Tuesday April 23rd regular town council meeting

Well, tonight’s meeting wrapped up in about 2 hours and was, what I felt, a very good display of team work and democracy at work. Overall, I felt that the tone in the room was positive and respectful at all times. Very refreshing.

***Mayor DiCarlo was absent tonight***

Council had met at 5:00, in-camera to discuss :

That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council at 5:00 p.m. pursuant
to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following
Item A – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of
land by the municipality or local board.
Item B – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of
land by the municipality or local board.

When the public portion of the meeting resumed, there was an in-camera report out regarding Item A I believe. There was a motion, something along the lines of an official plan regarding the land east of St. Bernard’s school be declared surplus for a long term care facility.

Councillor Simone made the motion and Councillor Renaud seconded it. Everyone voted in favour so it carried. I believe the property mentioned is the former school playground. Considering St. Bernard’s will be becoming a community hub, seems pretty forward thinking to put long term care/senior’s housing on the large property available.


Request for the Town of Amherstburg to Ban Single Use Plastic Bags and Straws – Addisyn Walker and Darragh Aston, Anderdon Public Elementary School Students

Ms Walker and Ms Aston took turns addressing council. They are both students at Anderdon Public School. They were requesting a ban of the use of single use plastic bags and straws in the Town of Amherstburg.

Ms Aston pointed out that by banning plastic bags and straws that it would make things more efficient for businesses and they would save money. Many establishments are already straw-free. Also, not using straws would help sea animals and the environment as cancer-causing chemicals are used in these plastic products. Ms Walker pointed out that many animals are are injured and listed many health issues caused by these plastics. They cited other communities who have already taken initiatives to reduce or eliminate the use of single use plastic bags and straws. They asked town council to take the lead for Amherstburg with this initiative.

Their delegation was met with a large round of applause. (Side note……these young women were well prepared and very well spoken. They should be extremely proud of their efforts, research and courage to speak in front of council. Kudos to them! When I see these acts of courage and pro-activeness, it helps me rest easy that the future is bright with such great young people taking on leadership roles at such a young age. Congratulations!)

Each member of council spoke in agreement with the delegation and thanked them for delegating. Councillor McArthur pointed out that there are openings on the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee and encouraged the girls to apply. Councillor Courtney wanted to see the possibility of banning these items investigated by administration. Mr Galvin, Director, Planning, Development and Legislative Services spoke about the issue of enforcement. He felt there should be some lead time to allow businesses time to prepare for the change and that the town should do some consultation with the local businesses. He also pointed out that the current provincial government is looking into banning the use of plastic bags and straws. Mr Galvin also pointed out that the town would need resources to enforce the bylaw if council chose to make one. He acknowledged that there would be push back and that often mystery shoppers are necessary for proper enforcement.

Councillor Prue wanted council to send a letter to the provincial government that Amherstburg is in support of any provincial laws that come forward to ban the use of plastic bags and straws.

Councillor McArthur questioned the use of straws and plastic stir sticks at the Libro and then requested to ban straws and stir sticks at the Libro Centre (except for cases of accessibility – some people require bendy plastic straws to drink). Councillor Renaud concurred with this thought. He said he spends a lot of time at the arena and sees how many straws are used. He spoke of the importance of supporting the next generation and that we need to break the culture (of plastic).

Finally, a pretty all-encompassing motion to direct administration to come back with a report of feasibility for a total ban of plastic bags and straws, to send correspondence to the province in support of a ban of plastic bags and straws and to ban straws and stir sticks at the Libro was made…..it carried! (Good job council! – I think this was a step in the right direction.)

Request for Wildlife Awareness Signage on Various Municipal Roadways – Greg Nemeth

Mr Nemeth delegated to council regarding the Big Creek area and the importance of protecting the area and the species that exist within that area. He said that there are turtle awareness signs in certain areas and seemed to want more signs for other areas. He mentioned wanting signs on Texas Road, Fox Road, Alma St, Meloche Road, Creek Road and Highway 20. He said there are a few but more are needed.

