the decisions……yet their go-to move is to delay things and in some of the most creative ways I have seen…..) Mr Roberts said that there wasn’t a rush but that the plan had been vetted with the public and all of the committees of council. He said there would be an upcoming open house about the skate park and a decision about its location would be made at a later date. He just felt it would be prudent to have a plan in place for the large amount of property at the Libro Centre. 

Councillor Prue then began to list item numbers from various recommendations about the property……he wondered why BMW dirt bikes would be placed near an environmental area where the walking trails would be. He felt he was ready to receive the report but that he had lots of questions……

CAO Miceli explained that it would be adopted as a planning document. He explained that nothing was set in stone and that each decision regarding the property would come to council. He felt that this was a guiding document, another layer of planning to move forward. He told council that they could change it at any time but he did suggest public consultation if they were to make changes. (Since the plan has already gone through vigorous public consultation.)

Councillor Prue then said that there is community angst about Centennial park and possible development and that he had so many questions. (For the record, this community member does not have any angst about Centennial Park… you? ) He wondered if each item would be addressed or if everything was looked at as one package.

CAO Miceli explained that the trail and the baseball diamond had already been identified. All of the user groups had been consulted. He explained that administration was simply trying to follow through with the direction received from council. Some of the items are on course to be installed at the Libro (the ball diamond and the trail) and administration is working on the 2021 work plan. 

Councillor Prue felt that these projects shouldn’t stop but felt that council has to answer to the public and he wondered what was happening with other parks. (Huge eye roll right here!!!! The plan is about the Libro property!!!! And it’s a beautiful plan at that!!! Why was this being dragged down????)

Mr Roberts felt that the CAO had hit the nail on the head. He said that the money had been budgeted to build the ball diamond, so with this plan, administration knows where to build it. He reiterated that this was a planning document and by having amenities in one area, it creates economies of scale. 

Then, Mr Steve Langlois from Monteith Brown Planning spoke. His firm had developed the plan. He echoed what the CAO and Director of Parks, Recreation and Culture had to say. He said the translation was that this was a dynamic exercise for planning. He mentioned the skate park had allowed for proper spacing and they were able to allocate for the space in the plans, even though it’s location has not been officially decided. He said that council will make decisions going forward not just this year but for years to come and the plan would help council to make wise decisions. (I guess that’s assuming that council will actually make a decision!!!)

Deputy Mayor Meloche agreed that it was a plan and some things need to be set as soon as possible, while other items can wait. 

Councillor Courtney spoke and said that Councillor Prue had alluded to many emails and phone calls regarding Centennial Park. He felt that there wasn’t any clarity regarding the amenities. He felt that the diagram was very grand but that public consultation was only for one day at two different times and only 107 people came. He felt he had concerns with the size and scale of the plan. He wondered if the desired outcome was for sports tourism or to provide amenities to the residents. (We can’t have both????)

Mr Langlois then explained that several amenities are there to replace those that were lost. He said that this was not a “Build it and they will come” idea, it was created for the residents and the future growth of the town. He explained that there is more and more demand for trails and playgrounds with fitness areas. He also said the plan wouldn’t happen overnight, it would be phased in gradually as funds were available. (Clearly!!!! This was a beautiful plan and vision and will not only take a lot of money, but time too!! I thought that was obvious, but I guess not.)

Mr Roberts then spoke again. He felt that there had been an inference that public consultation wasn’t robust. (Remember Councillor Courtney felt that only 107 people went to a consultation meeting that was only held for one day at two different times?…..yes, that…..) Mr Roberts explained that there was a lot of public consultation. He congratulated Mr Rick Daly for getting 107 people to show up in person to discuss the plan as well as ongoing discussions on Talk the Burg. He also explained that Mr Daly met with every stakeholder group. He wasn’t sure if there was an inference that more public consultation was needed, but that was as much as he’d ever seen during his career. He offered there could be more if council really wanted more consultation arranged. 

Councillor Courtney seemed somewhat off put by this and didn’t like the way Mr Roberts was inferring what he was inferring. (To hear the sentence live was something……take a look for it on the video if you’re interested.) He felt that he doesn’t delve into administration’s duties yet then talked about how he was born and raised here in Amherstburg and played most of the sports that are offered in town. (Sooooo……was he inferring because he was born and raised here and played sports that he knows more than Mr Roberts or those who shared their opinions about the Libro plan????? Does it matter where you were born to be able to have an opinion about the Libro??? Does it matter if you play most of the sports or only one or none?……) He then questioned the AMA Tennis and Badminton Association since he hadn’t heard of it and felt he is very involved in the town’s athletics. It seems the AMA Tennis and Badminton Association is run by one person and Councillor Courtney felt that her one opinion was asked as a stakeholder and then administration went with it.  Councillor Courtney felt that stakeholders were asked for their wish list and would just nod and agree that the concept was beautiful. He felt they wouldn’t take into account the size and scale of the project, like council would. He seemed to feel that council should have been offered more than one possible plan. Councillor Courtney felt that the town needs a clear direction of which way to go and seems to think the town is suffering from an identity crisis. (I beg to differ……personally, I think that some people just have a really hard time accepting a direction other than the one that they want…….so even though there was tons of consultation and many people and user groups weighed in with what they’d like to see…..why is this concept a problem???? Why is the public consultation being questioned? The public spoke…) Councillor Courtney felt that there hadn’t been a cost analysis yet. He seemed to be reluctant to make a decision about this plan. Very reluctant. Frankly, Councillor Courtney spoke and spoke and spoke……if you want to hear it all, please consult the video. And THEN Councillor Courtney said that he WAS inferring that 107 people are not a lot of people for consultation. (LOL! So I guess he was inferring after all…..he got upset about it earlier, yet here we were……consult the video…..on a side note… someone who has gone to some public consultation meetings, just as a member of the public…..107 people is a darn good turn out! Was it just not the 107 people that Councillor Courtney was hoping would show up? People are busy and usually don’t break down the doors for public consultation about much…..I went to the one about the Duffy’s property and I don’t even know if they got 100 people all day for that? But I digress……) Then Councillor Courtney wondered if this were the plan that they would want to endorse. He felt he was trying to do his part to come in efficiently for the meeting. (Um……he had been talking far too long for any semblance of efficiency, in my opinion…….)

