Monday May 28th Regular town council meeting

Tonight’s themes…..there are several…..signs, roads, water……possible electioneering and a little bit (a lot?) of pontificating ?? Although some on council have not declared their intentions to run for council again, well, their intentions are becoming clearer as the deadline looms. Sounds like a title for a soap opera “As the deadline looms”. LOL

There had been a Planning meeting at 5:00, but it was over by the time I arrived around 5:45. For some reason, the show didn’t get on the road until around 6:10. The meeting started off strong and interesting, but turned boring towards the middle and stayed that way until the end. I was yawning. Yes, that boring. But I yawned very quietly.

Signage Requests in the Context of Urban Design Guidelines

This item was calling for a moratorium on all signage requests in the town of Amherstburg. They had moved this item up on the agenda, even though it was supposed to be discussed later in the meeting. However, if they passed this item early in the meeting, Councillor Meloche was concerned that Mr. Bondy, whohad made his application months ago would be side swiped if they passed the moratorium before he had a chance to speak tonight. The CAO felt it was not side swiping, just a concern that council will soon be receiving the Urban Design Guidelines and that there is concern with some of council’s previous decisions regarding sign exemptions. CAO Miceli felt that the Urban Design Guidelines should be in place before waving any more bylaws. He went on at length (my opinion) about what we envision Amherstburg to be in the future and that some of the signs go against this vision. He said he felt very strongly about the issue. Councillor Meloche felt that it was great that the Heritage Committee was consulted however, he felt that the business community should be approached for feedback and input. The CAO agreed but felt that would be done when the guidelines are finalized. He said that there was poor representation from the businesses during the consultation process about the sign bylaw….only 20 out of 220 businesses showed up.

Then Councillor Fryer pointed out that had Mr Bondy been here 2 weeks ago for the last meeting, his sign would have been dealt with. Councillor Fryer wanted to just move through the agenda and allow the delegations and deal with the moratorium later in the meeting.

Councillor Pouget felt taxpayer money had been spent for Urban Design Guidelines and then made a motion to pass the moratorium on signs. Councillor Courtney seconded. Councillor Lavigne seemed concerned that if they passed the moratorium at this point in the meeting, they would not only have to consider relief for Mr. Bondy from the bylaw but ALSO from the moratorium. (This was getting more and more complicated…..)

Then Councillor Fryer made a motion to defer the moratorium motion until AFTER the delegations. This passed. We were back to square one and off to the races with the delegations.

Clarification Regarding Signage Variance Request – Brad Bondy & Amy
Bailey, Remax Preferred Realty

Mr. Bondy spoke and told council that he was told he didn’t need to be present at the last meeting, so he did not attend. But since council had questions, here he was. He had made a request to install a sign on a property that he owns, but it is not a place from which he runs his business. He said he was open to anything and just wants a sign.

Councillor Meloche suggested he work with the Heritage Committee to see if his sign could incorporate the heritage concept. The CAO seemed not to agree with this idea and there was some back and forth. Councillor Pouget expressed that council went through this process and had asked the public what they wanted. She said they didn’t want sign pollution, therefore council passed a bylaw and now perhaps a moratorium and she felt the sign exemptions were defeating the whole purpose.

Anyway, this turned into another lengthy back and forth. Mr Bondy repeatedly expressed his willingness to cooperate and do whatever council wanted. Finally, Councillor Fryer made a motion to allow the sign after consultation with the Heritage Committee and it passed. (No recorded vote, but it looked like 5 hands raised in favour and 1 didn’t…...)

Request for Relief from Sign By-law 2006-26 – Mark Pittao, Owner,
Pittao`s AutoCare Inc.

Mr Pittao was looking to install a portable sign to advertise his business on another business owner’s property. Mr Pittao spoke briefly and said he was looking for the same exemptions for his sign as was given to others….he cited Luigi DiPierdomenico and Waterbee Pools.

Councillor Lavigne was quick to point out that Waterbee Pools owns the property that his sign sits on, even if it’s not where he does business (still an exemption to the bylaw). Councillor Pouget pointed out that Waterbee’s business is located in Harrow and that she had voted against the sign. Councillor Fryer pointed out that regardless of where the business runs, the owner of Waterbee’s was still a tax payer and that the sign was not going on somebody else’s property.

Basically, council received the delegation and that was that. No signs for Mr Pittao on somebody else’s property.