Councillor Prue pointed out that this seemed to be an unfinished business item. Turns out that it is an unfinished item from February 25th regarding signs in Big Creek. Mr Nemeth wanted 30 signs and wanted to go around and put them up. Antoinetta Giofu, Director, Engineering and Public Works said that her staff was in the process of preparing a report of feasibility of installing the signs. They’re currently preparing the report and it should be ready in the next month or so.

Finally, after more discussion, since the report is forth coming, council decided to hold any recommendations until the report from administration comes back.

It was now 7:00, so to give those of you an idea of time……2 delegations and we were an hour in…..


About MPAC and Ontario’s Assessment System – Tracy Pringle, 
Account Manager, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

For my readers that are homeowners, I’m sure you’re familiar with MPAC and how it affects your homes assessed value and the property taxes that you pay. Ms Pringle’s presentation about the MPAC assessment system is filled with numbers and data. Ms Pringle explained their role in the assessment system and that each municipality pays a legislated levy. She went through a break down of how home sales are analysed and how a home is given it’s “assessed value”. It looks like we’ll be getting our next assessments around June 2020. The assessments are phased in over 4 years. She said that 5 factors affect 85% of the rate that a house is assessed for……lot size, location, the size of the living area and I missed the other 2……darn….I was curious about that.

Anyway, rules of order were waived to allow Mr Parks to speak. He spoke about the different rates that are paid for farmer’s properties and residential properties. I won’t pretend to know much, if anything about this, but it did seem inequitable.

2019 Road Repairs Program – Award of Tender

This carried with little discussion and even a little under budget.

Manufacturer’s Limited Liquor Sales Licence – Dancing Swallows

This carried with little discussion too.

Development of Affordable Housing Grant (AHG) Agreement and 182 Pickering Grant

This carried with no discussion at all.

Reduced Use of Bottled Water in Town of Amherstburg Facilities

About a month ago, council had asked administration to prepare a report about reducing the use of bottled water in our facilities. I think the arena was referred to at the time. This report is being presented to council as an information report, therefore if council wants any of the ideas implemented, they’d have to give further direction to administration. It says in the report that recycling is available at all town facilities. Here are a few suggestions from the report :

“Expanded opportunities could include:

  • Promote the use of municipal water and personal reusable water bottles for Council and other public meetings within Town facilities
  • Identify opportunities to replace non-recyclable, single use plastics with alternate recyclable and 100% biodegradable products
  • Include a requirement in agreements for event organizers utilizing Town property or facilities to provide recycling opportunities for plastics for their patrons
  • Where Town facilities are being renovated or newly constructed, identify opportunities to install a water bottle fill station and recycling fixtures”

Councillor Prue made a motion to direct administration to implement the expanded opportunities. This was supported by the rest of council.

2019 Summer Aquatics Programming

As many of my readers are probably aware, the land where the Lion’s Pool currently sits has been sold to the school board to built a new high school.  Construction was supposed to be underway by now, but was recently delayed to September 2019. In the meantime, dismantling of the current Lion’s Pool had begun. Council decided against spending around $80,000 to re-open the pool for this summer and instead asked administration to come up with a plan for the public to have access to a pool. Council approved an expenditure of $20,000 to do this. Since then, there has been some concern about the public’s ability to access a swimming pool. There is a report coming before council tonight that offers, what I feel, is a very well-rounded solution to this problem. It seems this is a short term solution, as council would probably have to decide in next year’s budget if they want to replace the pool and how we could afford it.

For those of you who may not have had to the chance to read my pre-meeting blog, here’s the link :


This blog has “the scoop” for the plan for use of the LaSalle Pool on Front Road as well as the indoor pool at Movati. Please read if you need all of the info.

Administration was commended by council for the excellent plan to allow Amherstburg residents access to two pools during the summer months. (It really was a very well done plan…..very impressive…..and it looks like they’ll be able to implement the plan for less than the $20,000 budgeted, which will allow some wiggle room too. Bonus!)