OK, I’m changing paragraphs, but Councillor Courtney was still talking and talking and talking (if you have an hour or two, go take a listen)…..he felt that a decision hadn’t been made about the pool yet or the skateboard park and other items. Councillor Courtney was hesitant to move this forward.  He said he wasn’t sure that some amenities should be situated at the Libro. (Seems he forgot that this was simply a plan and nothing was written in stone……that nothing was being finalized at all…..but I digress….) And then, he spoke about “hometown pride”. He spoke of the history of H. Murray Smith park, the McCurdy track and the big hill, that these things mean a lot to a lot of people, for name recognition and that we need to protect our history. (This is a delicate walk right here……items are named after great former members of our community and I know it’s been mentioned that those names can continue on, but perhaps commemorated on something else…..things change, the town has evolved…..I grew up right near Centennial Park…..I could see the hill from my backyard… the 70s and 80s it was a very busy park – you’re going to know how old I am now lol – but I think there’s a big difference between protecting our history and staying stuck in it……it’s not the 70s or the 80s anymore… are different than they were at my age and yes, I have three….I know how they’re growing up compared to how I did… much as I have wonderful memories of Centennial Park and that area, they don’t…….are we just trying to desperately hang on to memories of times gone by and in turn closing the door on change or progress? )

And then, it was Mr Daly’s turn to speak to try to clarify. He said that initially this was a spatial exercise for the Libro footprint to see where amenities could fit. (This includes some lost amenities and some possible new ones.)  He reiterated again that it was not saying that things have to go in a certain spot, but that they can actually fit in certain areas. He then spoke of the stakeholders and the way that tournaments are offered to associations. 

Councillor Courtney then wondered about the infrastructure to host tournaments, that we would need 2 or 3 hotels and that he doesn’t want Amherstburg competing with Windsor. He listed off space that the city has available for sporting events. (Unbelievable. It seems he wants the tourist money just to be spent in Windsor! What about us! Complete lack of vision……lack of vision of the great town that we are and the even greater town we could be……) Councillor Courtney then spoke about fiduciary responsibility and if we really need 4 tennis courts there. In my opinion, it seemed he was taking a beautiful image of what eventually could come to be and trying to find ways to nickel and dime it into something smaller and less grand…..what a shame. Isn’t Amherstburg worthy of great things? 

Mr Langlois, from the consulting company, then spoke again. He agreed that there were a lot of balls in the air but that this drawing was just a concept. He said it is a defendable need and is validated through the Parks Master Plan. He reiterated that this plan is a general fit for the future. 

(In my notes, I had to stop writing for a bit… hand was seriously hurting…..I had been writing fast and furious for over an hour…..)

Councillor McArthur then spoke. He felt that Councillor Courtney had mentioned a lot. (um, ya think?) Councillor McArthur felt that for starters we should be going after sports tourism. (Thank you!!!! Finally a voice of reason!) He felt that the blueprint provides it all, it would allow for tournaments and that all that is missing is the hotel across the street, although the downtown hotel is in the works. He acknowledged that the plan was not carved in stone but was just a starting point and that everything would still need to come to council. He felt that there was value in passing the plan tonight. (My heart skipped a beat…..I hoped that maybe, just maybe, tonight would become a productive meeting after all…..and maybe, just maybe there was some hope that we could be a progressive town…at least one person seemed to be heading in the right direction!..…) Councillor McArthur felt that the plan should be used for starting discussion and he didn’t think that everything could just be plopped onto the 12 acres. He felt that he wanted the highest and best use of the land and to look at how it’s used today. He acknowledged that the landscape of the town has changed. There will be the new high school at Centennial Park, the Community Hub and a Long Term Care Home is eventually coming. He felt that things have to compliment each other. He acknowledged that the location for the skatepark will need to be discussed and debated. Then a lengthy discussion of what defines urban Amherstburg ensued. 