Residents of Angstrom Court

This delegation wasn’t on the agenda, but council had waived the rules to allow them to speak. Mr. Handysides (sorry if I misspelled that) spoke. He was requesting to have Angstrom Court moved up the list of roads to be repaired on the Roads Study. He said there are large holes in the road that get repaired with ashphalt. The road is made out of cement. The repairs don’t hold properly and then get worse. He told a story about a resident who hit a rut with her bike tire and fell of her bike. Her toe was severely damaged and required surgery and missed 8 weeks of work. He said that kids can’t play on the road because of it’s poor condition. There was a picture posted on the big screen up front. He said that Angstrom is around 170th on the list.

Councillor Pouget felt that at one time, perhaps 6 years ago, that the road was on the list to be done in 2014. She wondered where things were at now. Mr. Hewitt explained that the roads needs study was done in 2016 to help council decide where to spend the money to repair roads. Seems now Angstrom Crt is 180th on the list. (The people in the crowd got angry and started speaking…..the Mayor had to use the gavel and tell them to wait…..they offered more pictures…..)

Councillor Fryer hopes that the next council goes on road tours. He told us that he’s heard from the residents and he was hurt on a sidewalk that wasn’t repaired. Then Councillor Lavigne said he lived on Angstrom Crt about 20 years ago. He expressed to use caution since the last meeting had been about the condition of the Second Concession. He also said that if certain councillors are going to get residents together to come before council, it will get difficult. He didn’t feel that Angstrom should be 183rd on the list but he did admit he’s not an engineer. He also felt it was horrible that the previous council didn’t spend any money on roads. (This argument always catches my attention……whenever “previous council” gets blamed for anything really. Two members of our current council were on that council. Two members of this council were on council the term before as well……what does this say? Will the next council blame this council for their ways??? To me, that’s a very slippery slope to try to lay blame on a previous council……just my opinion.) Councillor Lavigne wondered what it would cost to replace Angstrom Crt. Mr. Hewitt said roughly between $350,000 to $400,000. Councillor Lavigne said he felt bad for the residents but that the money isn’t budgeted, therefore, it’s a lot of money to suddenly pull from somewhere. Councillor Fryer said that he didn’t invite anybody to speak and that they had gone to the newspaper about the condition of their road. A motion was made for a report of the condition of Angstrom Court and it will come back to council later.

2018 Water and Wastewater Operating and Capital Budgets

There was a potential 5% increase to the water rates. Councillor Pouget said that some people will complain but she feels that it’s a reasonable increase, it’s only $15 per household. She feels that’s fair to pay to keep water safe.

Councillor Fryer then went on (and on and on…..?) about how everyone loves the taste of our water. (I’ve lived in this town all my life……I have yet to have a guest tell me “wow! Thank you for this delicious glass of water!…..maybe it’s just me) He said there’s lots of positive feedback about the taste of our water and it’s something we should be touting. (My opinion…..seemed a little over the top to me….but maybe I’m just not appreciative enough of our excellent tasting water?? Don’t get me wrong, I like water, it’s fine, but I don’t generally get that excited about it I guess.) Councillor Courtney said that she agreed with Councillor Fryer, that she does not notice a taste difference between our tap water and bottled water. (Me neither, I guess I just don’t get all excited about it LOL). Councillor Courtney also felt that $15 extra for water was okay. Mayor DiCarlo said that it’s very difficult to compete with other municipalities that don’t have a water plant to maintain.

Anyway, this passed. Water rates going up 5%.

Ontario Main Street Revitalization Initiative

From the report : “The Main Street Revitalization Initiative is a $26 million fund to help municipal governments undertake main street revitalization activities that support and benefit small businesses.”

Here are the two choices for council on how to spend the money :

Implementation of priority financial incentives in existing Community Improvement Plans (CIP) such as:
a. Commercial building façade improvements;
b. Preservation and adaptive reuse of heritage and industrial buildings;
c. Provision of affordable housing;
d. Space conversion for residential and commercial uses;
e. Structural improvements to buildings (e.g. Building Code upgrades);
f. Improvement of community energy efficiency; and
g. Accessibility enhancements.
Funding of strategic municipal physical infrastructure such as:
a. Signage – wayfinding/directional, and gateway;
b. Streetscaping and landscape improvements – lighting, banners, murals,
street furniture, interpretive elements, public art, urban forestation,
accessibility, telecommunications/broadband equipment, parking, active
transportation infrastructure (e.g. bike racks/storage, cycling lanes and paths)
and pedestrian walkways/trails; and
c. Marketing plan implementation – business attraction and promotion activities,
special events.