So, if you’re thinking, well, everything has gone really smoothly…….maybe almost a little bit boring…..well…..

New Business

Councillor McArthur made a motion to reconsider the tag line from the February 25th meeting. He felt that in retrospect the tag line wasn’t doing it for him. (He had proposed : Every Day History). I think everyone knows I’m a fan of Councillor McArthur’s, but well, I was not a fan of the tag line that he proposed and that they ultimately chose. The other members of council admitted they weren’t fans either and that the logo/tag line meeting had been exhausting (Um, yeah, I was there……I concur…..it was mind numbing…..) and that perhaps the best decision hadn’t been made. Council voted unanimously to reconsider the tag line (and only the tag line, not the logo, just to avoid any confusion.)

Finally, Councillor Prue made a motion to ask administration through the tourism department to do further consultation and report back within 2 meetings with alternative suggestions. This carried unanimously.

Personally, I hope that administration comes back with a limited choice (maybe 3) tag lines for council’s consideration and they can just pick one. I’m still a fan of Born to Make History, the original tag line proposed by Cinnamon Toast. It makes me think of the song Born to be Wild…….and now that you’ve got that song in your head, I’ll sign off for the night! LOL

Overall, it was a very positive, forward-moving meeting. I hope our council keeps this momentum going. Maybe we will see some great things happen during the next 3 years or so! I sure hope so! (Are you singing that song now? Born to be Wiiiiiilllllddddddddddddd!)


In preparation for Tuesday April 23rd regular town council meeting

Well, this week’s meeting will fall on Tuesday night since Monday is a holiday (Easter Monday). The agenda is a light 112 pages, so not too bad at all. Here are the highlights as I see them :

Council will meet in-camera at 5:00 to discuss :

That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council at 5:00 p.m. pursuant
to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following
Item A – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of
land by the municipality or local board.
Item B – Section 239(2)(c) – A proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of
land by the municipality or local board.


Request for the Town of Amherstburg to Ban Single Use Plastic Bags and Straws – Addisyn Walker and Darragh Aston, Anderdon Public Elementary School Students

It appears that Ms Walker, a student at Anderdon Public school will be delegating to council and requesting that they ban the use of single use plastic bags and straws in the Town of Amherstburg. I find that very impressive when a young person is passionate about an issue and shows courage by delegating to council. There is a copy of her presentation included with the agenda and she has statistics and facts to back up her opinion. We’ll have to see what council decides to do with this issue.

10.2 Request for Wildlife Awareness Signage on Various Municipal
Roadways – Greg Nemeth

Mr Nemeth will be delegating to council and appears to be requesting permission to put up signs about wildlife awareness and turtle crossing awareness. I didn’t find much information with the delegation form, so I will wait and see exactly what Mr Nemeth is requesting. But I can’t help but think that our local businesses aren’t allowed to put up signs, so I’m not sure how this would fit in with the current sign bylaw. Although, he could possibly mean the yellow metal signs…..those I’ve seen in various locations warning of turtle crossings or deer crossings.


About MPAC and Ontario’s Assessment System – Tracy Pringle, 
Account Manager, Municipal Property Assessment Corporation (MPAC)

For my readers that are homeowners, I’m sure you’re familiar with MPAC and how it affects your homes assessed value and the property taxes that you pay. Ms Pringle’s presentation about the MPAC assessment system is filled with numbers and data. I’ll be interested to hear her breakdown of the information.

2019 Road Repairs Program – Award of Tender

The tenders are in for a road repair project and council has 3 bids for the work. Here are the 3 bids :

Bidder Tender Amount (pre-HST)
1. Nasci Construction Services $ 141,950
2. Jeff Shepley Excavating Ltd $ 143,259
3. South Shore Contracting $ 192,100

Administration is recommending that council award the tender to Nasci Construction Services. It’s actually about $10,000 under the amount that council had budgeted for road repairs, so that should help a bit with the quarterly variance.