The discussion dragged on and on and on……the pool…..what type?  Funding? Kayak launch? BMX bikes and their effects on the environment? Near natural areas? Best location? A bike trail? A walking trail? An area reserved for a future fire hall? (It was now 7:25 PM in my notes).

Mr Roberts explained that the skateboard park can’t just be plunked in a park, that the entire park needs to be looked at, the skateboard park can’t just exist in isolation. It would be important to look at what the park would look like overall. 

The discussion turned back to the remaining acres at Centennial. I still haven’t managed to put my finger on why those remaining acres are such a big deal? And to how many people? 

CAO Miceli explained to council that the Parks Master Plan was adopted by council after public consultation. Monday’s meeting was about space allocation for the 300 acres at the Libro Centre. He felt that administration had brought council the most appropriate use of space. There is money budgeted by council in 2021 for a baseball diamond. He went on to explain that many parks are becoming passive. Many people are now using walking trails and have changed to unprogrammed use. He felt that Centennial Park and the Libro were irrespective of each other and that Centennial would also need it’s own plan with public consultation. 

And I am now officially so darn tired of typing about this…..The Mayor brought up concerns that the funding for the trail and the ball diamond are in place and he wondered if the plan weren’t passed at the meeting, if those two items would have to come before council again. Effectively, yes, they would……so long story short, Councillor Prue made a motion to approve the existing area for the ball diamond and the trail and leave the balance of the plan for later for council to feel more comfortable about it. Councillor McArthur seconded it. (What????? I have no idea what happened there – he had been the only one that spoke logically about approving the plan.) And then the motion passed. 

So, council debated this for an excessive amount of time to make no decision at all. There is no plan, no vision for the Libro Centre. What a disappointment. How do we get anywhere without a plan? Does council lack vision? Do they want us to remain stagnant? I just don’t know. 

It was now 7:58.

Cat Spay and Neuter Voucher Program – Lynn Sinasac, Amherstburg Cat Support Crew

Ms Sinasac was back in the meeting and then presented her delegation. Her organisation traps feral cats, gets them neutered and then releases them back to their colony. The organisation gets vouchers from the town to get the cats fixed. Part of the voucher is that the cat gets fixed but also gets ear tipped. The ear is tipped so that if the cat is caught again, anybody will know it’s already been neutered. It’s a pretty efficient process and helps keep the feral cats in check. 

Ms Sinasac said that this past year they have caught several kittens and in that case, the group adopts them out. However, if they’re ear tipped, it makes it more difficult to find them families. She was requesting to be able to get some vouchers without the ear tipping requirement. 

Ms Rubli, Manager of Licensing explained that the purpose of the program was to manage and fix feral cats. She felt that changing the vouchers to not require ear tipping would mean that the town would be subsidizing a program for people to adopt cats. 

Ms Sinasac said that if the cats are found young enough it is possible to tame them so that they’re not feral and then they’re adoptable. She wanted the ability not to have to ear tip only those cats when they’re brought in to be spayed or neutered with the voucher. 

Councillor McArthur felt that the system is broken since we’re relying on people to catch the cats and get them fixed. He felt that there was value if the town could help. 

Ms Rubli wondered if the group was taking on adoption contracts, like the Humane Society. She also wondered what was happening to the cats if they weren’t adopted. 

I have sat through way too many meetings over the last six years about cats LOL. For the record, I am a cat lover. I have two that I adopted from the Humane Society about 10 years ago. Ironically, during this discussion, one of my cats jumped on my lap to lay down and rub her face on my notebook. That made it a bit hard to take notes LOL. 

There was a lot of back and forth about this issue. Ultimately, council made a motion that 20 vouchers would be available without ear tipping. While I support the Trap, neuter and release program, I’m not sure why council decided to support an adoption program. I don’t understand why the kittens wouldn’t be brought to the Humane Society? 

New Business

At this point of the meeting, members of council can bring up any new business items that could concern the town. I feel it may be time to give this section of the meeting a new title. Here goes :

Showboating 101  or

I got a phone call or an email so I’m going to bring it up at the meeting tonight instead of following up on it in a more appropriate manner, however, I will only bring up certain phone calls or certain emails, not all of them

I find it mind boggling when members of council do this. 

So, we heard about an email regarding a possible 3 way stop wanted somewhere on Fryer Street…..then a question about a new Director position that would have oversight on Fire Services…..

That got kind of interesting. The CAO explained that the job posting was a result of the Service Delivery Review (any of my blog followers know how important that document is). The CAO said that in the future, future fire chiefs would report to a Director. Councillor Courtney felt that a Director wouldn’t know more than a chief and wondered if other municipalities have such a structure. Councillor Courtney felt that he doesn’t treat the Service Delivery Review as God and that the study wasn’t a full scale review in his opinion. He felt that council shouldn’t act on all of the information that was in it. He hoped that administration wasn’t using the document as a guiding document, since he feels it was incomplete. (I’m not sure what qualifications Councillor Courtney has in doing studies, providing analysis and reviews to municipalities, but I guess he feels better qualified than the organization that provided the study?)

The CAO offered to prepare a report about the Service Delivery Review recommendations if council so desired. He then went on to tell Councillor Courtney that the Fire Chief where Councillor Courtney works does not report directly to the CAO. Leamington and Kingsville also have the same structure. This then led into a discussion about the Service Delivery Review…..

