Monday June 26th Regular council meeting

**Deputy Mayor DiPasquale was absent tonight.**

Tonight, we seemed to have a “distracted councilling” issue, since one councillor seemed to spend the better part of the evening texting (or playing video games? ) on his cell phone…..What steps will need to be put in place to ensure council members are doing what they’re paid to do and that’s pay attention in the meetings??? I don’t know……suggestions anyone??

Council had met in camera at 3:30 to discuss :

ITEM A – Management Salary Administration Program – Section 239(2)(d) –
Labour relations or employee negotiations.

When I arrived, shortly before 6:00, nobody was in the council chambers, just a few members of the public. Around 6:00 staff and council members started to trickle in and the meeting started (the public portion) around 6:12. Mayor DiCarlo said we would be doing something a bit different this time and singing the national anthem in honour of Canada 150.

National Anthem Video Compilation – Group Recognition, General
Amherst High School

While we sang the national anthem, we watched a beautiful video prepared by some students from General Amherst. When the song and video were over the Mayor thanked them, however, there was nobody there to represent the group. I believe council will be sending them a thank you note to recognise their efforts.

Stephen Brown, Chief Building Official (CBO) – Retirement Recognition

Mr Brown will be retiring as the Chief Building Official after many years of service to the town of Amherstburg. Someone from, I think, Human Resources gave a beautiful speech outlining his long and successful career. It was also duly noted that Mr Brown had donated the value of his retirement gift to a band (I didn’t catch the name) to play at the Belle Vue next year. Wow! Very impressive! Thank you! Mr Brown spoke briefly of how much Amherstburg has changed since the beginning of his career and thanked the support staff, council and administration for their hard work during his tenure.

The Mayor quickly went out of order to item 24.1, to appoint a Chief building official and Inspector. He made a joke that it had to be done quickly before Mr Brown left the building. CAO Miceli introduced Mr Angelo Avolio who will be heading up the position as Chief building official and Inspector. It seems he has worked in a similar capacity for the town of LaSalle for 20 years and he was warmly welcomed to Amherstburg.

Delegations that were not on the agenda

Councillor Fryer asked to waive the rules of order and council agreed to allow Ms Shelley Boulton to speak as a delegation. Ms Boulton had some concerns about a building going up near her property and she stated that neither she, nor the other neighbours were notified. It seems the area is zoned agricultural and she felt the area was becoming commercial without her knowledge. She had concerns about drainage, property values and felt that her property was being threatened without her having any prior knowledge or notification.

Then the floodgates opened. Councillor Pouget asked about the type of building going up and then asked Ms Belanger, the town planner if this conformed with the site plan since there was no information provided. Mr Galvin, Director of Engineering and Legislative Services stated that administration has a meeting scheduled with Ms Boulton on Wednesday to look into her concerns and questions. Councillor Pouget wanted a full report provided to council once the investigation was complete. (Yes, this is real, very real……can you imagine if administration had to bring a report back a full report to council each time a resident had concerns or questions regarding their property???? seems like the wheels would just keep on turning…..) Anyway, Mr Galvin politely explained that there are so many building permits issued that there is not typically a report given to council about them. He said that generally, individual matters are not reported to council. (Can you imagine…..the agenda is 400 pages now and I’m not even sure if all of the councillors read it…..can you imagine if they had to report each little thing to council??? The agenda could easily hit 1000+ pages!!!! phew! ) The CAO stated that there was a “stop work” ordered and the wheels are in motion for an investigation. He said they would simply be ensuring the property owner complies but no report. Councillor Lavigne made a motion to receive the delegation. (Hint, hint, council……let’s move on….at least that’s what I think he was hinting at.) However, Councillor Fryer did not take the hint. He then questioned when and why are neighbours notified or not notified about site plan controls. This went back and forth for a few minutes, then finally, the delegation was received and that was it. Administration will do what they have to do and every one can move on.

Another delegation not on the agenda

Councillor Fryer once again asked to waive the rules of order to allow the Rotary Club to speak and council agreed. Carl Gibb and Lena Lesanga spoke. Ms Lesanga was requesting to have the fees waived for the up coming Rib Fest event. She said they had been waived in the past and that they had simply forgotten to come before council to ask for the same this year. She said the fees totaled around $1,500. She pointed out that the Rotary Club is a charitable organisation and has done many things to support Amherstburg. Councillor Fryer made a motion to waive the fees. Councillor Meloche then seconded the motion but said he has a problem waiving the equipment fees, since those fees help to cover the cost of the equipment repairs and replacement. Councillor Fryer seemed a bit angry about this and felt all fees should be waived, period. Once again, the back and forth started up. Councillor Pouget wasn’t sure if Councillor Meloche had rescinded his second or not. Finally, after much confusion, it was accepted that the motion was still on the floor and Councillor Meloche’s second was still in tact. The clerk pointed out that the fees were actually $2,035. It went to a non-recorded vote (but old eagle eyed local blogger watched the vote)……in support to waive the fees were Councillors Fryer, Courtney and Meloche, so the motion carried.