After some back and forth, council decided to apply the funding toward eligible costs for strategic municipal physical infrastructure, Signage-wayfinding/directional and or gateway………titled Gateway Signage.

Now, I will weigh in with my thoughts on this……..Really?? Electronic gateway signs?? The town will charge to have a message flash by as you drive by. I think of the electronic sign at the Libro ….as I drive by what am I able to realistically read? It depends what’s on the screen, the few words up there as I drive by……How much will I be able to read on a LED sign at the gateway as I drive by? Ironically, one of the reasons to get rid of ALL signs at the gateway was that it encouraged distracted driving…….and these new electronic signs will create what???…… Anyway, I really think council could have done better with these funds, but the decision has been made so I guess we’ll be getting two electronic signs, one at each gateway. 

Signage Requests in the Context of Urban Design Guidelines

As previously mentioned, this got passed VERY quickly :

A MORATORIUM BE PLACED on all signage requests
(including portable signs) for the areas bound by Texas Road to
Lowes Side Road and from Meloche Road to the Water’s Edge
until the Urban Design Guidelines for Signage has been

Councillor Meloche seemed to be the only one with concerns for the business owners and asked if a time line could be added on the moratorium. They didn’t add a time line. So basically, no more sign requests can come before council. At least this term I guess.

Information Reports

There was an information report provided from the Fire Chief. I didn’t read it. Just putting that out there. It seems there’s an increase in training costs and it seems they’ve recently had several firefighters quit. Also it seems that people are applying for their fire pit permits and usually don’t qualify on the first visit…..sometimes they qualify on the second…..or not.

And then off they went, in-camera, again to discuss :


ITEM A – Ombudsman Preliminary Report – Section 239(3)(b) – An ongoing
investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipallycontrolled
corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman
Act, an Ombudsman referred to in subsection 223.13 (1) of this Act, or the
investigator referred to in subsection 239.2 (1).

See you in two weeks on “As the deadline looms”……


In preparation for Monday May 28th regular town council meeting

Well, I’ve got a very busy weekend ahead, so I’m going to try to get the pre-meeting blog up and finished tonight and as quickly as possible. The agenda is only 244 pages, so that shouldn’t be too bad to skim through. Here are the highlights as I them.


Clarification Regarding Signage Variance Request – Brad Bondy & Amy
Bailey, Remax Preferred Realty

Another request from a business owner about signage…..Mr. Bondy had previously requested to put up a sign on a property he owns, but for a different business that’s not run at that property. Anyway, the report came back two weeks ago……council debated, but ended up deferring as they wanted Mr. Bondy present to answer their questions. These sign exemption requests do not usually go smoothly. At all. But who knows? Anything could happen…

Request for Relief from Sign By-law 2006-26 – Mark Pittao, Owner,
Pittao`s AutoCare Inc.

And another request from a business seeking relief from the sign bylaw……Some time in the future, if I’m bored, I may go back and count up how many people have come before council in the past year and a half since they implemented this (too strict in my opinion) new sign bylaw. Mr Pittao will also be asking to erect a sign but on a property that he does not own, it appears. He has several examples attached to his request. Will have to wait and see how this goes…..

2018 Water and Wastewater Operating and Capital Budgets

This is going to be a big one. It seems they may be looking to bring the water billing in-house, in order to have better customer service and fix billing issues more rapidly. It also seems that we have been using less water (yay Amherstburg!!!!!……very good for the environment and the wallet…..!). (This topic just reminded me that I have to go water my flowers….).  OK…..hold on to your hats……we’re looking at a potential 5% water rate increase…..

There’s a chart on page 25 of the agenda, if you’re interested, that compares our water rates with the other surrounding municipalities. Here’s the link :

Click to access 2018%2005%2028%20-%20Regular%20Council%20Meeting%20Agenda%20Packet.pdf

From the report : ” Amherstburg would rank 4th in water and 2nd in wastewater based on the proposed rates. One of the main cost drivers for water is the operation and maintenance of the Amherstburg Water Treatment Plant. When our water costs are compared to other municipalities who operate their own plants (Essex and Lakeshore) we are actually the lowest of the 3 municipalities. Our water distribution network is very large, servicing homes well into Essex, causing additional costs to provide standard maintenance. ”

This oughta be a very interesting discussion.

Edgewater Sewage Diversion Project – Forcemain Construction and
Pump Station Upgrades and CWWF and BCF-SCF Funding Agreements

More water discussion.