Then, there was discussion about a phone call that one councillor received about traffic near the new greenhouse on the Third Concessions……and then discussion about a phone call and an email about the tree bylaw and a house in the Sandwich St and Lowes Side Road area…..I stopped taking notes…..I was very tired of hearing “I got a phone call” or “I got an email”……what is the criteria that some emails or phone calls are brought up at council meetings yet others aren’t? Is a public council meeting really the forum for such things? Or is it just being used as a stage for the big show? 

And finally, at 9:09 PM, the meeting was adjourned! No in-camera meeting this week! But boy, this council is becoming experts in how to run in circles and not get much accomplished…..I wonder what their platforms will be when they seek re-election? 

In preparation for Monday January 25th Regular town council meeting

Well time to get ready for another council meeting. The agenda is 344 pages and doesn’t look too heavy. So we shall see if the meeting can be wrapped up in a reasonable amount of time……


Libro Centre Expansion Master Plan – Peter McIntyre, Amherstburg Indoor Sports Association

This is the only information available about this delegation, so I will have to listen closely to see specifically what they are supporting.

“Proposed Building of the Annex@Libro for year round indoor play for Five Sports, covering youth to
We will address the following:
Financial self-sustainability of the proposed project
Update on the Advertising sales campaign
Collection of pre-paid user fees”

Cat Spay and Neuter Voucher Program – Lynn Sinasac, Amherstburg Cat Support Crew

It seems that the Amhersturg Cat Support Crew has been trapping and releasing feral cats for some time. Part of the process is that the feral cats are spayed/neutered then ear tipped before release. It appears that Ms Sinasac is asking for some of the voucher to be for only spay and neuter and not require the ear tip procedure. Sometimes they find kittens that can be tamed and therefore adoptable and if they are ear tipped it makes the process to adopt them out more difficult. It looks like Ms Sinasac is requesting that council remove the condition of ear tipping from some of the vouchers that the town provides. From what I can gather from the delegation form, the process would continue as usual for feral cats but no ear tipping requirement for tamable kittens or tame older cats that are sometimes found.

Policy Amendment – Mandatory Face Covering During a Pandemic

It appears that there are some amendments for the face covering bylaw that council approved during the pandemic.

Libro Centre Expansion Master Plan

It looks like administration is recommending that the Libro Centre Expansion Master Plan be adopted as a planning document for future development of the park property.

It seems that this Master Plan is only for the entire property that surrounds the arena but does not include the arena complex.

Here are the 2018 Parks Master Plan Libro Specific Recommendations (directly from the report):

22 Ensure that park staffing levels and ressources keep pace with changing responsibilities. The introduction of the Waterfront Property Project and other proposals such as the expansion of the Libro Credit Union Centre, Belle Vue grounds and other initiatives will require a rationalization of service levels, which will
likely to lead to additional resource requirements.

35 Relocate the four (4) ball diamonds to be decommissioned at Centennial Park to the Libro Credit Union Centre.

38 Work with local users to fund and construct a shelter to serve the Larry Bauer Soccer Complex

44 Investigate installation of outdoor fitness equipment at an existing park.

45 Replace the four (4) tennis courts in Urban Amherstburg. Options for locating them on the remaining portion of Centennial Park should be explored.

46 Add pickleball lines to existing and/or new tennis courts as required

49 Replace the loss of basketball courts at Centennial Park with a new court to serve Urban Amherstburg, potentially at the Libro Credit Union Centre.

50 Relocate existing skate park components to a new site in Urban Amherstburg once Centennial Skate Park is decommissioned. Undertake a site evaluation exercise to determine a preferred location.

51 Undertake further study into usage and demand for public deep-water outdoor swimming facilities, including community consultation.

52 Develop a splash pad as part of the future expansion at the Libro Credit Union Centre

54 Develop a beach volleyball court complex, potentially at Ranta Marina Park and/or the Libro Credit Union Centre.
Note: Administration and MBCP (the consulting company hired to create the plan) agree that this recommendation was not included in the concept due to an existing establishment on Texas Road with a major service being beach volleyball leagues.

73 Relocate many major outdoor recreation amenities currently housed at Centennial Park to the Libro Credit Union Centre. This may include: skateboard park, ball diamonds (4), tennis courts, and basketball courts. Future considerations for the Libro Credit Union Centre (in addition to the re-location of Centennial Park
amenities) include development of a second splash pad and installation of interpretative signage and features to promote appropriate access to Big Creek. A concept plan should be developed to guide investment.

Administration held several public consultation meetings. The data from those meetings is included in the report. As well, various user groups were consulted and are included in the report. Each groups feedback is included in the report. It also seems that several council advisory committees were consulted and they endorsed the plan. A concept drawing is included as well and WOW!!! When this all eventually comes to be, it will be phenomenal!