2017 Water and Wastewater Budget

There is a proposed water rate increase for 2017 recommended to be 2%. Also, there is a proposed wastewater rate increase for 2017 that is recommended to be 1%.  Councillor Meloche was the only one with questions, mostly to do with the timing of this budget item, but nobody else said a word. The motion carried very quickly, so up go the water rates Amherstburg! Hold on to your wallets!

Amending Development Agreement for 7781 Howard Ave, Timberwolf
Trading Inc.

This is what I wrote in my pre-blog : “It looks like Timberwolf wants to add a dry storage building on their property. It appears they have ERCA approval and also that the Accessibility Committee sees no issues with this. I would have to guess this will be voted through quickly.”

WRONG. Councillor Pouget questioned (quite at length, in my humble opinion) the dates in the report. It seems sometimes it said October 26th 2009 and other times October 29th 2009. There were page numbers being cited, dates being highlighted and by-law numbers being read. (I was waiting for a lawyer to step in with opening arguments to present to the jury……) Administration assured Councillor Pouget that it would all be okay and they would circle back and make the (minor?) corrections.

After the “i”s were dotted and the “t”s crossed the agreement passed.

2017 Special Events Approval

There are 4 events seeking approval from council and several need extra approvals, i.e. road closures or other. Here they are:

  • Holiday Extravaganza Vendor Show – November 12, 2017
  • Downtown Holiday Night – November 17, 2017
  • Ignite the Night – November 18, 2017
  • Amherstburg Santa Claus Parade – November 25, 2017

Three of the four events require road closures. Previous groups have gone before council and were treated like they were asking for the moon for some road closures. Tonight, you ask???? Not a question, not a peep, no discussion. Boom and done! Road closures granted.

One event required use of the Kings Navy Yard Park to show an outdoor movie. Again, previous groups have wanted to use the park for yoga or religious celebrations and whoa Nelly! Council had concerns, questions, speeches, admonitions, more concerns, it never ended! Tonight you ask???? Not a question, not a peep, no discussion. Boom and done! Use of Kings Navy Yard Park for an outdoor movie granted.

Don’t get me wrong, I think these events should have been approved and I’m glad they were. I was just shocked at the huge double standard that exists when it comes to groups asking for waivers from council. I guess council must really like the organisers of these events???

Temporary Extension for Liquor Sales and Extended Road Closures for
the ‘Canuck it Up!’ Event

The Beacon Ale House and the Artisan Grill are looking to extend their patios during the “Canuck it Up!” event this summer on August 5th and 6th. They were granted permission for this without any discussion or concern. Awesome! See you there!


There was a lot of discussion about the various information reports. Councillor Meloche had several questions about the investment report and the 1st Quarter Variance Report. One councillor did not seem to share the same concerns, since he seemed to spend most of his time texting (either that or looking at something fascinating on his lap?) Councillor Pouget spoke a bit about the Spay and Neuter program as well as the internet speed. Once again, another councillor must have been having some great texting conversation. As far as the internet speed goes, the CAO said they’ll be moving forward with trying to find solutions with fibre throughout the town and through the various providers. (I’m no expert on this, don’t want to butcher the technical talk…..) Councillor Pouget asked about the possibilities of grants, while another councillor continued to text away. (I guess his internet speed is just fine.) At this point, the phone was out in the open on top of the desk for all to see. I won’t lie, the discussion went on and on and wasn’t the most fascinating, however, aren’t members of council paid to be at the meeting? If they’re being paid, should they really be texting while sitting in the meeting?

29th Annual Essex Region Conservation Golf Tournament Fundraiser

Councillor Fryer perked up for this one. He wants council and administration to put together a foursome to participate in this golf tournament fundraiser. Tickets are $175 per person. He said all of the money raised will be going to the trails. (I guess $100,000 wasn’t enough?) So, the motion carried to send four people to golf at this event. Bear in mind, the town will reimburse each player the $175, so it is our tax money heading off to the ERCA trails once again. Councillor Fryer said he and his wife plan on attending, so they will not be part of the foursome.

