Monday June 26th Regular town council meeting

Well tonight’s meeting wrapped up in just over an hour and a half. It was fairly efficient, for the most part anyway. Which means that this blog is fairly boring, for the most part anyway. That’s one trade off…..quick, efficient meetings do not make for good blog material….so if council were to start always having quick and efficient meetings…..what would become of me? Hmmmmm

I decided to watch tonight’s council meeting from home, with my feet up in my La-Z-Boy chair. 

Council had met in-camera at 4:00 to discuss : 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reasons: 

Item A – Organizational and Employment Matters Related to Identifiable Individuals: 

  • Section 239(2)(b) – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and, 
  • Section 239(2)(f) – advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; 

Item B – Organizational and Employment Matters Related to Identifiable Individuals: 

  • Section 239(2)(b) – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; 
  • Section 239(2)(f) – advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

Then there was a planning meeting at 5:00. 

The regular meeting started promptly at 6:00. 


Delegation- Re: Waive the Minor Variance Application Fee – Carole Deschaine

Ms Deschaine addressed council on behalf of the Fort Malden Guild of Arts and Crafts and the Gibson Gallery. They currently lease the property that the Gibson Gallery sits on from the town. She explained that the current sign had been installed in 1989 and was now in very poor condition. The Board had approved the funding for a new sign. She noted that the Gibson Gallery supports local tourism. They host a large fundraiser annually, Art by the River and are currently supporting Open Air Weekends with artist displayed. She requested that council waive the Minor Variance Application fee of $1,115 as well as the sign permit fee. 

There was a motion made to waive those fees and it carried. (I can’t help but note how this delegation followed due procedure, submitted their paperwork in advance and read from their prepared presentation. It was the epitome of clear, concise and efficient. Kudos to them!)


Regional Waste Discussion

It looks like County Council is heading in the direction of regionalizing garbage collection. There is also mention of a compost program in the presentation. The presentation was pretty lengthy and at times dry, so here is the link to the slide presentation for those who are interested.

There were three people there to present to council. The first one, Ms Bishop, spoke about a previous resolution made at County Council. She was there to provide an update regarding food and organic waste. She noted that the EWSWA (Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority) is a joint board between the County of Essex and the City of Windsor. The presentation kind of dragged on and it wasn’t as interesting as I thought it would be… in the interest of being totally transparent….I may have dozed off for a few minutes….I woke up because my pen fell out of my hand….LOL! So, when I woke up, she was talking about getting the Request for Tenders out soon for the organic material, ideally by year end. They want to secure the trucks and get the project going. She noted that each municipality’s current administration is being tasked with getting certain information prepared as we are possibly heading to regionalization for waste collection. She noted that currently there are no specific numbers prepared yet but that overall, there should be cost savings for each municipality. 

Another member of the team, Mr Sundeen, spoke and explained things from a legislative level. It seems that 4 of the 7 municipalities have to approve the bylaw in order for it to go through for the entire county. 

The third member of the team spoke (I did not catch her name). She explained the possible funding models but noted that no decision had been made on a funding model. She also noted that there were two possible funding models but a hybrid approach would also be possible. She noted that this is a high level discussion at the moment, meaning, I believe, that specific details are not yet available. 

Mayor Prue suggested that the following report be brought forward in the agenda since it was related to the presentation. 

Food, Organics and Biosolids Waste Management Update & Regional Waste Management Proposal

Councillor Pouget wondered if there could be any reduction to garbage services (ours is currently once per week). The presenter explained that they are currently asking each municipality to provide their current service levels and that the new regional approach would be done in an effort to align service levels. 

Councillor Crain noted that the County’s contract expires on January 1, 2025 and he wondered when Amherstburg’s contract is set to expire for waste services. Ms Gioffu said that it expires March 31, 2027. 

Councillor McArthur wondered about economies of scale and wondered if Amherstburg was behind other municipalities. It seems that we are quite a bit behind since many other areas have already been participating in regional shared services for quite some time. (Sadly, this did not surprise me…..Amherstburg often seems to have a hard time letting go of the past and moving forward into the present…..and is sometimes outwardly hostile about moving into the future LOL. This is coming from somebody that has lived in Amherstburg my entire life….I’ve seen it, I’ve lived it….

Councillor Courtney spoke and spoke in circles. He felt that the presentation blurred the waters for him. 

Mayor Prue passed the gavel….(and he would several more times during the meeting UGH). He wondered about converting waste to energy. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb wondered if administration had a recommendation. Ms Gioffu said that the report was recommending to look into the options and that council continue to move forward and get information. 

Councillor Crain noted that in November 2021, the council of the day supported an organic waste program. 

It seemed that Councillor Allaire was texting on her phone. Or perhaps there was something in her lap, I’m not sure. But suddenly, her head popped up and she made the motion for the recommendation : 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1.Council RECEIVE the presentation from the County of Essex and Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority regarding the concept of a regional approach to waste management; 

2. Council ENDORSE the concept of a regional approach to waste management for further exploration; and 

3. Council DIRECT Administration to report back at a future Council meeting with further information on a regional waste management program, including the required legal and logistical steps required to upload the waste management service as well as cost and service implications.

Councillor Courtney continued to talk about his concerns…..the presenter noted that with supply chain issues, it is also about a 2 year wait for collection vehicles. She also noted that with economies of scale that there should be savings for everyone. 

And the motion carried. 

2024 Budget Schedule

Administration has prepared a report with a proposed schedule for the 2024 budget. In a nutshell, here is the overview of the dates : 

Key aspects of the proposed schedule are: 

  • Present & Table Draft Budget November 13, 2023 
  • Public Engagement Survey/Open House November 13-26, 2023 
  • Audit & Finance Committee November 28, 2023 
  • Council Deliberations December 4-6, 2023
  • Council Adoption of Budget Tentative for Jan 8th 2024

There was some discussion about the dates. Mayor Prue passed the gavel (sigh…) to talk about the time that the Audit and Finance Committee would have to analyze the budget. Councillor Crain spoke, since he is the chair of the Audit and Finance Committee. He said he had spoken with a few of the committee members and they felt that 15 days would be enough time. The Clerk noted that it is always a struggle to ensure everyone has enough time and that he would work with the committee, even if a supplementary agenda item were to be necessary for them to present to council. 

Anyway, a few more questions were asked and then the motion was made to accept the schedule and it carried. 

New Policy – Electronic Monitoring of Employees

It seems that some legislation was changed and employers that employ 25 or more people have to have an electronic monitoring of employees. It appears that the employer has to disclose how and in what circumstances the employer may electronically monitor their employees and the purposes for which information obtained may be used. 

The motion was made to adopt the policy. Councillor Pouget wondered if the staff and their union had been informed. It seems that they had been informed at a recent meeting and that this policy is fairly standard. The motion carried and the policy was adopted. 