Manufacturer’s Limited Liquor Sales Licence – Dancing Swallows

It seems to me another vineyard had applied for a ‘by the glass” licence not too long ago. Basically, it seems that the winery needs permission and council approval to sell wine by the glass and not only by the bottle at their locations.

From the report :

“Dancing Swallows Vineyard is located at 8704 Howard Avenue. The owner of Dancing
Swallows Vineyard has provided the following information about the winery:
Dancing Swallows Vineyard will be the newest winery in the Lake Erie North Shore
appellation. It will also be one of the smallest wineries in the province, and offer a
unique outdoor tasting experience inspired by the outdoor tasting areas seen on
the West coast of the U.S. Using predominantly grapes grown in our own
vineyard, the core wines will be ‘small lot’ wines crafted to be interesting and
unique. All going well, the winery will open for tastings and by-the-glass sales by

This looks pretty interesting. We’ll see how council feels about it I guess.

Development of Affordable Housing Grant (AHG) Agreement and 182 Pickering Grant

This is a fairly lengthy report with a lot of numbers and figures. It seems to be about the new apartment building that was built on Pickering Street and that the town would enter into an agreement for an Affordable Housing Grant that would have to then be approved by council. I’ll wait and see what council has to say about this and they questions that they ask.

The Risk Analysis from the report sums up the situation :

The demands for affordable housing in the Town of Amherstburg are not currently being
met. Development of an agreement and provision of funding to support financial
assistance that encourages provision of affordable housing in the Town would help to
address this gap.
Further, providing a grant for rebate of DCs to the developer of 182 Pickering would
demonstrate that the Town is committed furthering its partnership stake in providing
affordable housing opportunities in the community and municipal leadership toward
solving a growing local problem.”

Reduced Use of Bottled Water in Town of Amherstburg Facilities

About a month ago, council had asked administration to prepare a report about reducing the use of bottled water in our facilities. I think the arena was referred to at the time. This report is being presented to council as an information report, therefore if council wants any of the ideas implemented, they’d have to give further direction to administration. It says in the report that recycling is available at all town facilities. Here are a few suggestions from the report :

“Expanded opportunities could include:

  • Promote the use of municipal water and personal reusable water bottles for Council and other public meetings within Town facilities
  • Identify opportunities to replace non-recyclable, single use plastics with alternate recyclable and 100% biodegradable products
  • Include a requirement in agreements for event organizers utilizing Town property or facilities to provide recycling opportunities for plastics for their patrons
  • Where Town facilities are being renovated or newly constructed, identify opportunities to install a water bottle fill station and recycling fixtures”

We’ll have to wait and see if council wants to go further with this endeavor or not.

2019 Summer Aquatics Programming

As many of my readers are probably aware, the land where the Lion’s Pool currently sits has been sold to the school board to built a new high school.  Construction was supposed to be underway by now, but was recently delayed to September 2019. In the meantime, dismantling of the current Lion’s Pool had begun. Council decided against spending around $80,000 to re-open the pool for this summer and instead asked administration to come up with a plan for the public to have access to a pool. Council approved an expenditure of $20,000 to do this. Since then, there has been some concern about the public’s ability to access a swimming pool. There is a report coming before council on Tuesday night that offers, what I feel, is a very well-rounded solution to this problem. It seems this is a short term solution, as council would probably have to decide in next year’s budget if they want to replace the pool and how we could afford it. But for the moment, here’s the scoop.

Residents will have access to the LaSalle Pool on Front Road as well as the indoor pool at Movati Athletic. For the use of the LaSalle Pool, there is also transportation available. From the report : “Based on vehicle availability and the pool’s schedule, the proposed service schedule would provide the use of ACS buses every Monday and Wednesday to transport people to Aquafit/Adult Lengths from 1 pm to 2 pm and to Public Swims from 2 pm to 4 pm. The Town would supplement the schedule with rental of a bus from Sharp Bus Line on Thursdays for the same times.”  Residents would not need to incur the costs of driving to LaSalle. Either the Amherstburg Community Services bus would transport them or a bus from Sharp Bus line, based on the proposed schedule.