Unfinished business

During this portion of the meeting, any member of council can bring up any issues that haven’t been dealt with. Councillor Pouget asked what had happened to the library funds since there was a lengthy strike. Council had inquired about having the funds reimbursed. The Mayor said that he and the Deputy Mayor had asked for the reimbursement (as well as one other municipality), however the county decided to reallocate the money to reserves and they would not be returning it. ( Not sure why they wouldn’t have given the excess funds to ERCA? …LOL)  The Mayor said there’s nothing we could do, it was voted on and passed, therefore the money remains with the county. Councillor Pouget seemed pretty upset about this and even inquired if we may have legal recourse. She felt the residents had paid a significant amount of money in taxes and received zero in services. Councillor Lavigne felt we had been ripped off. The Mayor handled it all with grace and humour and said it was discussed if the funds were to be reimbursed, would it be to the municipality or the individual residents? He said in the end the county decided to keep the money and put it in reserves.

Okay, I’m going to do a little parallel for council on this one, since I know they read my blog…..the way council felt about the county keeping the money and doing what they wanted with it, is how the residents of Amherstburg (most of us) feel about council keeping our overpaid tax money and giving it to the ERCA Foundation. Same thing, guys, in my opinion. Get off your high horses, the county just did to you what you did to us. Just sayin’.

Also under new business 

Councillor Fryer asked administration to direct the Fire Chief to make a fire pit by-law for the next meeting, July 10th. Councillor Pouget seconded it for discussion, however, later rescinded her second since she’s against open fires. Anyway, after more back and forth the motion passed, so we will have to wait and see what the new Fire Chief has to offer at the next meeting as a by-law for open fires.

Also, there was another lengthy discussion about by-laws that affect how surplus monies are spent or allocated. Councillor Meloche said something about that the surplus monies should be applied to the next year’s budget. Councillor Pouget seemed insulted with the “innuendo”, however, procedurally, the Mayor said it was simply discussion, not a motion. So, I’m not really sure what, if anything, will become of any future surplus money. That is, assuming we’ll have a surplus again LOL.

The meeting wrapped up at 7:25 and council made a motion to resume their in-camera meeting that they had started at 3:30, then stopped at 6:00 for the regular meeting. Man, I wonder what they could possibly have to talk about for hours like that?

As for councillor of the week? I’ll give it to every member of council who did not play with their cell phone like a bored teenager during the meeting… know which ones you are! 😉  Kudos to you!



In preparation for Monday June 26th Regular town council meeting

Well, time to prepare for the upcoming regular town council meeting. As I wait for the agenda to download (must be a big one!), the supplementary agenda (3 pages) has already loaded and is ready to go. So, I guess I’ll start there.

On the supplementary agenda, there is one item:

29th Annual Essex Region Conservation Golf Tournament Fundraiser

It appears ERCA will be hosting a golf tournament in July.  It looks like they’re inviting council to attend and play golf and/or have dinner, for a fee of course. They also appear to be looking for sponsors for the tournament. I’ll sit tight and see if council has anything to say……was our $100,000 cash infusion to ERCA not enough?

Now onto the regular agenda, all 317 pages of it. First up, try not to be too surprised LOL, council will be going in-camera at 3:30 to discuss :


ITEM A – Management Salary Administration Program – Section 239(2)(d) –
Labour relations or employee negotiations.

And here is the portion of the public meeting:

National Anthem Video Compilation – Group Recognition, General
Amherst High School

Stephen Brown, Chief Building Official (CBO) – Retirement Recognition

2017 Water and Wastewater Budget

Well, I usually don’t read through these reports too closely, because there are numbers everywhere and lengthy reports with more numbers. This report refers continuously to the budget process and various accounts etc. However, what stuck out for me and I guess is actually the nitty gritty of the whole thing is, it appears we are looking at some increases……The proposed water increase for 2017 is recommended to be 2% and
the proposed wastewater increase for 2017 is recommended to be 1%.  We’ll have to wait and see what council decides, but seeing that council can be held personally liable for water quality, I foresee we can all start to open our wallets even wider. But who knows?

Amending Development Agreement for 7781 Howard Ave, Timberwolf
Trading Inc.

It looks like Timberwolf wants to add a dry storage building on their property. It appears they have ERCA approval and also that the Accessibility Committee sees no issues with this. I would have to guess this will be voted through quickly.

2017 Special Events Approval

There are 4 events seeking approval from council and several need extra approvals, i.e. road closures or other. Here they are:

  • Holiday Extravaganza Vendor Show – November 12, 2017
  • Downtown Holiday Night – November 17, 2017
  • Ignite the Night – November 18, 2017
  • Amherstburg Santa Claus Parade – November 25, 2017

First, let’s be clear. I LOVE events. I love going to events. I love being a part of events. I think events are a great thing for our community. It appears the first three events are new ones. I love that even more! Each event has a detailed map showing which streets will be closed and for how long….hopefully council takes the time to read all of the paperwork ahead of time.