Ontario Main Street Revitalization Initiative

From the report : “The Main Street Revitalization Initiative is a $26 million fund to help municipal governments undertake main street revitalization activities that support and benefit small businesses.”

Here are the two choices for council on how to spend the money :

Implementation of priority financial incentives in existing Community Improvement Plans (CIP) such as:
a. Commercial building façade improvements;
b. Preservation and adaptive reuse of heritage and industrial buildings;
c. Provision of affordable housing;
d. Space conversion for residential and commercial uses;
e. Structural improvements to buildings (e.g. Building Code upgrades);
f. Improvement of community energy efficiency; and
g. Accessibility enhancements.
Funding of strategic municipal physical infrastructure such as:
a. Signage – wayfinding/directional, and gateway;
b. Streetscaping and landscape improvements – lighting, banners, murals,
street furniture, interpretive elements, public art, urban forestation,
accessibility, telecommunications/broadband equipment, parking, active
transportation infrastructure (e.g. bike racks/storage, cycling lanes and paths)
and pedestrian walkways/trails; and
c. Marketing plan implementation – business attraction and promotion activities,
special events.

It will be very interesting to see what council decides to do……very interesting indeed.

Signage Requests in the Context of Urban Design Guidelines

And then there’s this…..(ugh!):

A MORATORIUM BE PLACED on all signage requests
(including portable signs) for the areas bound by Texas Road to
Lowes Side Road and from Meloche Road to the Water’s Edge
until the Urban Design Guidelines for Signage has been

I’m guessing that council will be A-OK with this one….

Gateway Signage

It looks like administration wants to erect two programmable signs, one at the North end and one at the South end of town (at the main gateways). Then, there will be a fee schedule if people want to have their advertising rolling by on the screen. I am reserving comment on this one. For now. I’ll wait and see.

Then, as per the usual routine, council will go off in-camera, behind closed doors to discuss:


ITEM A – Ombudsman Preliminary Report – Section 239(3)(b) – An ongoing
investigation respecting the municipality, a local board or a municipallycontrolled
corporation by the Ombudsman appointed under the Ombudsman
Act, an Ombudsman referred to in subsection 223.13 (1) of this Act, or the
investigator referred to in subsection 239.2 (1).

Basically, Monday night will be all about signs and water…..I’m trying to contain my enthusiasm. Off to enjoy the weekend now. See you Monday night!


Monday May 14th Regular town council meeting

Do you know how there’s an expression that it’s “silly season” when it’s election time? Well, tonight was full on silly season. In fact, I think, in honour of the expression I will capitalize it for tonight’s meeting. Tonight’s theme: Welcome to Silly Season.  And I have no doubt it will be a “to be continued” episode.

I arrived close to 6:00, but council was still in-camera discussing :

ITEM A – Question Regarding the Law of Defamation – Section 239(2)(f) – Advice
that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary
for that purpose.
ITEM B – Bill 148 Implications – Section 239(3.1) – Educational Session.
ITEM C – Recreational Facility Opportunities – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or
pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

The doors opened around 6:20 or so. (I found out at at the end of the meeting, that council had only had time to discuss items A and B from 4:30 until 6:20, so they went back in-camera at the end of the meeting to discuss Item C. )

The meeting started around 6:30ish and it was off to the races.

As per the usual, the Mayor asked for any disclosure of pecuniary interest. Councillor Pouget said she had a conflict with item # 12.3 the Development of 110 St. Arnaud. I think she said her husband collects a pension from them, Diageo, I think.

Request to Waive Rental Fees for the Annual Bob Meloche Kid’s Fishing Derby – Luc Tremblay and Brian Beattie, AMA Sportsmen Association

Mr. Beattie spoke. He kept it short and sweet and asked to have the fees waived for the annual Fishing Derby. Ba-da-bing, ba-da-doom, fees were waived with no discussion.

Portable Signage Request – Luigi DiPierdomenico and Ryan Culver, Lime Telenet

Mr. DiPierdomenico was requesting use of a portable sign. If I understood correctly, he leases one property and the adjacent lot is a parking lot which he also uses. Because of this current council’s restrictions on signs, the sign contravenes the sign bylaw since it’s not on the property that he does business on. It’s considered “off site” but it’s the parking area. There was quickly a motion made by Deputy Mayor DiPasquale to allow the sign (I was kind of shocked right about there….usually these signs requests are somewhat borderline volatile…..). Anyway, it quickly spiraled into a lengthy discussion. Councillor Courtney didn’t seem to like the idea it was a portable sign. Councillor Lavigne felt it was semantics since the sign would be right next door to the business in the parking area. Councillor Pouget asked several times to administration if this would be precedent setting if council allowed the sign. Mr. Galvin, director of Legislative Services explained that any time council makes a decision that it can be questioned and that it’s important to look at the spirit of the bylaw. (I almost got the feeling that perhaps Councillor Pouget was trying to deflect responsibility of council’s decision onto administration, but maybe not….what do I know?)