Pat Thrasher Park Playground Resurfacing

The tender was put out there for the resurfacing of Pat Thrasher Park. Only one bid was submitted. Here is the recommendation: 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Town Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign a contract with New World Park Solutions Inc. in the amount of $155,578 plus HST for the complete supply and installation of EPDM poured in place rubber safety surfacing at Pat Thrasher park Located at 68 Knobb Hill Dr. Amherstburg ON satisfactory in form to the Town Clerk, in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and technical content to the Director Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture; and, 

2. A $13,000 shortfall BE FUNDED from the 1010 – Park Reserve Fund as per Budget Paper PAR-001-23 and; 

3. Council DELEGATE the authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to award and issue purchase orders and/or sign and execute any such agreements or change orders as may be required to execute the scope of work for the playground resurfacing project at Pat Thrasher Park. 

Councillor McArthur questioned which reserve fund the money was coming from for the amount of the shortfall. Councillor Pougt wondered about the timeframe (it would depend on the vendor). Councillor Courtney wondered about the warranty (10 years). Then Councillor Allaire made the motion – the recommendation above – and it carried. 

Resignation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee

It looks like somebody has resigned from the Parks and Rec Committee. There isn’t a name in the report. Council has to replace the person by either choosing from the existing list of candidates or by advertising for the position. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. ______________BE APPOINTED to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee as detailed in the report titled Resignation from Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee; OR 

2. Administration BE DIRECTED to advertise for the vacancy as per the Appointment to Local Boards and Committees Policy. 

Councillor Pouget made a motion to name Tony Pietrangelo to the Parks and Rec Committee and it carried. 

Portable Sign Exemption

There was very little discussion and this item carried. If you’re interested in more detail, it can be found in my pre-meeting blog here :

2023 Special Events Approval – Part VII

I love events! It looks like two events are on the agenda for approval and one of them is a new one!! How fun!!

It is recommended that: 

1. The following events BE APPROVED: 

a. Super Santa Walk/Run – November 18th, 2023

b. The Server Shuffle – August 12th, 2023 

2. The following events BE EXEMPT and PERMITTED for road closures to begin prior to 5pm: a. Super Santa Walk/Run – November 18th, 2023 3. 

The Special Events Resource Team BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to the event.

Councillor Allaire declared a conflict as she said she may be involved in organizing the Super Santa Walk/Run. 

This item carried quickly. Two great events coming to Amherstburg! One of them is a new one too! I love it! 

Adoption of Charitable Donation Policy

It looks like administration has prepared a policy regarding charitable donations made to the town. From the report : “As the policy sets out clear and comprehensive guidance for staff in the acceptance, record requirements and eligibility for donations receipts, the policy also defines the criteria for formal agreements should the Town decide to enter into a joint venture with another fundraising entity. To foster transparency in the application of our donation program, the policy also specifies how unused funds from the community will be allocated and retained for consistent use. Where appropriate, the inclusion of sunset provisions will be specified for major projects or fundraising campaigns in the event funding targets are not achieved. Unsolicited donations not already assigned by Council to specific projects are contributions to general revenue and will be carried over to the following budget year, upon approval by Council and the following year’s budget.”

Councillor Courtney thanked administration. He noted that he had reached out to the people fundraising for the track. He wondered if there weren’t enough funds raised, rather than just go into a parks fund, that they could be earmarked for future use at Centennial Park. The CAO said that that could be stipulated in the agreement. 

The motion was made and carried. The Charitable Donation Policy was adopted. 

Information Reports 

The Windsor Police Service, Amherstburg Detachment had some information reports before council. Deputy Mayor Gibb noted that the average number of tickets had really gone up. He noted the average number of tickets per month for 2022 was 180 and so far in 2023 the ABurg detachment is averaging 498 tickets per month. He wondered if there was more enforcement or more speeding. The Staff Sargeant there has been an increase in enforcement. Deputy Mayor Gibb felt that writing tickets is a strong tool and that it targets the offenders. He noted that while he was out door knocking during the campaign that many people complained about people speeding on their street or in their neighbourhood. 

Consent Correspondence

Councillr Courtney wanted to endorse a letter sent by the municipality of Essex in regards to EMS Code Black and Code Reds. Deputy Mayor Gibb agreed and felt it was important to keep the pressure on. 

Other Minutes

It seems that the expressions of interest regarding Belle Vue will be going forward to the Economic Development Commitee for comment. Deputy Mayor Gibb wanted to be sure that each expression of interest would still come before council. He was assured that yes, they would. The Deputy CAO said that six proponents will be getting a walk through of the house and property shortly. As well, a video will be made for those that are unable to attend and it would be available for all to see. 

New Business

Councillor Crain made a motion to direct administration to meet with the Safety Village regarding a Neighbourhood Watch Program. Councillor Crain noted an increase in theft in Amherstburg. He said that the idea of a Neighbourhood Watch Program was brought forth by a resident and he liked the idea of such a community based program. Councillor Pouget supported the motion and noted that the Staff Sargeant had responded directly when she filed some complaints. She felt that there were a lot of break ins but that most are petty. She also asked that the police issue a media release about the increase in break ins. 

The motion carried. 

There was some talk about sandwich board signs on the sidewalks. There was also talk about advertising and educating about green flashing lights in vehicles (they’re used by our volunteer firefighters here). Mayor Prue wondered about a stop sign that was erected on Boblo Island. 

And that’s it, that’s all. Short and sweet – for the most part! 

I can hardly wait to celebrate Canada Day this weekend in our beautiful downtown Open Air!!!! Maybe I will see you there! Happy Canada Day everyone! Hope you can get out and enjoy the fun! 🙂 

In preparation for Monday June 26th Regular town council meeting

Council has a busy night ahead of them Monday night. First, they will meet in-camera at 4:00 to discuss : 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reasons: 

Item A – Organizational and Employment Matters Related to Identifiable Individuals: 

  • Section 239(2)(b) – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; and, 
  • Section 239(2)(f) – advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose; 

Item B – Organizational and Employment Matters Related to Identifiable Individuals: 

  • Section 239(2)(b) – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees; 
  • Section 239(2)(f) – advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose;

Then, there is a planning meeting scheduled for 5:00.

The regular meeting is set to start at 6:00. It has a slim 227 page agenda. Which means, the council meeting should wrap up by 8:00….in a logical, reasonable world it would I guess…..but, well, logic and reason aren’t something that is found in abundance at council meetings… who wants to bet on a 9:30 end time? LOL


Delegation- Re: Waive the Minor Variance Application Fee – Carole Deschaine

It looks like Ms Deschaine will be delegating on behalf of the Fort Malden Guild of Arts and Crafts (FMGAC) and the Gibson Gallery. It seems that they currently lease the property that the Gibson Gallery sits on from the town. The sign that was installed out front over 30 years ago is in poor condition and needs to be replaced. They are a not-for-profit organization and their board has approved the funding for a new sign. It looks like Ms Deschaine is asking that council waive the Minor Variance application fee of $1,155.00 as well as the Sign Permit fee.


Regional Waste Discussion

This looks pretty interesting. It looks like County Council is heading in the direction of regionalizing garbage collection. There is also mention of a compost program in the presentation. I’ll listen closely Monday night but for those of you that are interested, here is the link to the slide presentation.