Regarding indoor pool at Movati : “The club has a scheduled time that they offer a Rec Swim that is open to the public (Saturday 5 pm – 7 pm) for a fee to non-members of $10.00. The club also offers swimming lessons to non-members on Saturdays and Sundays. Generally, the club would not offer swimming lessons in the summer, so as not to compete with the lessons offered at Lions Pool. However, with the closing of the Lions Pool they are willing to schedule lessons this summer.”

Now for the money part….the user rates at the LaSalle pool are slightly higher than the Lion’s Pool and the rates at the Movati Pool are quite a bit higher than the rates at the Lion’s Pool. It seems that the town would offset the cost of season passes for the LaSalle Pool. For the rest, it seems that residents would be rebated the differences between the town’s user rates for the Lion’s Pool and the other 2 pools. Of course, residents would have to keep receipts and submit for reimbursement of the difference.

Regarding swimming lessons :
“Residents would register directly with LaSalle and Movati for swimming lessons and
would be rebated the difference in rates between the respective locations and Amherstburg 2019 User Rates. Based on 2018 User Rates, the rebates would be $18.20 for LaSalle for a 10-week class and $60 for Movati for a 10-week class, upon
submission of a receipt.”

Regarding the Swim Team :

“The Town would rent LaSalle’s outdoor pool on Monday, Wednesday and Friday from
5:00 pm to 7:00 pm for the Swim Team practice. Swimmers would register for the team
through the Libro Centre as per usual. In this model LaSalle would invoice the Town for
the rental of their pool. The cost for the rental of the pool is $100.00 per hour which
includes lifeguards. The total cost for the summer would be approximately $4,200.00,
and would be funded through registration fees and funding providing for the aquatics
program in the 2019 Budget, as required. This programming will only be incurred should
sufficient participants wish to enroll in the swim team.
The Town has approached past Lions Pool lifeguards to consider coaching the Swim
Team for the season as was done in the past. The response has been very positive to
date and Administration is confident sufficient staffing can be recruited to undertake this endeavour. The cost of these services would also need to be funded through User
Fees (registration) and the funding provided in the 2019 Budget for aquatics, as

Here is the link for those who are interested in the Pool issue for further detail :

Click to access 2019%2004%2023%20-%20Regular%20Council%20Meeting%20Agenda%20Packet.pdf

The report begins on page 60.

Personally, this seems like a very sound and well thought-out plan. Clearly, the concerns were heard and a plan is in place. I’ll be anxious to hear council’s comments or questions about this, but it looks pretty darn good to me!

And that’s about it folks! I’m looking forward to Tuesday night.

A sincere thank you to those who reached out with concern about my mom. It’s very appreciated. She is doing well. I should be able to focus again on Tuesday evening. 🙂




Monday April 8th regular town council meeting

I’m going to be up front and honest…..my heart is not into the blog tonight…..my mother is in the hospital and my heart is with her, not town politics at the moment. So, tonight, will be a super quick write up of the decisions made tonight. The Mayor called for a recess at 8:00, and I left at that time.

Kings Navy Yard Park Voted Best Park in the 4th Annual Best of Windsor Essex Awards Contest – Annette Zahaluk, Manager of Parks, Greenspaces and Naturlized Areas

Ms Zahaluk addressed council and explained that the Navy Yard Park was one of 5 finalists for Best Park. We won! She presented the award to the Mayor. She thanked the Mayor and council for putting value in parks and in our community.

Request for Use of Kings Navy Park and Waive User Fees for Bob Meloche Kids
Fishing Derby – Chris Drew, AMA Sportsmen Club

The AMA Sportsmen Club comes before council each year to request use of the Navy Yard Park for a fishing derby. This time, they’ll be requesting use of the park and waiver of the fees from the new council. There was some discussion, but not a lot. Council decided to approve use of the park and waive the fees, as they’ve done in the past.