The Santa Claus Parade has been around for quite a while. They need approval, as well as approval for road closures. They’ve always gotten this in the past, so I would guess this will be no big deal. Who can say no to Santa Claus?

The Downtown Holiday night appears to need road closures. I am guessing this is a new event……I wonder if they’ll be questioned infinitely by council about their event and need to beg (as other groups have had to) to get the road closures? River Lights is organising this event and they are looking for an evening promoting local commerce featuring heritage components. The evening will include a Christmas Scavenger Hunt, horse and buggy rides, costumed carolers and a night market. Additional programming will
be offered by the Provincial Marine and the Park House Museum.

The Ignite the Night event appears to be a regular town event but with a new twist. The event will include the lighting ceremony when the downtown core becomes beautifully lit up for the Christmas season. They also open the Gingerbread Warming house and have a fireworks display.  They are seeking road closures, as well as permission to use the Kings Navy Yard Park to show an outdoor movie. When previous groups have sought us of the Navy Yard Park, this was a BIG, HUGE, ENORMOUS, GIGANTIC deal…… This event also appears to be organised by River Lights.  So, not a new event just a modified event to include using the Navy Yard Park to show an outdoor movie… movie-watching considered passive enough for council to allow use of the Navy Yard Park for anything other than walking in?

The Holiday Extravaganza Show also appears to be a new event, however, they simply need approval, no by-laws waived or anything fancy. From what I can see, this event will be held at the Libro Centre in November.  It will be a showcase for vendors to sell their products for the Holiday season. Perfect! I’m in. Well, that is if council approves the event. Did I mention that I love shopping too?

Basically, I hope that council approves it all and gives these volunteers a break. In the past, council has questioned and argued with event organisers when it has involved road closures, signs and/or use of the Navy Yard Park. Here’s to hoping that they’ve grown and developed and can receive these ideas and events with open arms.


Temporary Extension for Liquor Sales and Extended Road Closures for
the ‘Canuck it Up!’ Event

The Beacon Ale House and the Artisan Grill are looking to extend their patios during the “Canuck it Up!” event this summer on August 5th and 6th. I vote heck yes! See you on the patio this summer!


I usually don’t go into information reports too often, since they are reports that council has asked for, yet they are received for information purposes only. (i.e. no action is usually taken). However, sometimes council members may ask questions about some of the reports during the meeting. I read a couple of the reports and here is my brief commentary :

Internet Speed Survey Findings

During the strategic plan process, administration discovered that there were many residents that were dissatisfied with the speed of internet service in Amherstburg. The town recently sent out a survey about internet speeds. I am going to do my best to not butcher this…..I am no computer expert, believe me! It appears that 96% of the respondents fell below the target of 50 Mbps. What does this mean? I have no freaking idea…..just that our internet service seems to be less than desirable.

2017 1st Quarter Capital Variance Report

Well, so far, so not so good… appears that we are over-budget so far this year by about $238,000 for capital projects. It’s early in the year, so there is still hope that this could change. Will have to wait and see.

2017 1st Quarter Operating Variance Report 

Once again, not too hot news, but it is early in the year. It appears we are in a deficit of about $53,000 for the regular budget. Some areas are under budget, some are over. The largest variances predicted for this year so far are : Fire department, over budget approximately $121,000. Department of Parks, Recreation and Culture, over budget approximately $205,000. Engineering and Public works, over budget approximately $152,000. Global Expenses are predicted to be over budget by about $173,000.  Again, these are predictions for the year and with the other departments coming in under budget, an over all deficit of $53,000 is predicted. Just think, if council hadn’t given away $100,000 to ERCA, we may have been able to end this year in the positive…..just sayin’.

Accounts Payable

As always, I like to look through what we’ve paid out and to whom. I always check for what we’re paying in legal fees, as well as any other items of interest that may jump out at me. While I am very happy to “report” that it appears we paid out a big fat ZERO in legal fees, I did notice something that concerns me. I saw we paid out  $997.50 to Communities in Bloom for an advertisement in a magazine. I wonder if that expense was a need or a want?

I’ll be back Monday night with the scoop! See you then!

Monday June 12th Regular town council meeting

Well tonight’s meeting was full of ups and downs. Sometimes my inner voice was laughing or in shock, other times she was snoring away. I will gloss over the boring stuff and try to keep to the interesting stuff.