2024 Budget Schedule

Administration has prepared a report with a proposed schedule for the 2024 budget. In a nutshell, here is the overview of the dates : 

Key aspects of the proposed schedule are: 

  • Present & Table Draft Budget November 13, 2023 
  • Public Engagement Survey/Open House November 13-26, 2023 
  • Audit & Finance Committee November 28, 2023 
  • Council Deliberations December 4-6, 2023
  • Council Adoption of Budget Tentative for Jan 8th 2024

This would allow members of council to get their schedules in order well in advance to be prepared for budget deliberations. 

New Policy – Electronic Monitoring of Employees

How interesting….It seems that some legislation was changed and employers that employ 25 or more people have to have an electronic monitoring of employees. It appears that the employer has to disclose how and in what circumstances the employer may electronically monitor their employees and the purposes for which information obtained may be used. 

From the report : “The recommended policy is applicable to all Town employees, volunteers and Council at any location where work is being performed unless explicitly specified. Under the Employment Standards Act (2000), an “Employee” includes anyone who performs work or services for wages for the Employer (the Town). Electronic Monitoring is defined as use of technological, electronic, or digital means to track, observe, or monitor an individual’s actions or activities and can include both passive or active approaches including but not limited to: Security Cameras and Surveillance Equipment, Door Locks and Swipe card activity, email and VPN activity, recording devices, social media activity and other corporate assets (vehicles, tablets, desktops) etc.”

I anticipate at least one member of council will be up in arms about this….but we shall see….I think most people know that anything and everything done on a computer can be tracked….and for any conspiracy theorist readers I may have…’s not the government LOL! 

Pat Thrasher Park Playground Resurfacing

The tender was put out there for the resurfacing of Pat Thrasher Park. Only one bid was submitted. Here is the recommendation: 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Town Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign a contract with New World Park Solutions Inc. in the amount of $155,578 plus HST for the complete supply and installation of EPDM poured in place rubber safety surfacing at Pat Thrasher park Located at 68 Knobb Hill Dr. Amherstburg ON satisfactory in form to the Town Clerk, in financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and technical content to the Director Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture; and, 

2. A $13,000 shortfall BE FUNDED from the 1010 – Park Reserve Fund as per Budget Paper PAR-001-23 and; 

3. Council DELEGATE the authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to award and issue purchase orders and/or sign and execute any such agreements or change orders as may be required to execute the scope of work for the playground resurfacing project at Pat Thrasher Park. 

Food, Organics and Biosolids Waste Management Update & Regional Waste Management Proposal

This report is in relation to the above noted presentation about the solid waste. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1.Council RECEIVE the presentation from the County of Essex and Essex-Windsor Solid Waste Authority regarding the concept of a regional approach to waste management; 

2. Council ENDORSE the concept of a regional approach to waste management for further exploration; and 

3. Council DIRECT Administration to report back at a future Council meeting with further information on a regional waste management program, including the required legal and logistical steps required to upload the waste management service as well as cost and service implications.

Resignation from the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee

It looks like somebody has resigned from the Parks and Rec Committee. There isn’t a name in the report. Council has to replace the person by either choosing from the existing list of candidates or by advertising for the position. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. ______________BE APPOINTED to the Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee as detailed in the report titled Resignation from Parks and Recreation Advisory Committee; OR 

2. Administration BE DIRECTED to advertise for the vacancy as per the Appointment to Local Boards and Committees Policy. 

Portable Sign Exemption

This is quite interesting. For those of you who haven’t followed the local politics and previous councils, the whole portable sign issue dates back to two councils ago. There was quite a dust up between businesses that wanted to advertise and some members of council and some residents that didn’t like the portable signs. I think the easiest way to get the history behind this (if you’re interested) is to post each motion of council in chronological order. If you’re not interested in this, skip to the next item LOL. From the report : 

“Council at its meeting held May 28th, 2018 will recall the following resolutions; Resolution # 20180528-184: 

“That: 1. The report from the Manager of Planning Services and the Chief Administrative Officer dated May 15, 2018 regarding Signage Requests in the Context of Urban Design Guidelines BE RECEIVED; and, 

2. A MORATORIUM BE PLACED on all signage requests (including portable signs) for the areas bound by Texas Road to Lowes Side Road and from 2 of 4 Meloche Road to the Water’s Edge until the Urban Design Guidelines for Signage has been approved.” 

Council at its meeting held October 13th, 2020 will recall the following resolution: Resolution # 20201013-325: 

“That Administration BE DIRECTED to waive the portable signage fees for the remainder of the year for businesses within the community who request it and should the pandemic go into 2021, the waiving of fees for portable signs should be considered again.” 

Council at its meeting held on February 14, 2022 will recall the following resolution; Resolutions # 20220214-19: “Council LIFT the current moratorium on portable signs for the rest of the calendar year of 2022; and, Council WAIVE the portable sign fees for 2022.” 

And from the discussion of the report : “The Planning Division has initiated the process of completing a review of the Town’s Official Plan and Zoning By-law. It is anticipated that this will take up to 24 months to complete. Administration recognizes that businesses within the area that has a moratorium have not been able to advertise since 2018 when the moratorium was first imposed and that this is a source of attracting customers to their respective businesses. While the review has been started, another 24 months of not advertising may hinder these businesses from attracting new customers. Businesses still must adhere to regulations as set out in the Town’s Sign By-law 2006-26. As we are more than six (6) months into the 2023 calendar year, we recommend reducing the sign permit fee by 50% for the reminder of 2023 only.”

I’ll be interested to hear how council reacts to this item. 

2023 Special Events Approval – Part VII

I love events! It looks like two events are on the agenda for approval and one of them is a new one!! How fun!!

It is recommended that: 

1. The following events BE APPROVED: 

a. Super Santa Walk/Run – November 18th, 2023

b. The Server Shuffle – August 12th, 2023 

2. The following events BE EXEMPT and PERMITTED for road closures to begin prior to 5pm: a. Super Santa Walk/Run – November 18th, 2023 3. 

The Special Events Resource Team BE DIRECTED to confirm that the requirements identified by the Committee are met prior to the event.

The Server Shuffle is a new event and I found some information in the report. It looks like the event is being organized by the Amherstburg Food and Fellowship Mission. It will be held on August 12th from 1:00 until 4:00 at Open Air. It looks like it will be a “competition” with an obstacle course for the restaurants in Amherstburg. All proceeds go to the Amherstburg Mission. Sounds like it will be a lot of fun! I am guessing that it is open to all Amherstburg restaurants, not just those in the Open Air footprint? I hope so anyway. I’m going to mark this one down on my calendar for sure! 

Adoption of Charitable Donation Policy

It looks like administration has prepared a policy regarding charitable donations made to the town. From the report : “As the policy sets out clear and comprehensive guidance for staff in the acceptance, record requirements and eligibility for donations receipts, the policy also defines the criteria for formal agreements should the Town decide to enter into a joint venture with another fundraising entity. To foster transparency in the application of our donation program, the policy also specifies how unused funds from the community will be allocated and retained for consistent use. Where appropriate, the inclusion of sunset provisions will be specified for major projects or fundraising campaigns in the event funding targets are not achieved. Unsolicited donations not already assigned by Council to specific projects are contributions to general revenue and will be carried over to the following budget year, upon approval by Council and the following year’s budget.”