Here’s the link to the agenda for those who are interested to read further on this item (it all starts at page 32)

Amending Agreement with Ontario Clean Water Agency

This looks to be some changes with the agreement with Ontario Clean Water Agency. Items having to do with water quality usually fly right through……as a regular “council watcher”, I learned last term that council members can be held individually liable in regards to water safety decisions. Therefore, there is generally little if any discussion and everything gets approved quite quickly. I can’t imagine this council will be any different, but who knows?

Zoning By-law Amendment for N/S County Road 20

I think this is the item that council deferred from the last meeting. It was an item from a planning meeting that needed approval at the “next meeting”, which then turned into a debate if that night’s regular meeting was the “next meeting” or if this week is the “next meeting”…….well here we are….the item that nobody had objected and had already been approved by the Committee of Adjustment is waiting for approval by council. Again.. It seems to involve a property owner severing part of his property. Hopefully this gets passed and all three readings as per usual process.

Adoption of Flag Protocol

Council had requested that the policy for flag protocol be streamlined and adjusted for consistency. The new protocol is up for approval on Monday night.


Here are the information reports that council will receive Monday night :

  • Monthly Fire Department Activity Report- November and December 2020
  • MMAH Financial Indicator Review (based on 2019 Financial Information Return)
  • Cat Spay and Neuter Voucher Program Review
  • Cheque Listing for the Month of December 2020

I read through the cheque listing report but nothing stood out to me.


And here are the various items that council will receive from other municipalities. They can always just receive the report or choose to take action.

  • Windsor Police Service, Amherstburg Detachment – 4th Quarter Statistics
  • Municipal Insurance Cost Increase – Municipality of Charlton and Dack Resolution
  • Bill 229, Schedule 8, Protect, Support and Recover from COVID-19 Act Municipality of West Grey Resolution
  • Request to Immediately Reopen Small Businesses – United Counties of Stormont, Dundas, & Glengarry Resolution
  • Photo Radar – Township of South-West Oxford Resolution

And… long as nobody on council has lots to say on any of these items (what are the odds of that? LOL), that’s a wrap! Believe or not……no in-camera meeting scheduled!!!! See you Monday night? Or maybe Tuesday night……it will depend how efficiently and smoothly the meeting goes Monday night. But either way, I’ll be back!

Monday January 11th Regular town council meeting

Well Happy New Year to me! (and to you too!). Tonight marks my 300th blog AND……the meeting wrapped up in about an hour……it started around 6:10 and finished up at 7:08 PM! Just when I had given up all hope of a meeting finishing in a timely manner and I could blog (once again) on the very same night as the meeting, it happened! Here I am blogging about Monday’s meeting, on Monday night!! Woo hoo!!! Ironically, a good twenty minutes could have been shaved off of this meeting, were it not for a grocery list of Unfinished Business and New Business, but I guess you just can’t have it all right? Here we go with the summary!

Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7A/9A – Acceptance and Assumption of Infrastructure

This was an approval for Kingsbridge infrastructure and it passed without any discussion. 

Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10- Subdivision Agreement File No. 37-T-20003

This item also was approved with no discussion. 


COVID-19 Childcare Funding – Town of Carleton Place

Councillor Prue declared a conflict on this item. (He was talking about this at the very beginning as I was finally connecting into the meeting, so I did not catch why this item was a conflict for him. I can’t go back to listen to the meeting until it’s posted, probably tomorrow, so I’m not sure what the reason was). 

It appears that the Town of Carleton Place has sent correspondence to the Province of Ontario to have them prioritize childcare in the post pandemic recovery plan, to develop and fund a comprehensive plan regarding licensed childcare and provide increased funding to childcare providers to offset increased operating costs. Council ultimately decided to support this and send a letter of support as well. 

Requesting Longer Grant Application Timelines – Township of Matachewan

The Township of Matachewan has also sent correspondence to the Province requesting that they provide more turn out around time for grant applications. They seem to feel that the deadlines are too short for small municipalities and are looking for more turnaround time to apply for various grants. 

Councillor Simone made a motion to support this item as well. Councillor Courtney felt that the turn around times provided by the province for grants were too quick. He cited a time when the Treasurer had said that they had to drop everything to get a grant application submitted in time. Councillor Courtney felt that the deadlines needed to be extended since small municipalities have less staff and many are also working from home right now due to COVID. 

The motion passed and a letter of support will be sent for this item as well. 

Heritage Committee Minutes

The Heritage Committee had a recommendation for council :

It is recommended by the Heritage Committee that:

Administration BE DIRECTED to engage the owners of 247 Brock Street in a discussion about designating the property.

This building is the old House of Shalom / St. Anthony building. Deputy Mayor Meloche wondered about the word “engage” and wondered if the building owners had already been approached for discussion. After some back and forth, I was able to figure out that there have been some discussions already. Councillor Prue wondered if there had been any discussion in the last 8 or 9 weeks or so. CAO Miceli said that in recent discussions, it has been noted that the property has been listed for sale however there were no discussions about it being designated a Heritage Property. The land is currently zoned institutional and should a purchaser want to do anything with the property (other than institutional), the item would need to come before council for at minimum a zoning change. 