Amherstburg Branding Strategy – RFP Results

At the budget meetings, administration had requested some money to get a branding strategy in place for Amherstburg. Council approved the request and now a price is in to get Amherstburg branded. I can’t remember who said it, but somebody from administration had said that Amherstburg wasn’t “sexy” LOL and was in need of a marketing and branding strategy.  I still remember that. It is true though…..our branding isn’t sexy at all. It appears that Cinnamon Toast New Media Inc. (who else loves that name????? so cute!!) has the best deal to brand Amherstburg (and maybe make us sexy? LOL)

Councillor Pouget said that she had voted against this during the budget deliberations and that now she is even more against it. She felt this is a waste of tax payer dollars and didn’t feel that because “our colours are tired” is a sufficient reason to spend the money. She felt that nobody is concerned about or colours being dull or tired. She thought that if it isn’t broken, then don’t waste taxpayer money on it.

Mayor DiCarlo cut her off and advised her she was speaking against a decision of council. (Anybody following what’s going on in Windsor when a member of council speaks against a council decision?) Anyway, Councillor Pouget felt she needed to explain her position since she would be voting against this proposal.

Well, it seems the rest of council must have thought our colours are dull and we’re not very “sexy” I guess LOL and it passed. Amherstburg will be getting some re-branding and sexiness I guess. 🙂

South Riverview Road Crossing Culvert Failure

I’m not sure where this culvert is, but it needs to be repaired. Big time. It seems they were hoping to do it in 2019 but there are sink holes and other issues and the culvert just can’t wait. It’s going to cost about $113,000 to fix it up.

This issue got some debate and even managed to come back later in the meeting for more play time, but council approved spending the unbudgeted money and getting the culvert fixed.

2018 Special Events Approval

If you’re an event organizer in town, you know that each event must now come before council for permission. The list was long tonight…..

  • Music Off the Back Porch – (Date change only) from 2nd Friday of every month from May 11, 2018 through to October 12, 2018 change to 1st  Friday of every month from June 1, 2018 through to October 5, 2018
  • Ride for Dad – May 27, 2018
  • Annual Garden Tour – June 9 &  10, 2018
  • 2018 Seniors Expo – June 11 &  12, 2018
  • South Coast Adventure Race – June 16, 2018
  • Annual Bob Meloche Kids Father’s Day Fishing Derby – June 17, 2018
  • Canada D’Eh Run – July 1, 2018
  • Canada Day Treat ‘N’ Eats (Formerly Amherstburg Ice Cream Festival) – July 1, 2018
  • Amherstburg Rotary Ribfest –July 6, 7 &  8, 2018
  • Church Service &  Picnic – August 19, 2018
  • Super Santa Run – November 17 ,2018
  • The Amherstburg Santa Claus Parade – November 24, 2018

Four events require exemptions for road closures prior for 5PM and two events require exemptions for use of the Navy Yard Park. These items flew through.

Then council waived the rules of order to allow Mr. Carl Gibb to speak on behalf of the Rotary Club about Rib Fest scheduled for July 2018. Mr Gibb had 3 requests. His first request was to have the fees waived to rent the Centennial Park area. This passed quickly.

But then, Mr Gibb requested to have an EXTRA 2 weeks to put up the 10 post signs in pre-designated areas in town. (Anybody remember last year? How awful this experience was? Well, this year, no change really. Still awful……) He mentioned that the post signs were approved last year for an extra 2 weeks of advertising. Then, the debate began. Councillor Courtney didn’t seem to understand that they were allowed the signs for 2 weeks and were requesting an extra 2 weeks. She wanted to offer them a total of 3 weeks…..Councillor Courtney seemed concerned they would be setting a precedent. It was explained several times by administration that this has been approved last year. The Rib Fest would put up the small wire signs for 14 days (which they are allowed to do) and only wanted an additional two weeks for their post signs (similar to real estate signs). Anyway, finally, this request was granted. It was not a recorded vote, but I watched……In support : Councillors Lavigne, Meloche, Fryer and Deputy Mayor DiPasquale. Opposed : Councillors Pouget and Courtney.