It is being recommended that council adopt the policy. 


Council can ask questions about any unfinished business items on the list. 


Council can bring up any new business items for discussion. This seems to be a wild game of roulette at every council meeting. Often things that are minor are brought up that could have been dealt with via email and prior to the meeting…..and then it drags out the council meeting…..but who knows. Maybe council will surprise us this week?

Well, there’s the highlights. I’ve got a very busy weekend ahead of me and I hope to enjoy it to its fullest! I haven’t decided if I will go in-person Monday night or watch from home, but either way, I’ll be watching. Depending how long the meeting lasts, I’ll be back with the post-meeting blog…..Monday night? If the meeting is short and sweet….Tuesday night? If the meeting is long and drawn out….Wednesday night? If the meeting is really long and drawn out….LOL We shall see! 

Have a great weekend Amherstburg! Hope everyone can get out and enjoy it! 

Monday June 12th Regular town council meeting

Well, Monday night’s meeting was disappointing. It wrapped up after 9:00 and I just did not have it in me to write up the blog right away. Frankly, the meeting was draining. Mayor Prue did an admirable job of pointing out the rules and did very little gavel passing, which was refreshing. But, sadly, some members of council managed to hijack the meeting anyway. The rules of order were waived multiple times…..and when that happens, generally, all order flies out the window. Monday night was no different. If you are already feeling upset by my perspective, stop reading the blog now. Right now. Stop reading. Oh, and all of the delegations that spoke…..not one was received. Not one. Again, hard to follow procedure, where council throws it out the window and plays willy nilly with the rules. Why even have procedures if they’ll just be waived? Just some food for thought….


The meeting started out with Mayor Prue noting that there were no delegations on the agenda but that there were people there that wanted to speak. Just a bit of background, if a person wants to speak to council regarding an agenda item or non-agenda item, they have to submit some forms with their speaking notes ahead of time. Then, they are added to the agenda. There is a timeline that has to be respected to have the paperwork in. This way, council and administration can read the delegation ahead of time in order to be properly prepared for any discussion. It’s actually a pretty good system. When it’s used. Tonight, it was not. I have also noted that on Councillor Allaire’s social media, she often adds the link to the forms and procedures to delegate to council, which is an excellent idea. If people actually did it. 

Councillor McArthur said that he had received an email today about people that wanted to speak about the pickleball courts, which was an agenda item. (I’m not sure if they didn’t get their paperwork in on time or not, but the item was on the agenda.) Councillor Pouget said that Nancy Atkinson also wanted to speak but not about the pickleball courts. 

The Clerk joined the meeting on zoom. He said that Mrs Atkinson’s initial request to delegate was not complete therefore it was put in abeyance for the next meeting. He said that the paperwork for her delegation for the next meeting was in the works as per council’s procedural bylaw. 

Councillor Courtney then said that he had also spoken to Mrs Atkinson. He seemed to scoff at the procedures of what was required, how descriptive it should be, how robust or stringent the delegation had to be and other such items. The Clerk said that administration encourages civic participation but that her form did not have a subject matter and that it was outside of the dates required for submission. Councillor Courtney wondered if the content was appropriate. (I had to chuckle a bit…..I bet that Councillor Courtney knew exactly what Mrs Atkinson wanted to talk about since he said he had spoken to her….but who knows….). Mayor Prue said that it would be up to council but that the requirements to delegate had been explained. (Ironically, they’ve been explained to council several times now…..if council doesn’t want to follow their own procedural bylaw, then they really should just change it ….imagine trying to run a meeting with no procedural bylaws …..that would be effective and efficient LOL!

Anyway, Councillor McArthur made a motion to waive the rules of order to allow people to speak if it were about the pickleball issue that was on the agenda. 

Tennis and Pickleball Courts in Amherstburg

Mr Rousseau spoke first. He noted that he was late submitting his paperwork and appreciated council allowing him to speak. He felt that Pickleball is the fastest growing sport and that it was helpful for promoting an active lifestyle. He wanted council to know their desires. 

Mayor Prue explained that there were two issues before council. One was if the Anderdon tennis court (that is also used for pickleball) should be covered with plastic tiles. And the second was where to locate a new set of pickleball courts. Mr Rousseau said that their preference was the Libro Centre since it is more centralized and that the town would have better care and control of the area. He felt that the Libro made the most sense. 

Councillor Pouget felt that this item was coming from left field. She noted that the vast majority of emails did not want tiles installed in the Anderdon courts but she felt there was no mention about placing pickleball courts at the Libro. 

Mayor Prue pointed out that yes, both items were in fact before council. (I read the report and yes….both of these items were in the report….)

Mr Thetchen-Cary spoke. (Sorry, unsure of the spelling). He talked about the plastic tiles causing injuries. He wanted to dissuade administration from putting plastic tiles on the court. He felt that he had not researched the locations enough and did not have a comment regarding the location for the new courts. 

Mr Owen spoke next. He felt that if the courts were to go in Centennial Park that there would be too many noise problems and people would be angry. He said that the ball bouncing is very loud and people often complain about the noise. He also noted that a new Long Term Care Facility would be going across the street. He felt that Centennial Park would be out of the question for pickleball courts. 

Then, this was strange to me….who knew that members of the gallery could vote? LOL!! Personally, I think that Mayor Prue was trying to keep the delegations to a minimum, so…..he asked that all those in the gallery that did not want the Anderdon courts repaired with tiles to signify…..then he asked that all those that do want the Anderdon courts repaired with tiles to signify…..

I was watching from home so I could not see how many hands went up. But I did think….what about those at home? How can they “signify”? Hmmmm

Then, Mayor Prue was about to ask for people to signify their preference for the two locations for the new pickleball courts but Councillor Courtney interrupted and started talking about a previous motion of the old council. 

So, Mayor Prue asked if anyone in the gallery wanted to speak in favour of placing the courts at Centennial Park. Nobody did. 

The delegations were NOT received. 

Councillor McArthur spoke and said council had heard loud and clear that the pickleballers did not want tiles installed on the Anderdon courts. He noted that the administration recommendation was trying to patch the problem since they don’t have enough money to do it right. He noted that the previous council (the one that he was on with Councillor Courtney and then Councillor Prue) had not put enough money aside. (I would suggest that many councils had not put enough money aside for maintenance…..look what happened to Centennial Park, the track, the pool…..they were literally falling apart….it costs a lot of money to properly maintain infrastructure…..I think Councillor Pouget was on a few of those previous councils…but maybe not….) 

Anyway, there was a lot of back and forth with the Director of Parks and Recreation, Ms Baillargeon. Councillor Pouget and some others refer to her as “Heidi”, her first name, but she is respectful in her replies and addresses members of council all by their titles. 