Request to Operate a Refreshment Cart on Town Property – Camille Jabbour

Mr Jabbour addressed council to seek permission for a hot dog stand at Toddy Jones Park Thursday through Sunday. There was a lot of discussion about this at it seems there are some other food carts that will also be asking council for permission to do the same. Council wanted to consult with the existing restaurants that are in a 400 meter area of the food cart. It looks like there may be some type of lottery system set up for different food carts at different times. I think that finally, council decided to have administration prepare a full report about the possible locations and number of food carts possible. I’m not sure we’ll see any food carts in the park until maybe mid-summer if we’re lucky.

Request for Use of Kings Navy Yard Park for Qi Gong Fitness Classes – Rene Thrasher-Duch

It appears that Ms Thrasher-Duch is looking to offer Qi Gong classes in the Navy Yard Park three or four times this summer. Great to see another new idea coming forward! Ms Thrasher-Duch explained that these classes would be free of charge and she was looking to use a flat grassy area near the gazebo for a bit of movement for anyone interested. There was a bit of discussion, but ultimately, council waived the fees, allowed the exemption of the park for activity, so there will be Qi Gong classes 3 or 4 times this summer in the park. From what I understood, it’s like simplified Tai Chi.

Mobile Fun Zone at Toddy Jones Park – Tammy Brochert, Little Buddies
Preschool Centre Corporation (Supplementary Agenda)

And another new initiative! This looks to be a trailer of fun activities for children that will be offered each Saturday for 2 hours at the Toddy Jones Park. Ms Brochert addressed council and explained her idea. She was looking to have a trailer, branded with her Preschool Centre’s name at the park each Saturday. They would offer various programming such as science activities, lawn games etc.

There was A LOT of discussion about this, since to have the trailer “as is”, council would have to waive $6,000 in fees. Or, Ms Brochert could piggy back off of the Farmer’s Market, pay them a fee of $630 to be a “vendor” and then offer activities during the time of the Market. Finally, after much debate, council decided to waive the fees and allow Ms Brochert to offer kids activities on her own schedule and not have to piggy back off of the Market.

Windsor River Cruises Ltd. Agreement

Another great initiative coming forward! Windsor River Cruises will be docking at the Navy Yard Park, as they have been since 2012. It looks like they’re seeking another annual agreement with the town in order to continue docking in Amherstburg and allowing tourists to disembark and reembark on the cruise ship. There was much discussion because the word “negotiate” was in the recommendation, however, negotiations were done and administration just needed council permission to enter into the agreement. Finally, council amended the wording of the motion and it carried. The ships will dock in Amherstburg 3 times this year. 🙂

Equipment Purchase Request Amendments – Parks and Public Works Budget

It looks like the Parks and Public Works Departments are looking to purchase some equipment. It was budgeted for, but it looks like they’re looking to purchase some different equipment than originally planned. There was some discussion about the “surprise” element of this equipment change, but it carried.

109 Park Street – Notice of Intent to Demolish

Here’s what I wrote up in my pre-meeting blog :

Here’s an interesting one…..long story short…..this house located at 109 Park Street had a property complaint issued against the owners. The owners looked into repairs and received quotes of $50,000 to $100,000. It seems there was even more deterioration discovered in the floor structure, so the homeowners have requested a permit to demolish the property……BUT…..it seems the property has been a “property of interest” for the Heritage Committee…..since 2007. So council, has a decision to make Monday night. They can either :

  • consent to the application( allow for the demolition to proceed)
  • consent to the application, subject to such terms and conditions as maybe specified by the council, or (add restrictions)
  • refuse the application; (deny the demolition) and move towards designating the property in accordance with Section 29 of the Heritage Act

From what I can see, it seems that the owner is ready to work with the town to include some historical features in a new home to be built, should they be allowed to demolish the existing house. It looks like the repairs required are very extensive and costly…….I am very curious to see how council handles this one.