When I arrived, council was in-camera for this reason:

ITEM A – Update on Current By-law Enforcement Matter – Section 239(2)(f) –
Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose.

They finished up around 6:00, then the regular meeting began shortly after.


Request for Sign By-law Exemption & Encroachment Agreement – John
Collison, Woodland Home Renovations & Additions

Mr Collison was first and I’ll be the first to admit I did not have the feeling he would get the sign he was requesting. Basically, long story short, he owns the house next to Riccardo’s (which is zoned commercial). He runs his business from this building. He wants to erect a sign on his property that would be slightly larger than what is permitted as well as have part of the sign encroach onto town property. To place the sign 6 feet back from the property line would basically put it in his landscaping. It seemed straight forward to me. But nope. Councillor Fryer was concerned about sight lines. Councillor Lavigne wanted an opinion from administration. Councillor Courtney was worried that council would have be setting precedent and be opening the door to saying yes to everyone asking for a sign. Councillor Pouget said that as a member of the Parks Committee and the Communities in Bloom Committee, she opposed the sign. There was much hemming and hawing and moaning and groaning (well, maybe that was my inner voice…..) Mr Collison came forward with some logic that seemed to sink in with council…..He pointed out that his business location is on the east side of the road, along with Riccardo’s and Joe Meloche Ford, which are all commercial properties. His sign would be fitting and not interfering with the theme in any way. The west side of the street is residential. So, Councillor Fryer made the motion to support the sign. Councillor Pouget asked for a recorded vote. So here it goes :

Motion to allow Mr Collison’s sign in front of his business :
Support : Councillor Courtney, Deputy Mayor DiPasquale, Councillors Fryer, Lavigne, Meloche and Mayor DiCarlo.

Opposed: Councillor Pouget

Request to Waive Invoice Fee for Open Burn – William & Rose Cipkar

Councillor Meloche declared a conflict on this issue since his brother was the decision maker, therefore he left the room during the delegation and discussion.

Mrs Cipkar spoke to council. She said she had been billed for an open burn and had appealed it to the fire marshall’s office. They rescinded the decision and she thought that was it, but then $900 was added to her tax bill.  Fire Chief Montone weighed in with quite a bit of information. It seems that the fire department attended the Cipkar residence on July 23, 2016 because of a call about a fire. According to the report, there was an active fire that had to be extinguished. Then, on July 25 2016, the assistant Deputy Chief attended the residence about the fire code. Therefore, there were 2 different processes. The one that was rescinded was the second one from July 25th, therefore the July 23rd open burn charge still stood. Mrs Cipkar claimed that there was no fire, just slight smouldering and that she and her husband had retired for the night. She said her husband had to show the firefighters were the smouldering was, since it was slight. The Fire Chief said 12 firefighters reported for the call and that council had established a by-law and fees for such incidents. There was a somewhat heated exchanged (ha ha, punny….) between Mrs Cipkar and Councillor Lavigne. She said she had been unaware of the rule to call the town 2 hours prior to an open burn and has been compliant with this ever since. She said they’ve been having open burns for 30+ years on their farm. Councillor Lavigne said the report says there was a fire, Mrs. Cipkar said there was no fire. He said, she said, it went back and forth. According to the report, there was a fire that was 15X20 and 3-4 feet high. According to Mrs Cipkar, there was smouldering. Finally, Councillor Fryer made a motion to receive the delegation and it passed. The Mayor kindly explained to Mrs Cipkar that the charge and fee would still stand.

Ontario’s Nuclear Emergency Response Plan – Theresa McClenaghan,
Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

Ontario’s Nuclear Emergency Response Plan – Shawn-Patrick Stensil,
Greenpeace Canada

These two delegations were sort of combined into one since they were both about the same issue, Ontario’s Nuclear Emergency Response Plan. I’m not going to lie to you… inner voice was yawning, sometimes snoring, sometimes staring blankly off into the distance. Basically, Ms McClenaghan and Mr Stensil were advocating for council to pressure the provincial government to take the danger that Fermi II poses to the town more seriously and to provide equal funding to Amherstburg and surrounding area. There was much back and forth after the presentations even though my notes don’t reflect it. (I may have nodded off, I’m not sure…..but each time I awoke, the nightmare wasn’t over……) Anyway, finally the clerk read the longest motion I’ve ever heard, no exaggeration. Heck, no, I couldn’t write it all down. You know how when people read a lot, they have to stop and take a breath periodically? She read for so long, I think she stopped for at least 10 breaths or more. I hope that paints a quality mental image for you. The only thing I did catch was something about the province providing the same funding for Amherstburg as they provide to everyone else. Then, when I thought it was finally over, she read the list of people and groups and agencies that would receive a copy of this motion or report or novel or whatever it was they were asking for. Again, the list went on and on and on….the MP, MPP, Ministry of you name it, committees, churches, my mom…..however, I, your local blogger was not on said list of recipients. 😉  The motion carried. Thank goodness nobody had any questions about it!