Councillor Allaire said that she had googled contractors over the weekend and found some that offer 7-10 year warranties. (But will these contractors actually respond to a RFP and submit a bid? Because that’s how the process works….councillors don’t google and approach contractors…..council approves a budget and the project, administration creates the RFP and then contractors submit their bids…..It’s a very different process than if an individual is simply looking for some home improvement quotes. I’m not sure if Councillor Allaire understands that. Maybe she does, maybe she doesn’t.) Ms Baillargeon said that they could look into alternative surfaces but noted that the money can only support so many facilities. Councillor Allaire noted that we don’t have a “crap ton of money”. (I sat there in shock … .I would hope that someone sitting there representing a Corporation (Amherstburg)  with a budget of $56 Million would choose better words….)

Councillor Courtney then spoke. He said he had a lot of questions. And he did. He was all over the map. He seemed to feel that multiple amenities should be in multiple parks. Ms Baillargeon asked him where administration needs to focus since we can’t have everything in every park. Councillor Courtney then went on and on and on….talking in circles….I couldn’t even write fast enough, the subject changed every three words it seemed… got so bad that Mayor Prue even asked Councillor Courtney to get to the point. (Thank you for saying what everyone was thinking! Although, personally, I wasn’t even sure if there actually was a point LOL). Then Councillor Courtney started talking about Master Plans (no reference to the Libro Master plan that the previous council rejected of course….) He went on about a motion made by the previous council. Mayor Prue interjected again and told Councillor Courtney he was taking a long time getting to the point. He felt that he was “all over the map” and taking a long time. (And, well, I really agreed with Mayor Prue here…..Councillor Courtney was all over the map. He was giving a whole new definition to the expression “talking in circles” too.) Ms Baillargeon noted that conceptual plans had been made for the orientation of a track at Centennial Park and that the motion had to do with “IF” a track were to be placed at Centennial Park. 

CAO Critchley explained to council that a conceptual plan had been approved that night but that a new council was not bound by a prior council resolution. Read it again people….she noted that procedurally, a new council is not bound by a prior council decision. (I thought that everybody knew that? New governments get elected all the time, go in and undo what the predecessors did in order to advance their political agenda… I the only person that knows this? Clearly Councillor Courtney did not know this…he’s forever throwing comments out there about “democracy”….looks like it’s time for him to learn about what it actually is….

Councillor McArthur then made a motion to approve the new pickleball courts for the Libro arena location. Councillor Pouget was not happy since she had a motion prepared but it looked like he got his motion out there first. Councillor McArthur said that it was time for council to make a decision. (In the background I could hear people yelling from the gallery but since I was watching from home, I’m not sure what they were saying.)

Mayor Prue noted that an incoming government can change direction. This seemed to be news to Councillor Courtney. 

So, again Councillor McArthur made a motion for new pickleball courts to be located at the Libro Centre. Deputy Mayor Gibb seconded the motion.

Councillor Allaire started asking about amendments. Deputy Mayor Gibb felt that he was done talking and that now it was time for action. He felt that the Libro Centre was the place for the pickleball courts since that is the location that the users want, it has parking, washrooms, and all of the necessary amenities are already there. He also felt that people were still fighting the ghost of the sale of a small portion of Centennial Park for affordable housing and that ghost is gone. He said that he was elected to make decisions and that’s what he wanted to do. He spoke about Amherstburg being one community and that the Libro was an easy drive from anywhere in Amherstburg. 

Councillor Allaire felt very upset with how the motion was worded. She felt that this council should stick with previous council decision. She then asked about the concepts for Centennial Park (in the conceptual drawings) that showed hard surfaces at the west side of Centennial Park. Ms Baillargeon said that that would not change even if new courts were installed at the Libro. Councillor Allaire mentioned the new Parks Master Plan and the Spatial Plan and wondered if the Libro had the space for all of these amenities. Ms Baillargeon said that yes, the Libro had space for all of the amenities. Mayor Prue pointed out that the Libro is one of the largest land areas in Ontario. (And ironically, that big, beautiful property does not have a plan….because the previous council rejected it….and now we have to sit here and spin our wheels….) There was quite a bit of back and forth between the Mayor and Councillor Allaire. The Mayor did not seem very happy. 

Councillor Allaire asked about splitting up the project and putting two hard surfaces at the Libro and two at Centennial. Ms Baillargeon said that that would essentially double the costs. 

Councillor Crain noted that we need courts now. He noted that this past weekend, with the grand opening of the bike trails had shown what a mecca the Libro will be. He noted that unfortunately the Libro Master Plan was not approved but that it is a huge space and the courts can be put there. He felt that they’re needed and the rest can be figured out later. 

Councillor Pouget had a lot to say. She felt that the town hasn’t gotten feedback yet about Malden Park. She felt that no decisions should be made until council gets that feedback. (So council can’t put amenities in another park – the Libro – until feedback is received about Malden Park? Am I missing something here?) She felt that council should have had to ask for reconsideration since she felt it make sense to put the courts at Centennial Park. She went on about her motion that she had prepared but couldn’t make and wanted council not to proceed with Councillor McArthur’s motion. 

So, this is VERY important….Mayor Prue pointed out that reconsideration can only be done by those who made the motion. (So, procedurally, the old council made the motion…..this council is free to do what they wish….they do not have to reconsider it – in fact, it would be outright wrong for a new council to “reconsider” a motion made by another council. That’s procedurally incorrect on so many levels…..funny how procedures are waived to allow people to speak, and then procedures are invented when things don’t go your way? Odd…..) Mayor Prue said he would ask for the vote. 

Councillor Courtney then went on yet another rant. He spoke about all of the public consultations and that it created a waste of anxiety, money and peace of mind. He felt that this motion was “asinine” and crazy and that he wouldn’t support it. (Interesting…..what about the wasted anxiety, money and peace of mind when the old council that Councillor Courtney sat on rejected the Libro Master Plan that had tons of public consultation???? Outright rejected it, threw in a box and put it away…..yet now, the new council wants to put pickleball courts at the Libro where the actual USERS of said pickleball courts want them? What am I missing?)

Councillor McArthur spoke about how he was listening to the pickleball players and investing in the Libro Centre Monday night. He noted that pickleball makes noise, the players need parking, washrooms and a place to fill up their water bottles, all of which is at the Libro at this very moment. He seemed to take offense that Councillor Courtney had called the previous council “hellish”….Councillor McArthur felt that the previous council wasn’t that bad and he didn’t want to disparage the prior council. BUT he did note that the prior council were afraid to make decisions. He noted that council has to make decisions and that the Libro is the best spot for the courts. (I could hear clapping from the gallery when he said this.

So, finally the motion was before council…..TWO hard top surfaces at the Libro Centre (which equals 2 tennis courts or 8 pickleball courts). It went to a recorded vote….but it wasn’t a traditional recorded vote LOL…’s what happened : 

Councillor Allaire : said approve? Opposed? Agree? Support? (So, I THINK she supported this? I’ll know for sure when the minutes come out. I would have to think Councillor Allaire would support adding amenities to the Libro Centre?