Back to tonight, there was A LOT of discussion about this. A LOT. I will sum it up very briefly, but I hope that the news paper writes up a detailed article. It was an interesting conundrum and I say that with all seriousness. Councillor Prue did not seem interested in demolishing the house. Councillor Courtney seemed to look at it as a learning experience and was okay with the demolition. It seems there are 127 properties of interest to the Heritage Committee in Amherstburg. There were questions asked of the couple who currently own the house and questions asked of administration. Somebody from the Heritage Committee addressed council too.

Basically, it finally came down to the vote to demolish:

Support : Councillor Courtney, Councillor Renaud and Deputy Mayor Meloche

Opposed : Councillor Prue, Councillor McArthur, Councillor Simone

The Mayor had to break the tie and voted in opposition……so the house will remain…..

Then a motion came forward to designate the house as historically significant. That carried.

I’m really not sure who will be responsible to pay for all of the repairs to the house……or what will happen if the homeowners are unable to do so……does the town have to pay?

Zoning By-law Amendment for 83 Sandwich Street South

This appears to be an agreement for the new Wendy’s restaurant! I read in the news that council had agreed last week to this development and this seems to be the next step. Woo hoo!

Deputy Mayor Meloche asked to waive the rules of order to allow Mr Mikhail to speak and address council.

Mr Mikhail said that there was some history behind the development (I think every one remembers the famous August deferral…..). He said that he had walked away from the deal. Mr Mikhail said that the Mayor and the CAO were behind getting this deal back on the table. He said that because of the persistence of the Mayor and administration is the only reason that this development is back.

Councillor Courtney then spoke and seemed to defend the previous council for the deferral……

It was around 8:00 and the Mayor called a recess. I left at that point. I’m not sure what happened during the second portion of the meeting. I’ll have to read the paper to see.

And that’s it that’s all. I’m out for this week. See you in two weeks.

Sorry for bailing early tonight and for writing up a quick, lacking detail blog…..but my heart just isn’t in this tonight. I’m sure everything will be fine with my Mom and I hope to be back to my usual self in two weeks.


In preparation for Monday April 8th Regular town council meeting

Well, Monday night’s agenda is a slim 199 pages. Plus a supplementary agenda of 10 pages. Things are looking good Amherstburg!

Here are the highlights as I see ’em:

Kings Navy Yard Park Voted Best Park in the 4th Annual Best of Windsor Essex Awards Contest – Annette Zahaluk, Manager of Parks, Greenspaces and Naturlized Areas

Congratulations Amherstburg! The Kings Navy Yard Park won for “Best Park” in the Best of Windsor Essex Awards Contest. There will be recognition of this accomplishment Monday night! Great job to all involved!

Request for Use of Kings Navy Park and Waive User Fees for Bob Meloche Kids
Fishing Derby – Chris Drew, AMA Sportsmen Club

The AMA Sportsmen Club comes before council each year to request use of the Navy Yard Park for a fishing derby. This time, they’ll be requesting use of the park and waiver of the fees from the new council. They’ve always had their request issued in the past, from what I can recall.

Request to Operate a Refreshment Cart on Town Property – Camille Jabbour

From what I can see on the delegation form, this delegation is seeking permission to operate a hot dog and sausage stand in the Toddy Jones Park on Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays from 11 AM until 5 PM. I’ll be listening to see how this idea is received by our new council.

Request for Use of Kings Navy Yard Park for Qi Gong Fitness Classes – Rene Thrasher-Duch

It appears that Ms Thrasher-Duch is looking to offer Qi Gong classes in the Navy Yard Park three or four times this summer. Great to see another new idea coming forward! We’ll have to wait and see what council thinks.

Mobile Fun Zone at Toddy Jones Park – Tammy Brochert, Little Buddies
Preschool Centre Corporation (Supplementary Agenda)

And another new initiative! This looks to be a trailer of fun activities for children that will be offered each Saturday for 2 hours at the Toddy Jones Park. This looks like a lot of fun for the little ones! Again, we’ll have to wait and see what council thinks.