Councillor McArthur wanted to confirm if the property were designated or not as a Heritage Property. The CAO said that at the moment it is a property of interest. Councillor McArthur said that a resident had reached out to him about making the property affordable housing for victims of violence. The CAO said he had reached out to the listing agent to find out the particulars about the property. He said he had also been approached about looking at an affordable housing designation for the property but again reiterated that it would require a zoning change and would require council input for such changes. He said that the listing agent was anticipating offers in early February. 

Deputy Mayor Meloche said that someone had also spoken to him about possible affordable housing at the property. Councillor Renaud felt that the town needs to stay in communication with the listing agent to keep the building active in the community. Ultimately, the motion passed and administration will engage with the property owners.

Drainage Board Meeting Minutes – January 5, 2021

The Drainage board had a huge list of things for council to approve. If you’re interested in those items, please refer to my pre-meeting blog or the official minutes of the Drainage Board Meeting. (Since, well, I simply copied and pasted the list from the agenda and it’s a long list…) Councillor Prue spoke first and wanted to publicly thank Mr McVitty. He said he had reached out to Mr McVitty ahead of time regarding a particular drain and gotten all of the information that he needed. And then, just like that, the motion carried and council approved all of the recommendations. (And the skies opened and the sun shone down upon us all……a member of council had reached out BEFORE the meeting to get their questions answered rather than belabour it all at a meeting……I was so excited! My heart was smiling! Could this be a new beginning for council? Did it only take two years for them to realize that this is how they’re supposed to fulfill their duties? Ask the questions ahead of time? How efficient! How organized! How very exciting!)


Unfortunately, as quickly and efficiently as the previous item was handled, the meeting swung back to the dark side LOL. 

Councillor Prue began questioning items on the unfinished business list….he mentioned one and then said he had 5 or 6 more…..(so the skies closed up and the dark clouds rolled in again LOL). Here’s a quick summary of all of the items Councillor Prue wondered about from unfinished business : 

  1. An item from October 15 2019 regarding Boblo that was supposed to be done in the 3rd quarter of last year……a voice from administration that I did not recognize said that they’re still working with solicitors and doing the background work on the item…..
  2. An item about Agent of Change from March 9 2020…..the voice said that it would be coming during the first quarter this year…..
  3. An item from March 9 2020 regarding accessible taxis……The Clerk said she has several staff working on it and the report should be coming during the second quarter……
  4. The item of At-Large VS Ward system for the election that was supposed to be back in the 4th quarter…..The Clerk said that she’s been working on it but COVID has taken a lot of time and that this report should be ready for the next meeting (This one I’ll be reading in detail……I have pretty strong feelings on this issue, or non-issue that some are trying to make into an issue…..)
  5. An item regarding an idling bylaw for Boblo Island from September 2020…..administration said that that should be coming this quarter
  6. An item regarding busing from September 28, 2020 that Councillor Prue felt had all been actioned and he wondered why it was still on the list…..the Clerk said she’ll remove the item.
  7. An item regarding lighting the waterfront and again Councillor Prue felt it was dealt with… the Clerk said she would remove that one as well…..

Not to be outdone, Councillor Courtney wondered about the Honeywell Property and if there was any hope or anything transpiring for the property. (Not a bad question I guess, as long as nobody talks to the Greenhouse developer to find out how council reacts to development……) The CAO said that there are a number of interested parties and there are ongoing discussions. He said that he couldn’t say much but that it will be going to the Economic Development Committee. (Hmmmm…..the Greenhouse did too and got a full endorsement and council put the greenhouse through the wringer……sorry, I’ll try to stay on track here…..)

Councillor Courtney also wondered about the Airbnb regulations. The Manager of Licensing and Enforcement wasn’t at the meeting but the CAO said she’s researching the item and working on it. He did point out that currently her department is extremely busy with COVID bylaws and infractions but that she is still working actively on this item. Mayor DiCarlo said that she has her hands full and that he speaks with her at least once a day with all of the pandemic issues and bylaws. 

Then, Deputy Mayor Meloche wanted an update about the Second Concession bridge. That took some back and forth of somewhat technical questions. 

New Business

Councillor Courtney wanted to talk about the in-house lawyer position that was approved during the budget deliberations. He felt that he didn’t want to rehash the budget but he wondered if it would be possible to see an exact job description for this position. He noted that he didn’t support the decision but that he does support the council decision but wanted a look at the job description anyway. He wondered which facets of law the person would be dealing with, such as corporate law or real estate law or others. Councillor Courtney then pulled a number from the budget having to do with legal costs. (OK. I’ll admit it. I rolled my eyes out loud right then and there. I may have even talked to myself a little bit…..first, this was rehashing an already debated item…..second, why would council need to see a job description? What qualifications does Councillor Courtney have (or any other member of council I guess) that would make them qualified to weigh in on someone’s job description? This was making me have flashbacks to the old council who wanted to get involved in personnel issues and that cost us a lot of money in legal advice that basically told them that council should not be involved in personnel matters……ugh… we go…..)

CAO Miceli said that the description would include municipal law, land use, labour law and real estate law (he may have said more but I take my notes by hand). He said that cost avoidance is hard to measure and that someone can pull a number from the budget but this is not all measurable. He said that the position would also be about trying to avoid risk and that the ability to be able to check things in-house is very hard to put a dollar value on. The CAO also pointed out that council had approved the position for the second half of the year and that the job description would be based on municipal law. 