I just found this article about this issue. If you’re interested and looking for more info:


2016 Year in Review & Tourism Month Activities – Gordon Orr, CEO,
and Lynnette Bain, Vice President, Tourism Programs & Development,
Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island

Mr Orr gave a great presentation to keep council informed of the tourism industry in Windsor and Essex County. He spoke of the Canada 150 marketing plan, social media, the visitor’s guide and the Destination Development Strategy. He showed us their promotional video and it was really well done! I loved it. Then, out of nowhere, Councillor Fryer asked if Amherstburg is the top for festivals? (My inner voice was biting her tongue. Probably because my head had just snapped back! Amherstburg is actually down 2 festivals this year! It’s only because of the Canuck it up, Canada 150 that we have an additional festival…..We lost the Mardi Gras and the Shores of Erie Wine Fest, which we then had Harvest Fest, which we also lost……So, basic math, we lost 2, gained 1 only for this year… in the world could we be top for festivals?) Mr Orr gave a very politically correct answer supporting the entire region and then the presentation was over.

Healthy Kids Community Challenge – Rick Daly, Manager of Recreation
Services, and Joe Parent, City of Windsor

This initiative is just like what it’s called…..This presentation seemed to be about a program funded by the province and feds promoting healthy kids.  Here are the main 3 points :

  • Run. Jump. Play. Every Day.
  • Water does wonders.
  • Choose to Boost Veggies and Fruit.

Seems logical and straightforward. The town has implemented this program with the local schools and these fellows were reporting the results to council. The presenters then handed out reusable water bottles to the members of council. The people sitting around me couldn’t help but notice, maybe we should get some water bottles???? Maybe they can’t give us water bottles out of fear we may throw them…..maybe that’s why the chairs in the council chambers are all hooked together???? Funny how things start to make sense sometimes…..

It was now 8:00 (ya, I know!), so the Mayor called a 10 minute break.

2016 Consolidated Financial Statements – Cynthia Swift, KPMG

Ms Swift gave a very brief (man, I really like her!) presentation and said no significant deficiencies were found in the town’s financials statements. She said that administration is reducing debt and boosting reserves and the Deloitte recommendations were being followed. (Yay, us, Amherstburg!)

Changes to Current Vacancy Rebate Program

Basically, this appears to be a county-wide initiative to minimize building vacancies. As it stands, a property owner can keep a building empty indefinitely and get a tax rebate as long as the building remains empty.  The CAO pointed out it is a way to hold land owners accountable, for example, a land owner may choose to purposely to keep a building empty because they can’t get a lease rate they want. (Personally, my inner voice thinks this is a good thing…..just vote and move on!) They finally did and it passed.

Zoning By-law Amendment – 248 Crystal Bay Drive

Okay. I did not write about this in my pre-meeting blog because I thought it was no big deal. Well, it seems this was a big deal to some on council. Basically, it seems the property owner wants to have the H symbol (holding symbol) put on the property until he/she decides what they want to do with it….i.e. development of some type. Councillor Pouget started quoting by-laws and talking about endangered species. Ms Belanger, Manager of Planning services spoke to Councillor Pouget. She said she had given Councillor Pouget the phone number to call directly with her complaints. I think it was a Ministry of Natural Ressources tips line that Councillor Pouget could call with her concerns. (Inner voice…….lmao!……) Ms Belanger said that ERCA and the MNR (Ministry of Natural Ressources) were satisfied with the H symbol going on said property. Councillor Pouget then said she tried to reach them and they were supposed to call her back but they didn’t. She did not feel right about it, since she wouldn’t be able to give council a full report. She then started to quote sentences from the report and said the MNRF was not in favour of this.

THEN, Councillor Pouget made a motion to defer the whole issue. Hang on to our hats…..they had to vote several times……the first time they voted on the deferral, it appeared Councillor Fryer voted twice, both for and against the deferral. So basically, they had to vote again. Then, Councillors Pouget, Courtney, Fryer and Deputy Mayor DiPasquale voted in favour of the deferral. Then, councillor Fryer asked for a re-vote since he may want to change his vote. (inner voice……WTH is going on????) So, then they voted again on deferring the issue…….The Mayor had to ask everyone to hold their hands high when they voted… students at school lol…….in favour Councillor Pouget, Councillor Courtney and Deputy Mayor DiPasquale…..opposed was Councillors Fryer, Lavigne and Meloche.  So Mayor DiCarlo broke the tie and voted against the deferral.