Court Security Prisoner Transportation Program – 2019 Funding Agreement

This appears to be grant money that the town will be receiving to use towards transporting prisoners for court appearances. It seems in the past, the agreement was between the Ministry and the Police Services Board. With the new WPS contract, the agreement will now be between the Ministry and the municipality. This looks to be fairly straight forward, but again, we’ll have to see what council has to say.

Windsor River Cruises Ltd. Agreement

Another great initiative coming forward! Windsor River Cruises will be docking at the Navy Yard Park, as they have been since 2012. It looks like they’re seeking another annual agreement with the town in order to continue docking in Amherstburg and allowing tourists to disembark and reembark on the cruise ship. (Yes, I realize it’s not a big cruise ship, more of a day time short term cruise……like the S.S. Minnow??? LOL)  The ship usually docks 3 to 6 times per year and can hold up to 180 passengers. This looks like a good thing to me!

Equipment Purchase Request Amendments – Parks and Public Works Budget

It looks like the Parks and Public Works Departments are looking to purchase some equipment. It was budgeted for, but it looks like they’re looking to purchase some different equipment than originally planned.

2019 Special Events Approval – Part II

Each year, each event must come before council to receive permission for their events. Some events require street closures, exemptions to use the Kings Navy Yard Park, noise bylaw exemptions or other exemptions. Here’s the list of events coming before council Monday night for permission to hold their events:

  • Mobile Fun Zone – Every Saturday from May 4, 2019 – October 26, 2019
  • Good Friday Procession of the Cross – April 19, 2019
  • AMBA Opening Day Parade – April 27, 2019
  • Music Off the Back Porch – Every 1st Friday of the month from May 3,
    2019 – October 4, 2019
  • Amherstburg’s Garden Tea Party – May 25 – 26, 2019
  • Ribs and Ragtime – June 9, 2019
  • Bob Meloche Kids Fishing Derby – June 16, 2019
  • Canada Day Celebrations – Amherstburg in Motion – July 1, 2019
  • Amherstburg’s Gone Car Crazy – July 28, 2019

109 Park Street – Notice of Intent to Demolish

Here’s an interesting one…..long story short…..this house located at 109 Park Street had a property complaint issued against the owners. The owners looked into repairs and received quotes of $50,000 to $100,000. It seems there was even more deterioration discovered in the floor structure, so the homeowners have requested a permit to demolish the property……BUT…..it seems the property has been a “property of interest” for the Heritage Committee…..since 2007. So council, has a decision to make Monday night. They can either :

  • consent to the application( allow for the demolition to proceed)
  • consent to the application, subject to such terms and conditions as maybe specified by the council, or (add restrictions)
  • refuse the application; (deny the demolition) and move towards designating the property in accordance with Section 29 of the Heritage Act

From what I can see, it seems that the owner is ready to work with the town to include some historical features in a new home to be built, should they be allowed to demolish the existing house. It looks like the repairs required are very extensive and costly…….I am very curious to see how council handles this one.

Zoning By-law Amendment for 83 Sandwich Street South

This appears to be an agreement for the new Wendy’s restaurant! I read in the news that council had agreed last week to this development and this seems to be the next step. Woo hoo!

Development Agreement for 365 Sandwich Street South

And more good news! This looks to be for a development on the land where the Wesley United Church used to stand. I saw that there’s some digging and construction going on there…..the report doesn’t say what’s going in there, but I’m hoping it’s for some retail?! Either way, good news! Bring on the development.

Committee Appointments – Amherstburg Accessibility Advisory Committee

It seems that finally, there are exactly 5 names as lay members for the Accessibility Advisory Committee as well as one stakeholder. Administration had to advertise these openings several times…….unfortunately there still seems to be a lack of applicants for the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Committee…..

And that wraps it up. Generally, there seems to be quite a few new, positive initiatives coming before council Monday night! I think that’s wonderful! Hopefully, there will be a lot of residents at Monday night’s meeting. I love to see public engagement! Maybe I’ll see you there?