Councillor Courtney then went on to throw some more numbers out there and to try to explain the $169,000 cost in salary and benefits in what he felt were “layman’s terms”. He tried to break it down into how many homes would be paying for this position. I wonder how many homes pay for his position? (No, I really don’t wonder that at all……Frankly, in my opinion, it was just more grandstanding over a budget item that had been debated and decided on and for whatever reason Councillor Courtney couldn’t just move on and accept it.)

Councillor Courtney then asked if administration needed direction regarding a greenhouse bylaw. He felt that the town should go above and beyond to protect ourselves from the lights and noted the smell of marijuana in the Leamington area. The CAO pointed out that the town has protection at each site plan control agreement and that is far greater than any bylaw. He pointed out that the light issue had been dealt with with the greenhouse development. He also said that council had already passed a nuisance bylaw regarding marijuana smells early in their term. Councillor Courtney said he would follow up with him after the meeting. (What a concept. Again, ask your questions ahead of time…..or after…..but why bog down the meeting with all of this? My fleeting moment of glee had long passed…..) 

Councillor Prue then went on about a woman in Wal-Mart that refused to wear a mask. Then he spoke about a couple of CBC articles that he felt had highlighted Windsor/Essex in a favourable light. 


Councillor Simone – Support of Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff

Councillor Simone was looking for council to support a bill that is currently being looked at at the Federal level. (If you’re interested in seeing the entire motion, please refer to the pre-meeting blog or the agenda.) Councillor Prue seconded it. After some discussion about whether the MPPs should be included or not in the correspondence, the item passed and council supported this. 

By-Law Amendment re: Planning

Council had met at 5:30 tonight for a planning meeting regarding this :

Comments from the public with respect to Zoning By-law Amendment for lands at 4431 County Road 20 (File ZBA-01-21), owned by George and Ruth VandenBrink, BE RECEIVED and SUMMARIZED in a future report to Council.

It seems that no public commentary was received, so the bylaw amendment would be passed tonight. But not so quick……nothing can be simple…..Councillor Prue felt that it would not be good practice to pass the bylaw tonight since it was advertised it would be put through at the next meeting, and not right away. He felt that it was not politically correct to deal with it tonight and that it would be foreclosing an opportunity for public comment. 

Councillor McArthur felt that council was going to collect public comments at the planning meeting and there weren’t any, therefore what would change to the next meeting? He pointed out that there wouldn’t be any public comments to bring back at the next meeting. (Hello logic!)

The CAO felt he could appreciate the perspective on the process. He said that in his experience if the people don’t show up at a planning meeting, they don’t show up at a council meeting. But he agreed that it wouldn’t change or hurt anything to wait until the next meeting. 

Councillor Prue felt that it shouldn’t say “next meeting” in the advertisements. Councillor Courtney acknowledged that it will be approved eventually but if it was advertised that it would be at a future meeting, then council should wait two weeks. Councillor Renaud felt that council should wait for the next meeting too. Deputy Mayor Meloche said that one could say that this is the next meeting (LOL!!! That’s EXACTLY what I was thinking…..tonight WAS the next council meeting after the planning meeting…..but whatever…..) Deputy Mayor Meloche wondered aloud why spend more time on it since there was no opposition but then he decided to pull the motion from the floor……So, council will just approve this in two weeks……I guess their mantra is definitely not “Don’t put off until tomorrow what you can do today.” LOL! Is the price of a shorter meeting, just putting things off to the next meeting? LOL I don’t know… strikes me strange, but what do I know? 

And then at 7:08 PM went to meet in-camera. 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council directly following Regular session pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reason:

Item A – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

And that is it folks! Thanks for reading! Happy New Year! See you in two weeks!

In preparation for Monday January 11th Regular Town Council Meeting

Happy new Year Amherstburg!!! And Happy Anniversary to me!!! Today marks my 5 year anniversary of blogging! Time flies when you’re having fun! AND this post will be my 299th post since starting it all 5 years ago! Phew!

Council has a planning meeting at 5:30 and then the regular meeting at 6:00. But…….perhaps as a special new year gift to all of us……Monday’s agenda is a slim 212 pages……..soooooo mayyyyyyybeeeeee, just mayyyyybeeeeee council may be able to wrap this up by 9:00 on Monday? After you see the items on the agenda, you’ll see it really should be over by 7PM LOL. Here are the highlights :

Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 7A/9A – Acceptance and Assumption of Infrastructure

This looks to be some infrastructure approvals for Kingsbridge subdivision. Looks like fairly standard stuff.

Kingsbridge Subdivision Phase 10- Subdivision Agreement File No. 37-T-20003

This also has to do with the Kingsbridge Subdivision development. It appears that the County has provided some approvals and now it’s time for the town to do the same.


I usually don’t blog about consent correspondence, but this agenda is so slim, I’ve got the time to take a quick read through it. For this portion of the meeting, council receives correspondence from other municipalities. They can simply receive it or they can chose to support it and also send letters of support.