So, there we were, no deferral and the discussion about the property raged on. The CAO referred to page 293 of the report and pointed out that it refers to the entirety of Boblo having endangered species. (I wonder if ghosts of amusement parks past are considered endangered species? I bet the dance hall is full of them…..) Ms Belanger, again, pointed that the MNR recommended the Holding symbol. She had some legal jargon about development that I didn’t quite get.

THEN, Councillor Pouget asked how they were speaking on a motion that was deferred. Mayor DiCarlo pointed out to her that the issue had not been deferred (he broke the 3-3 tie for not deferring). Mayor DiCarlo had a small back and forth with Councillor Pouget. Then councillor Fryer made a motion to cease the debate and call the motion for the Holding symbol. In favour : Councillors Fryer, Lavigne, Meloche and Deputy Mayor DiPasquale. Opposed: Coucillors Courtney and Pouget.

Regular Council Meeting Date Change – August 2017

There is a regular council meeting scheduled for August 14th 2017. However, the 2017 Annual Conference for The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is
taking place in Ottawa on August 13-16, 2017. It appears the Mayor, the CAO and 2 councillors (not named in the report) are going to be attending this event. (Good for them!!!) So, obviously, there is concern of there not being a quorum for this meeting, so administration is recommending rescheduling the meeting to August 21st.

Mark your calendars peeps, the meeting was moved to August 21st. Councillor Fryer announced he won’t be there.

There were a few other small items discussed. I’m not going to get into the nitty gritty. Then council went in-camera (again! started the meeting in-camera and finished the meeting in-camera!) to discuss :

ITEM B – Performance Review – Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters about an
identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.
ITEM C – Building Department Staffing Update – Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters
about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees,
Section 239(2)(d) – Labour relations or employee negotiations.

As for councillor of the week… has to go to Mayor DiCarlo this week. How he manages to keep the chaos under control and with diplomacy is beyond me…..seriously, 3 votes on one issue and having to specify to hold your hand up high? That must take serious patience. (and probably tongue-biting…..)

In preparation for Monday June 12th regular town council meeting

Well, as I sit here waiting for the agenda to download (it must be a big one!), I see there is already a supplementary agenda for the in-camera meeting scheduled for Monday night. So far, I think this council is one for one…..each regular meeting, there is also an in-camera meeting. I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to seem excessive to me, but that’s just my opinion. I’m just not sure where “accountability” and “transparency” fit in with an in-camera meeting, but, oh well, the 428 page agenda has just finished uploading, downloading, whatever, I can see it now. Here are the highlights as I see ’em:

AT 5:00, before the regular meeting, council will go in-camera to discuss:

That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council at 5:00 p.m., pursuant
to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended, for the following reason:
ITEM A – Update on Current By-law Enforcement Matter – Section 239(2)(f) –
Advice that is subject to solicitor-client privilege, including communications
necessary for that purpose.

It appears they will return in-camera AFTER the regular meeting to then discuss:

ITEM B – Performance Review – Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters about an
identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.
ITEM C – Building Department Staffing Update – Section 239(2)(b) – Personal matters
about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees,
Section 239(2)(d) – Labour relations or employee negotiations.

I will try to briefly summarise what’s coming up Monday night. It’s a beautiful and busy weekend around here, so I hope to be brief yet concise. We’ll see….


There are four delegations scheduled for Monday night.
Request for Sign By-law Exemption & Encroachment Agreement – John
Collison, Woodland Home Renovations & Additions

The famous sign by-law is back up for an exemption again….makes you wonder….if someone’s coming before council at almost every meeting to request an exemption, is the by-law too strict?

It looks like Mr Collison is looking to erect a sign that would encroach somewhat on town property. It appears part of the sign would be on his property and part of it would be on town property. There are pictures and diagrams included in the presentation. Will have to wait to see what council decides to do…..

Request to Waive Invoice Fee for Open Burn – William & Rose Cipkar

It appears the Mr and Mrs Cipkar were billed for the fire department showing up at their home because of an open fire burn. They appealed it and the decision was rescinded. However, for some reason (I don’t understand), the bill is still outstanding. ($900). I would guess if it were rescinded, the bill would be also, but hey, what do I know? I have to guess there’s more to this, so I will listen and see what’s up on Monday night.