Then Mr Gibb told council that there is no site available for a Rib Fest in 2019. He said that they need 4 acres to host the event and expressed that council should be looking to accommodate some space if they want the event to continue. (I will go on record right now that I LOVE the Rib Fest!!!!! So I would do what has to be done…..) Mr. Gibb explained that the current area has fencing and that to hold the event at the Libro Centre would cost three times the amount to get the fencing.

Councillor Pouget asked who had told them they could not have the area they currently use at the track at Centennial Park. (Lots of confused faces in the gallery……we all knew the property was sold to build a new high school… was in the media……) The CAO explained that 150 feet of the fenced area has been purchased by the school board. Councillor Pouget wondered about the rest of the area…..the CAO said that the fence and track are to be removed as a condition of the sale, so the fenced area will no longer be available. He said that the town will have to discuss and decide if they’re going to provide a fenced area (cost the town money) or add the cost of fencing to events as is done in other areas… be continued…..keep reading…..

Sign Variance Request – Brad Bondy, Re/Max Preferred Realty Ltd

I wrote this in my pre-blog:

Mr Bondy had previously delegated to council. He was looking to put up a sign advertising his real estate business on a property he owns. Normally, one would think, whatever, what’s the big deal? Remember the famous sign bylaw? (read above and many previous blogs LOL). Well, as it stands, you can’t put up a sign on a property where you don’t actually run a business about said sign. It says in the report to either allow or deny the sign. If I were a betting woman…….I know how I’d bet on this one…..but who knows? I’ve been wrong before, maybe I’ll be wrong on this one.

Well, luckily I’m not much of a betting woman…..Councillor Fryer immediately made a motion to approve the sign. Deputy Mayor DiPasquale seconded it. Then the dance began. Councillor Meloche expressed that it was difficult to vote on since the applicant was not present at the meeting to answer questions. Councillor Pouget said she could not vote for this, that council went through a procedure. It was pointed out that the sign needed 3 exemptions, one for size, one for being off premise and one for the location to the lot line. More back and forth and then there was a motion to defer the whole thing. There were more questions, the motion was reread twice and finally, it was deferred. I guess Mr Bondy will have to come back to chat with council. 😉

Official Plan Amendment No.8 and Zoning By-Law Amendment-83 Sandwich St. S

This item was on a supplementary agenda. It seems it has to do the new proposed Wendy’s to be located next to Sobey’s.

Council waived the rules of order to allow Mr. Rota to speak. He felt that the amendment should be approved and he said he was not opposed to the location of the drive-through restaurant. What he seemed to be concerned with was that the Mikhal’s (the property owners) used a traffic study from 2001 and there have been significant changes in traffic and development since 2001. He felt the traffic study should be redone with current information.

There was a lot of back and forth about emails that were sent this afternoon. It seems that many had not seen the email yet and the administration had not had the time to research the requests (since they were all going in-camera at 4:30).

I’m going to be very honest here and I’m going to leave out a lot of the back and forth…..for several reasons……it was exhausting… fingers may fall off if I try to type it all up……it was exhausting……I could barely keep up……it was confusing… was exhausting……Here’s a really short synopsis:

Councillor Pouget was concerned about the traffic too. She wanted something added to the motion that the developer would have to put money aside to pay for a possible traffic light in the future…..Councillor Meloche spoke and so did Councillor Courtney. More back and forth. It seems that the development will be on a county road, which means a light would be a “county problem” I guess and for the next council of the day to deal with. There was discussion about emails sent after 2:00pm this afternoon that most of them had not read yet. Mr Galvin explained that a traffic impact study is for that particular development only and not for the town or the whole street. Councillor Fryer summed it up that tonight was simply about the official plan and a zoning amendment and that the next steps would deal with the agreement in regards to traffic or other issues. Ms. Belanger, Manager of Planning said that yes, this is a first step then they can develop site plans and drawings etc…..There was some vivid discussion between CAO Miceli and Councillor Pouget as it seems that the issue behind all of this lies between Mr Rota and the land lord. The Mayor told Councillor Pouget to vote as an individual ….the CAO explained that administration had not even vetted this yet, no fire or police consultation etc. and that the amendment needed to be granted in order to move forward with the consultations. After lengthy debate, this passed. No recorded vote either.