Councillor Courtney : Oppose 

Councillor Crain: Support

Deputy Mayor Gibb : Support

Councillor McArthur : The sound didn’t work on his microphone so I’m assuming he supported his own motion

Councillor Pouget : The sound didn’t work on her microphone so I’m assuming she opposed the motion since she said she would

Mayor Prue : Support 

So it carried. I think 5-2. 

But it wasn’t over yet….

There was $140,000 budgeted for the tiles at the Anderdon courts….the CAO asked if council wanted to move that money to the new design for the new courts and then figure out the rest for the 2023 budget. 

Councillor Allaire made a motion to fix the Anderdon courts. This carried, although Councillor Pouget did not raise her hand, so I believe that is a vote in opposition. 

But then a long, long discussion ensued about how much to spend….Councillor Allaire wanted something with a 5-7 year warranty….CAO Critchley pointed out that it would take more than $50,000 to get a repair with that kind of warranty. Councillor Allaire then wanted to spend $6,000 to repair the court like last year. Mayor Prue seemed to be getting irritated and there was somewhat of an argument about her motion….Councillor Allaire made reference to sending out a RFP for the repairs. Mayor Prue said that would take 3 or 4 months to do….he suggested just spending X dollars and then staff could figure something out….he said he was trying to assist Councillor Allaire (which I do believe he was).

Councillor Allaire then made a motion to spend up to $40,000 to repair the Anderdon courts and then move the $100,000 towards building the new courts at the Libro. (This seemed reasonable to me.) Ms Baillargeon said that would be enough money for some temporary repairs and that some repairs are needed now. Councillor Crain said he wouldn’t support it, since he felt the entire $140,000 should be moved to the budget. Deputy Mayor Gibb suggested an amendment to get different options for repairs and then use the balance for the Libro Courts. There was back and forth then Councillor Allaire accepted the amendments. Councillor Pouget said she would not support the motion. Councillor Pouget felt that council had ignored due process and ignored previous motions. (Just wait a few minutes for a huge situation where due process will be ignored, by Councillor Pouget and the rest of council …..just some foreshadowing for you….). Councillor Crain said he would support the amended motion. It went to a vote, it wasn’t recorded but I watched : 

Support : Councillors Allaire, Crain, McArthur, Deputy Mayor Gibb

Opposed : Councillors Courtney and Pouget

Then, Councillor Pouget made a motion to waive the rules of order to hear Nancy Atkinson. (Remember about the importance of following due process 3 minutes ago?). Anyway, council voted and waived the rules of order for Mrs Atkinson to speak. I do not believe they should have done so. I am not a fan of waiving the rules of order in the first place but most definitely disagree when it involves waiving the rules of order for someone to speak to items that aren’t even on the agenda. Therefore, I am not going to summarize Mrs Atkinson’s “delegation”. If you would like to hear it and the lengthy discussion afterwards, you are welcome to go watch the video. Why will I not be summarizing it? Well, Mrs Atkinson’s delegation was not about any issue on Monday night’s agenda. The items she delegated about were certainly not urgent and could have easily waited for two weeks until the next meeting. By following due process and proper procedures…..that would have allowed council to read her delegation ahead of time to be prepared and it would have allowed town administration to also read it and be prepared. Because ultimately, when items just get thrown out there out of the blue, nobody is properly prepared….which means that rational, well-thought out decisions or action is difficult and even somewhat impossible. It does not create a balanced or efficient environment for decision-making. Since Councillors Pouget and Courtney admitted they spoke to Mrs Atkinson, I am guessing that the two of them knew what she would be discussing and asking for. But nobody else did. Including the public. 

Playground Design, Supply and Installation for Warren Mickle Park RFP #2023-003 

Looks like the tender results and drawings are ready to go for Warren Mickle Park. The money was budgeted so it looks like council just has to approve it. It also appears that the new park equipment will be accessible. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Council APPROVE the playground attached under Appendix A for a new accessible playground at Warren Mickle Park; 

2. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign and EXECUTE a contract with New World Park Solutions Inc. in the amount of $274,254.00 excluding HST funded from 0400 Reserve- General-Fund as per budget issue paper PAR-006-23 for the complete design, supply and installation of playground equipment and rubber safety surfacing, including all concrete walkways, landscaping, restoration and site work at Warren Mickle Park satisfactory in form to the Town Clerk, financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and technical content to the Director Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture; and, 

3. Council DELEGATE authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to award and issue purchase orders and/or sign and execute any agreements as may be required for the necessary services to execute the scope of work for the playground replacement project at Warren Mickle Park. 

Councillor Allaire noted the ramp but felt that the ramp wouldn’t have as many play items available at that level. The Clerk noted that there were a number of items at accessible levels. Ms Baillargeon, Director of parks noted that the equipment provided more than the AODA requirements. Six of certain elements are required for ages 5-12 and there were eight elements provided. (I took my notes by hand and could not catch which type of elements…) 

Councillor Pouget asked if the playground was AODA compliant. Ms Baillargeon said that yes, it was fully compliant. 

There was more repetition and back and forth and then finally Councillor Crain made the motion to approve the staff recommendation (above)…..and it carried! Done! 

Commemorative Program Policy

It looks like the town had adopted a commemorative program policy for park benches in 2012. It appears that administration is recommending adopting a new policy to oversee commemorative benches and trees that people can purchase in commemoration of loved ones that can be installed in various town parks. The report outlines initial installation costs and ongoing maintenance costs of various types of benches. 

There was some discussion and some questions but ultimately, this carried. There will be a commemorative program policy for benches and trees. 

Recess – It was about 8:15 and council voted to take a 10 minute recess. 

2023 Mill and Pave Program Part 2 – Tender Results

Good news for the residents of Eagle Crescent, Birdie Street and Driver Lane! The tender results are in for some road work on their streets! Here are the recommendations: 

It is recommended that:

1. The 2023 Mill and Pave Program Part 2 Tender BE AWARDED to Mill-Am Corporation for an amount of $236,289.60 plus H.S.T to complete rehabilitation works for Eagles Crescent, Birdie Street and Driver Lane and, 

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Mill-Am Corporation for the 2023 Mill and Pave program Part 2. 

This carried with no discussion. 

Angstrom Crescent Reconstruction – Tender Results

And great news for the residents of Angstrom Crescent! The tender results are in for their reconstruction of their street! Long overdue, in my opinion, since it is the worst street in Amherstburg!?! 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that:

1. The tender for the Angstrom Crescent Reconstruction BE AWARDED to Piera Con Enterprises Inc. for an amount not to exceed $614,874.25 plus HST; and,

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Piera Con Enterprises Inc. for the Angstrom Crescent Reconstruction.

This carried as well. It seems that the work should be starting soon and it will take a few months to complete. 

Tender Results for Fleet Purchase – WM-07

Looks like the tender results are in to replace one of our town vehicles. As seems to be the norm, it is a little over budget. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that:

1. An over-expenditure for the purchase of a Small Size Cargo Van not to exceed $6,026 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $46,026 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Water and Waste Water Reserves.

This carried. 