COVID-19 Childcare Funding – Town of Carleton Place

It appears that the Town of Carleton Place is sending correspondence to the Province of Ontario to have them prioritize childcare in the post pandemic recovery plan, to develop and fund a comprehensive plan regarding licensed childcare and provide increased funding to childcare providers to offset increased operating costs. We’ll have to see what council wants to do.

Requesting Longer Grant Application Timelines – Township of Matachewan

The Township of Matachewan is also sending correspondence to the Province requesting that they provide better turn out around time for grant applications. They seem to feel that the deadlines are too short for small municipalities and are looking for more turnaround time to apply for various grants.

Heritage Committee Minutes

The Heritage Committee has a recommendation for council :

It is recommended by the Heritage Committee that:
Administration BE DIRECTED to engage the owners of 247 Brock Street in a discussion about designating the property.

This building is the old House of Shalom / St. Anthony building. Council seems to heed recommendations from the Heritage Committee with much enthusiasm. Hopefully, this can be passed efficiently, without grandstanding, should council decide to make the motion based on the recommendation. (For anybody that is a betting person, the odds are that this will go through……the question is, can it be done efficiently? hmmmmmm..….)

Drainage Board Meeting Minutes – January 5, 2021

The Drainage board has a huge list of things for council to approve. I glanced through the minutes, but man, they’re long and quite honestly, drainage isn’t exactly a highly interesting subject to me. For any of my readers that these items may affect you, I suggest you take a read through the minutes of the Drainage Board meeting. Here are the recommendations:

It is recommended that:
1.The Drainage Board Meeting Minutes of January 5, 2021 BE RECEIVED;
2. Bylaw 2021-002 being a by-law to provide for the Bridges Over the Cook Drain based on the Drainage Report by N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. BE PROVISIONALLY ADOPTED by giving first and second reading and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.;
3. The request from Matt and Shelley Kelly for improvements to the McBride Road Branch of the Willow Beach per Section 78 of the Drainage Act BE ACCEPTED; as recommended by the Drainage Board;
4. The appointment of the firm of N.J. Peralta Engineering Ltd. to complete the necessary report for the repair and improvement to the McBride Road Branch of the Willow Beach BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
5. The report from the Drainage Superintendent and Engineering Coordinator dated December 10, 2020, regarding the Subsequent Disconnection – Ouellette Drain West (Section 65(4)) BE RECEIVED; as recommended by the Drainage Board;
6. The engineer’s report, prepared by RC Spencer Associates Inc. on December 1, 2020, for the Subsequent Disconnection – Ouellette Drain West (Section 65(4)) BE RECEIVED; as recommended by the Drainage Board;
7. The assessment adjustments as listed in the engineering report prepared by RC Spencer Associates Inc. BE APPROVED, as recommended by the Drainage Board;
8.The report from the Drainage Superintendent and Engineering Coordinator dated December 10, 2020, regarding Various Drainage Apportionments BE RECEIVED; as recommended by the Drainage Board; and,

9.The drainage apportionments BE APPROVED as listed, as recommended by the Drainage Board:

  • Consent B/34/19 – Drainage Apportionments for the Ong Drain& Sunset Beach Pumping Scheme – 5671 County Road 18.
  • Consent B/4/20 – Drainage Apportionments for the Mickle Drain & Sunset Beach Pumping Scheme – 1514 Goodview Ave.
  • Consent B/5-6-7/20 – Drainage Apportionments for the Ouellette Drain East and Long Marsh Drain – 754 Concession 2N
  • Consent B/16/20 – Drainage Apportionments for the 8th Concession Drain South and Long Marsh Drain – 8471 Howard Ave


At this point, any member of council can ask questions about any unfinished business items.


At this point, any member of council can bring up new items of business and make motions regarding new business.


Councillor Simone – Support of Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff

Councillor Simone is bring forward the following motion and requesting council’s support:

Whereas it is estimated that at least 40 million men, women and children around the world are victims of modern slavery, a term that is not explicitly defined by international law but encompasses a whole series of practices, including sex and other trafficking and forced marriage, in which a person is exploited or forced to
work through violence, threats, coercion, abuse of power or fraud;
And Whereas, of these, 16 million human beings, both adults and children, are trafficked for forced labour in the private sector, according to International Labour Organization estimates;
And Whereas Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and to amend the Customs Tariff, is a tool for transparency to fight against modern slavery and will help Canada to more strictly adhere to the letter of its international commitments;
And Whereas Town of Amherstburg Council understands the severity of modern slavery and wishes to assist in motivating businesses to eliminate the use of any form of child labour in their global supply chains, and empower consumers and investors to engage meaningfully on this important issue;
Now therefore let it be resolved that Town of Amherstburg Council supports Bill S-216, an Act to enact the Modern Slavery Act and a letter indicating Council’s support be sent to the Honourable Julie Miville-Dechene, local MP’s and MPP’s and all regional Town Councils.

And after this, council go in-camera to discuss :

That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council directly following Regular session pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reason:
Item A – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

And that’s it folks!!!! If anyone is interested in some friendly wagering for coffee, I’m up for making some fun bets on how long this meeting will last. 😉