New Business

Back to Centennial Park we go. Councillor Pouget wanted some information…..she asked who had removed the 12 remaining acres in Centennial Park. (I’m not sure what she was talking about at this point.) The CAO referred to the report. Councillor Pouget said that according to the report that the property was sold to the school board and will be removed from inventory. The CAO said he would attend the next Parks Committee meeting to ensure they got the proper information. Mayor DiCarlo cautioned Councillor Pouget that she was discussing in-camera information and that she needed to stop discussing the issue. Councillor Pouget then went on to quote some old bylaws about the property and naming rights and recognition. She said that there’s an agreement in place until 2020 to allow the board to use the football field. Mr. Galvin said he’d have to read the old bylaws and clauses in order to discuss them. The CAO felt that since part of the land was sold to the school board and they knowingly purchased it, they must realize and be okay with the idea…..(seems logical to me…..) Councillor Pouget then went back to 1933 and named various organizations that raised funds to develop Centennial Park. She wondered if they had been consulted about the (alleged) removal of 12 acres of property. (I’m going to go out on a limb here……if someone were old enough to sign an agreement in 1933, what are the odds we can find them and consult with them now???? hmmmmm…….) Mayor DiCarlo pointed out that the property is still there and still designated. The CAO pointed out that the current plan is a draft and has not yet been approved. Once again, Mayor DiCarlo advised Councillor Pouget not to continue since the questions she was asking related to in-camera information. He told her not to continue for legal reasons and to protect them all. Not sure what this was about but I think I see storm clouds on the horizon regarding the new high school!

I was tired right about now… head was spinning…..there was some type of discussion about reviewing funding possibilities for South River View Road……It went to a recorded vote : In support : Councillor Courtney, Deputy Mayor DiPasquale, Councillor Fryer and Councillor Pouget. Opposed : Councillors Lavigne and Meloche and Mayor DiCarlo. (Sorry peeps, we’ll have to rely on the newspaper to report what the heck happened here……my hand was tired and my mind was numb….)

Deputy Mayor DiPasquale read a touching prepared statement. He announced that he will not be seeking re-election and that he has enjoyed serving the community, the past 8 years on council and prior to that as a police officer. Thank you for your service!!! It is appreciated.

And then, close to 8:30 council went back in-camera to finish what they had started at 4:30……

That leaves 4 members of council who have yet to announce their intentions about the next election. Although after tonight, it’s becoming quite obvious what those intentions are. 😉  It is open season for Silly Season.



In preparation for Monday May 14th Regular town council meeting

Well, Monday night has a 354 page agenda and a 151 page supplementary agenda. I was going to bring my seat cushion anyway, but those big agendas just sealed the deal. Yikes.

I have a very busy weekend ahead, so this preview may be brief. Very brief. Very, very brief.

First, council is scheduled to meet in-camera at 4:30 (yep, again) to discuss :


ITEM A – Question Regarding the Law of Defamation – Section 239(2)(f) – Advice
that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary
for that purpose.
ITEM B – Bill 148 Implications – Section 239(3.1) – Educational Session.
ITEM C – Recreational Facility Opportunities – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or
pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

Did Item A catch anybody else’s eye? Hasn’t council done this song and dance at least twice now during their term? Why does the question have to be asked in-camera in order to get legal advice? There’s our tax dollars hard at work right there…..I wonder how much the legal bill will be for this? Does council ask their questions from behind the comfort of closed doors in order to talk about residents? No, they wouldn’t do that, right? Or would they?

As for Item B, I’m not sure what their educational session is for, and I guess we’ll never know…..again, the closed doors thing. And Item C perhaps is about St. Bernard’s school purchase, but who knows for sure? Not us.


Request to Waive Rental Fees for the Annual Bob Meloche Kid’s Fishing Derby – Luc Tremblay and Brian Beattie, AMA Sportsmen Association

It looks like Mr Tremblay and Mr Beattie are looking to have the fees waived for the rental of the Navy Yard Park and also to allow fishing from the Navy Yard Park as well. It will be interesting to see council’s reaction. We’ll have to wait and see what happens.

Portable Signage Request – Luigi DiPierdomenico and Ryan Culver, Lime Telenet

Another delegation asking for relief from the very strict (in my opinion) new sign bylaw that this current council updated. These delegations, generally, do not go over very well. A few have managed to get their exemption, but they’re fewer and farther between. And this delegation is requesting use of a portable sign…….I’d be remiss if I didn’t say that I heard quite loudly and clearly how some members of council feel about portable signs…..This ought to be interesting…..very interesting…..