This is always the meli-melo of the night. Councillor Allaire said that she had requested change tables for the park (I’m not sure if she said Toddy Jones or Navy Yard Park) and wondered when they’d be coming. She noted that Open Air had started and that toilet training “sucks” for her. (Interesting she’s out enjoying Open Air weekends when she voted against them? Maybe she’ll change her vote for next year?) Anyway, it seems the change table is in the works. There was talk about speeding in front of Pat Thrasher Park but I’m not sure what, if anything got decided. 


Notice of Motion – Councillor Courtney – First Raised May 23, 2023

Here is Councillor Courtney’s notice of motion. 


1. Administration BE DIRECTED to identify the space required for an 8 lane track within H. Murray Smith Centennial Park on a north-south orientation; 

2. Administration BE DIRECTED to reserve space in the H. Murray Smith Centennial Park Conceptual Plan that is required for an 8 lane track, inclusive of any associated amenity such as parking, access trails (etc.), in order to properly use such an amenity should it be created; 

3. The period for raising funds towards the creation of a track BE EXTENDED from the original 18 month period to June 12, 2025; and, 

4. The decision on whether an 8 lane track is installed at H. Murray Smith Centennial Park or whether the reserved space be used for a passive trail network BE CONSIDERED following June 12, 2025. 

He asked if he had to read it out and the answer was yes. He also amended the motion on the spot. Eight lanes was changed to 6 lanes for the track – part 2 above. He specified a North-South orientation for the new track (if it ever comes to be). I believe those were the only two amendments that he made to the original motion above. Councillor Allaire seconded the motion. 

Councillor Courtney noted that there is not a town policy for fundraising and he felt that his motion would buy more time and would not be detrimental. Councillor Allaire wondered if there would be a hiccup on the west side of the park for more pickleball courts and “his” track. (I kind of chuckled when she called it “his” – Councillor Courtney’s – track. There definitely seems to be some blind fixation about recreating Centennial Park from 1980 onto half the space. I don’t get it.) Ms Baillargeon said there would be space for both the track and the courts. 

Councillor Crain asked what the cost for the track would be. Ms Baillargeon said it would depend if they wanted a rubber track or another type of track but that it would be in the MILLIONS. Councillor Crain asked who the group was that was spearheading the fundraising. Ms Baillargeon believed it was Tina Sharman and North Star High School. Councillor Crain then asked if any funds had been raised to date. Ms Baillargeon said that she was not aware of any funds to date that had been raised. (Let that sink in folks….zero dollars raised so far and council is going to give them more time…..more time for Centennial Park to sit undeveloped and a complete eye sore. Talk about lack of planning….but I digress….)

Councillor McArthur wondered if it was a pipe dream. Deputy Mayor Gibb asked if it was in the original plan for the high school that a track was being put in on their own property by the board. Ms Baillargeon said that a track was on the plans of the high school property but that they did not intend to put one in for the next 10 years. Deputy Mayor Gibb wondered if it was fair for the taxpayers to pay the maintenance for a facility that would be mostly used by the high school and he wondered about long term maintenance costs. 

Councillor Courtney felt it was achievable since the original track was built on fundraisers. (And unfortunately, the original track was not maintained and fell into terrible disrepair because past councils did not budget or fund its maintenance… we are staring down the barrel of a massive infrastructure deficit and yet talking about adding more infrastructure to maintain….when we did not even maintain the last track…..I’m not sure if this would be irony or hypocrisy….or both….) But Councillor Courtney felt that the track had happened in the past and it could happen again. 

Mayor Prue passed the gavel (I think this might have been the one and only time this meeting….) He felt that the time frame for fundraising was disturbing since it gave the group until June 2025, which means that the item would be in the 2026 budget and the next election is in 2026. He felt that the cut-off for fundraising should be December 2024 in order for consideration for the 2025 budget. He wasn’t comfortable putting this before the next council. 

Councillor Courtney went on and on about not having a policy and needing an extension. (Funny that we DO have a policy for delegations yet council doesn’t follow it.) Mayor Prue was concerned that 18 months was a long time to wait and that nothing had happened so far. He felt that perhaps a time frame with benchmarks should be established in order to not waste time. (Yup….a lot of time has already been wasted and more time is about to be wasted…..and the park just sits there….). Councillor Courtney wasn’t sure why there was a rush now. (Funny how it was a big rush to waive rules and allow a delegate to speak about items that weren’t even on the agenda, but it’s a problem to have goals and benchmarks for fundraising rather than let Centennial Park continue to be a huge eye sore?

Councillor Crain wondered what would happen if not enough funds were raised. He also wondered about sponsorships and cited Amherstburg Community Foundation and Art for Parks. 

CAO Critchely explained that this was a particular fundraiser. It seems that they want the town to hold the money. If tax receipts are issued and the goal is not met, then the funds could go to the park redevelopment fund, but that would be up to council. 

Councillor Allaire said she was okay with the shrinking timeline for fundraising and she did not want the next council to decide. She didn’t see any hiccups to raise money and then put the money towards parks if the fundraiser fails. 

Councillor Courtney felt that there would be no financial impact for the next council. Mayor Prue wanted to shorten the time frame and then council would approve the rest before the end of their term. 

Councillor McArthur felt that the timeline and benchmarks should be significantly more aggressive. He noted the old pool and track were fundraised by volunteers but he felt two years was too long. He said that the board has a football field with a stormwater plan in place for their property. He wants to see trails with exercise systems in Centennial Park. He felt that the track should be placed on the school board’s property to maximize space. (Which had me thinking…..why isn’t the school’s PAC spearheading fundraising and putting the track on the school board’s property … .then the school board would be responsible to maintain it and not us, the taxpayers…..????)

Councillor Pouget spoke about agreements that used to be in place between the school board and the town for the use of Bill Wigle Park and Centennial Park. Seems there are no agreements in place now. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb felt that if no significant money is out there, then in two years, nothing will be done at Centennial Park. He felt that the mood is out there for trails and park development. He wondered if the track was achievable and felt that if it weren’t, it would drag us down. 

Councillor Courtney said his motion was made because there is no town policy. He felt okay about the December 2024 deadline. Mayor Prue questioned when budget deliberations would take place. The Treasurer said that they take place in early December, so it was suggested to make the deadline for November 2024 for the fundraising so that they would be part of the budget deliberations. Councillor Courtney then got fairly snippy, abrupt and somewhat rude about the timeline. 

Councillor McArthur felt that the town should reach out to the Board and that they should be a partner in this. 

It went to a vote…..not a recorded vote…..sadly, it was unanimous…..everything is on hold for Centennial Park for AT LEAST another 17 months….realistically it will be much longer than that…..IF the millions required are raised for the track…..the taxpayers of Amherstburg will be on the hook to maintain it…..and the board will get to use it. Pretty sweet deal. For them. Not us. 

And with that, the meeting adjourned at 9:06 PM. I waited until tonight (Tuesday night) to type this up….I needed a breather….I’m guessing you can see why. That is, if you’re still reading. 🙂  

Have a great week Amherstburg! See you at Open Air this weekend! Such a wonderful community event for us. How fortunate we are to live in such a beautiful town! Now if only, the council meetings could start to be orderly, efficient and productive. If only……

In preparation for Monday June 12th Regular town council meeting

Monday night looks hopeful….the regular agenda is a slim 108 pages! Here’s a little preview of what will be on the agenda. 