Ontario’s Nuclear Emergency Response Plan – Theresa McClenaghan,
Canadian Environmental Law Association (CELA)

This looks long. I skimmed through it. It has to do with revising the nuclear emergency response. This was discussed a few weeks ago, I think. It appears that the organisation will be requesting council to ask the province for more funding in case of a nuclear emergency. It looks like this was done in Durham. Again, this is long, I’ll wait and see what they have to say Monday night…..better yet, what council has to say.

Ontario’s Nuclear Emergency Response Plan – Shawn-Patrick Stensil,
Greenpeace Canada

This appears similar to the above delegation. Considering delegations are 5 minutes each, I guess the same subject will now get 10 minutes, since it’s 2 separate delegations? (Interesting trick lol).


There are 3 presentations scheduled.
2016 Year in Review & Tourism Month Activities – Gordon Orr, CEO,
and Lynnette Bain, Vice President, Tourism Programs & Development,
Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island

It appears this will be the annual presentation from TWEPI (Tourism Windsor Essex Pelee Island). I’ll admit, I generally enjoy their presentations since they outline so many of the goings on in and around our community. They have a presentation that I glanced through, along with numbers and statistics (I really, really like those!), so I’ll see what particulars I can highlight on Monday night.

Healthy Kids Community Challenge – Rick Daly, Manager of Recreation
Services, and Joe Parent, City of Windsor

This appears to be a presentation about the Healthy Kids Community Challenge. It looks like there are various initiatives that were promoted, such as drinking water, physical activity and eating fruits & veggies, all geared towards children. It looks like it will be a great presentation. I’m not sure what, if anything, they’ll be asking of council, as it appears it may be for information purposes about the program.

Changes to Current Vacancy Rebate Program

This is a fairly lengthy report that I admittedly glanced over. I hope I understood, but if not, I will re-explain it Monday night. It appears that if a business property is vacant, they receive a tax rebate. It looks like they want to abolish this by 2018. This will probably pressure building owners to get tenants in there, which is probably a good thing. No “eye sore” empty buildings all around and getting a tax break to boot. I wonder what council will think of this?

Audited Consolidated Financial Statements for the year ended
December 31, 2016

This report is looooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooong. Not reading it. I hope all is in order. Maybe they found some extra money we can give away? lol, well not really lol. I can only hope that our council members that are paid to read this stuff, read it.

2017 Special Event – Canada D’Eh Run Road Closure Extension

Another event needing an exemption for road closures. I have to guess this will be allowed.

Temporary Extension Application for Wolfhead Distillery Inc

I would have to guess that council will allow a temporary extension for Wolfhead Distillery. Wolfhead wants to host an event for the Bob Probert Charity Ride on Sunday
June 25th, 2017. Can you imagine if they don’t? There may be a revolt… could we get more coffee whiskey? Amherstburg problems I guess.

Development Agreement for 8728 Howard Ave

Another looooong one, not as long as the KPMG report, but long none the less. The applicant is proposing the development of an agricultural brewery at 8728 Howard
Ave. I vote yes, sorry I mean heck yes!!! I have to assume it will fly through with no discussion. Stuff like this usually does.

Development Agreement for 433 Sandwich St S – Lumed Management

My gosh! Another loooong one, but another good one. The owners of the old Burger King building are looking to add over 13,000 sq feet of retail space in 3 phases. Great to see people investing in our town. Hope this is another heck yes!!

Zoning By-law Amendment for Breweries in Agricultural Areas

Town administration held a public meeting regarding this by-law amendment, looks like there were no objections. Hoo-Rah!!

Parks Canada Agreement – 2017 Canada Day

Looks like all is in order for the July 1st celebrations at Fort Malden. Can’t wait! There’s a copy of a very lengthy site plan agreement with Parks Canada. I did not read the fine print.

Regular Council Meeting Date Change – August 2017

There is a regular council meeting scheduled for August 14th 2017. However, the 2017 Annual Conference for The Association of Municipalities of Ontario (AMO) is
taking place in Ottawa on August 13-16, 2017. It appears the Mayor, the CAO and 2 councillors (not named in the report) are going to be attending this event. (Good for them!!!) So, obviously, there is concern of there not being a quorum for this meeting, so administration is recommending rescheduling the meeting to August 21st. I would guess this shouldn’t be an issue, but who knows? We’ll see…..

 Accounts Payable

When I read this report, I like to tally up what we’ve paid out in legal fees. I also like to see if there’s anything of interest that catches my eye. It looks like we paid just over $17,000 in legal fees for this period. I didn’t notice anything else of interest.

Well, here’s my preview, short, sweet and to the point and not drowning in details. Here’s hoping Monday night will be the same! Now I’m off to enjoy the rest of this beautiful weekend! See you Monday night.