2017 Year End Budget to Actual Summaries and Transfers

The budget variances are in for 2017. Some departments came in under budget and some were over budget. The fire department had a significant overage of $281,558. Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Tourism finished the year with a deficit of $175,207. The report is long and lots of numbers over and under budget. It appears that it will all balance out in the end……there were enough departments under budget to off-set the ones that went over budget. I think. I skimmed the report. I’ll see what council has to say on Monday night.

Grass Cutting Operations – Wyandotte Cemetery Memorandum of
Understanding (MOU)

For the past few years, the town has been in an agreement with Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada – Ontario Region to maintain the Wyandotte Cemetary (grass cutting etc.). The federal government pays the town for this service, so it looks like administration simply needs council’s approval to continue to maintain this important piece of property.

Amherstburg Branding Strategy – RFP Results

I am interested to hear about this. At the budget meetings, administration had requested some money to get a branding strategy in place for Amherstburg. I can’t remember who said it, but somebody from administration had said that Amherstburg wasn’t “sexy” LOL and was in need of a marketing and branding strategy.  I still remember that. It is true though…..our branding isn’t sexy at all. It appears that Cinnamon Toast New Media Inc. (who else loves that name????? so cute!!) has the best deal to brand Amherstburg (and maybe make us sexy? LOL)

Sandwich Street Bike Lane Review

Another very long report, but it looks like the paved shoulders on Sandwich St between Lowes Side Road and Pickering Drive will become bike lanes, if approved. It looks like some changes will have to be made in the area of Crown Ridge Blvd to accommodate these lanes. There are several options presented that are not recommended. We’ll see which one council decides to go with.

South Riverview Road Crossing Culvert Failure

I’m not sure where this culvert is, but it needs to be repaired. Big time. It seems they were hoping to do it in 2019 but there are sink holes and other issues and the culvert just can’t wait. It’s going to cost about $113,000 to fix it up. Will have to wait and see what council decides to do.

2018 Special Events Approval

If you’re an event organizer in town, you know that each event must now come before council for permission. The list is long tonight…..

  • Music Off the Back Porch – (Date change only) from 2nd Friday of every month from May 11, 2018 through to October 12, 2018 change to 1st  Friday of every month from June 1, 2018 through to October 5, 2018
  • Ride for Dad – May 27, 2018
  • Annual Garden Tour – June 9 &  10, 2018
  • 2018 Seniors Expo – June 11 &  12, 2018
  • South Coast Adventure Race – June 16, 2018
  • Annual Bob Meloche Kids Father’s Day Fishing Derby – June 17, 2018
  • Canada D’Eh Run – July 1, 2018
  • Canada Day Treat ‘N’ Eats (Formerly Amherstburg Ice Cream Festival) – July 1, 2018
  • Amherstburg Rotary Ribfest –July 6, 7 &  8, 2018
  • Church Service &  Picnic – August 19, 2018
  • Super Santa Run – November 17 ,2018
  • The Amherstburg Santa Claus Parade – November 24, 2018

Four events require exemptions for road closures prior for 5PM and two events require exemptions for use of the Navy Yard Park. I would guess these will fly through. But who knows.

Sign Variance Request – Brad Bondy, Re/Max Preferred Realty Ltd

Mr Bondy had previously delegated to council. He was looking to put up a sign advertising his real estate business on a property he owns. Normally, one would think, whatever, what’s the big deal? Remember the famous sign bylaw? (read above and many previous blogs LOL). Well, as it stands, you can’t put up a sign on a property where you don’t actually run a business about said sign. It says in the report to either allow or deny the sign. If I were a betting woman…….I know how I’d bet on this one…..but who knows? I’ve been wrong before, maybe I’ll be wrong on this one.

Accounts Payable for the Month of April 2018

I checked over the April accounts payable report for legal fees and anything else of interest. I saw that we paid ERCA $17,649.80 as a 2nd quarter general levy installment. Then, we again paid ERCA $29,378.70 as another 2nd quarter general levy installment…..And it looks like one cat got neutered and 3 cats got spayed in April.(Just randomly threw in that fun fact 🙂  )  As for legal fees, they totaled up around $18,800.

2018 Water and Wastewater Operating and Capital Budgets

This is the item on the 151 page supplementary agenda. Blah, blah , blah, blah …..and this part from the report just about sums it all up : “The proposed water increase for 2018 is recommended at 5%, and the proposed wastewater increase for 2018 is recommended at 1.3%.”  What will council do??

How’s that for a happy ending???!!!

I’ll be back Monday night! See you then 🙂