First, council will meet at 4:30 for an in-camera meeting to discuss : 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reasons: 

Item A – Negotiations to be Carried out in Relation to a Matter Before an Administrative Tribunal – Section 239(2) (e) litigation or potential litigation, including matters before administrative tribunals, affecting the municipality or local board; and, Section 239(2) (f) advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications necessary for that purpose. 

Looks like something is being disputed at the land tribunal…..

Then at 5:30 council has a planning meeting. There is only one item on the agenda : 

Statutory Public Meeting to Consider a Zoning By-law Amendment for lands severed from 8917 Concession 8

Considering they’ve allotted 30 minutes for this planning meeting, I’m guessing they’re not expecting many complaints about whatever is being proposed on the 8th Concession. 

Then, the regular meeting is scheduled to begin at 6:00 PM. 

Playground Design, Supply and Installation for Warren Mickle Park RFP #2023-003 

Looks like the tender results and drawings are ready to go for Warren Mickle Park. The money was budgeted so it looks like council just has to approve it. It also appears that the new park equipment will be accessible. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Council APPROVE the playground attached under Appendix A for a new accessible playground at Warren Mickle Park; 

2. The Chief Administrative Officer and the Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign and EXECUTE a contract with New World Park Solutions Inc. in the amount of $274,254.00 excluding HST funded from 0400 Reserve- General-Fund as per budget issue paper PAR-006-23 for the complete design, supply and installation of playground equipment and rubber safety surfacing, including all concrete walkways, landscaping, restoration and site work at Warren Mickle Park satisfactory in form to the Town Clerk, financial content to the Chief Financial Officer, and technical content to the Director Parks, Facilities, Recreation and Culture; and, 

3. Council DELEGATE authority to the Chief Administrative Officer to award and issue purchase orders and/or sign and execute any agreements as may be required for the necessary services to execute the scope of work for the playground replacement project at Warren Mickle Park. 

Commemorative Program Policy

It looks like the town had adopted a commemorative program policy for park benches in 2012. It appears that administration is recommending adopting a new policy to oversee commemorative benches and trees that people can purchase in commemoration of loved ones that can be installed in various town parks. The report outlines initial installation costs and ongoing maintenance costs of various types of benches. 

From the conclusion of the report : “A Commemorative Program Policy provides the community with the opportunity to commemorate and recognize individuals in addition to helping subsidize and provide financial support for these two highly sought after and desired amenities in the Town. Therefore, Administration recommends Council support this initiative and recommends the program commence in the second quarter of 2023.”

If you’re interested in reading through this report, here is the link :

Tennis and Pickleball Courts in Amherstburg

This item seems to involve two things. The first part of the report is about the state of disrepair of the Anderdon tennis courts. There are some possibilities about repair for those courts as an interim measure. Then, there is a recommendation for council to decide on a location for four new courts to either be installed at Centennial Park or at the Libro Centre. (And once again…..the Libro Master Plan that was never approved comes back to haunt a new council…..just think if the old council had had the fortitude to approve that plan, there would actually be a plan….now the new council will decide piece-meal where to place these 4 new courts I guess….) Anyway, here’s the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Council RECEIVE this report for additional information regarding tennis and pickleball court improvements in Amherstburg as approved in the 2023 Capital Budget issue paper PAR-09-23 and that; 

2. Council APPROVE one of the two locations listed below as the final location for the implementation of four (4) tennis/pickleball courts in Urban Amherstburg as per Recommendation #45 of the Parks Master Plan: 

A) Libro Centre located at 3295 Meloche Street; or 

B) H. Murry Smith Centennial Park located at 185 Victoria St. S.

I anticipate a long drawn out show, I mean debate, on this item. 

2023 Mill and Pave Program Part 2 – Tender Results

Good news for the residents of Eagle Crescent, Birdie Street and Driver Lane! The tender results are in for some road work on their streets! Here are the recommendations: 

It is recommended that:

1. The 2023 Mill and Pave Program Part 2 Tender BE AWARDED to Mill-Am Corporation for an amount of $236,289.60 plus H.S.T to complete rehabilitation works for Eagles Crescent, Birdie Street and Driver Lane and, 

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Mill-Am Corporation for the 2023 Mill and Pave program Part 2. 

Angstrom Crescent Reconstruction – Tender Results

And great news for the residents of Angstrom Crescent! The tender results are in for their reconstruction of their street! Long overdue, in my opinion, since it is the worst street in Amherstburg!?! 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that:

1. The tender for the Angstrom Crescent Reconstruction BE AWARDED to Piera Con Enterprises Inc. for an amount not to exceed $614,874.25 plus HST; and,

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Piera Con Enterprises Inc. for the Angstrom Crescent Reconstruction.

2023 Sewer Separation Project for St. Arnaud Street / Victoria Street South & Alma Street / Sandwich Street

And the tender results are in and need approval for some sewer work. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The 2023 Sewer Separation Project Tender BE AWARDED to Nevan Construction Inc. for an amount not to exceed $210,995 plus H.S.T.; and, 

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Nevan Construction Inc. for completion of the 2023 Sewer Separation Project.

Tender Results for Fleet Purchase – WM-07

Looks like the tender results are in to replace one of our town vehicles. As seems to be the norm, it is a little over budget. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that:

1. An over-expenditure for the purchase of a Small Size Cargo Van not to exceed $6,026 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $46,026 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Water and Waste Water Reserves.


Council can ask about any unfinished business items. 


Council can bring up random phone calls, random emails, anything random really at this point of the meeting…’s like a bad game of roulette. You just never really know what will happen. And you’re usually disappointed LOL. 


Notice of Motion – Councillor Courtney – First Raised May 23, 2023

At the last meeting, Councillor Courtney had presented a notice of motion. Here is his motion, that will be debated Monday night : 


1. Administration BE DIRECTED to identify the space required for an 8 lane track within H. Murray Smith Centennial Park on a north-south orientation; 

2. Administration BE DIRECTED to reserve space in the H. Murray Smith Centennial Park Conceptual Plan that is required for an 8 lane track, inclusive of any associated amenity such as parking, access trails (etc.), in order to properly use such an amenity should it be created; 

3. The period for raising funds towards the creation of a track BE EXTENDED from the original 18 month period to June 12, 2025; and, 

4. The decision on whether an 8 lane track is installed at H. Murray Smith Centennial Park or whether the reserved space be used for a passive trail network BE CONSIDERED following June 12, 2025. 

And that’s it, that’s all. I’m hoping to enjoy another beautiful weekend and enjoy Open Air!!! Now, I just have to debate if I will watch the meeting live, in-person or from home with my feet up on my couch. Maybe I’ll flip a coin Monday night to decide what to do. Or see how I’m feeling on Monday I guess. 

All I know is that right now, I feel like enjoying the weekend and our beautiful town! Have a great weekend everyone!