In preparation for Monday May 13th Regular town council meeting

The agenda came out ten days before the meeting as per the new procedural bylaw. I skimmed through it and here are the highlights. The agenda is 364 pages and doesn’t appear too heavy. 

Here’s the link to the PDF version

And if you prefer the HTML format (I am getting used to this one, I like being able to click individually on reports rather than scroll through a very long PDF version)


Presentation – Aphasia Friendly Canada – University of Windsor

This appears to be a presentation from the University of Windsor about Aphasia. I found this on the powerpoint that they will be presenting : “What is Aphasia? Aphasia is a broad term for communication disorders ranging from word finding problems to complete inability to produce and understand speech and print.”

I’ll keep my ears open Monday night to see what the group has to offer and what I can learn.

2024 Tractor and Wide Area Mower Replacement

Looks like the new tractor and wide area mower replacement went out for tender and came in about $42,000 under budget. That’s good news! Here’s the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. An expenditure for the purchase of a 2024 Tractor and Wide Area Mower BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $197,914.52 including net HST; 

2. The purchase of the 2024 Tractor and Wide Area Mower BE AWARDED to Colvoy Equipment. 

3. Net proceeds from the sale of the current Unit 607 Tractor BE DIRECTED to the Fleet Reserves, along with any surplus funding, to help replenish the reserves for future Fleet purchases.

2023 Case Backhoe Improvements

It looks like some improvements are needed for the backhoe. This is from the discussion portion of the report : “During recent operations, the water/wastewater operators identified a safety concern with the new backhoe. The rear excavating bucket would be safer to operate with a quick disconnect system for switching attachments and buckets. During a watermain and sewer repair project, the backhoe operator could switch buckets and attachments multiple times throughout the course of the work. With the current setup, the ground crew would need to be in communication with the backhoe operator and in contact with the backhoe to assist in pulling and installing pins to swap buckets and attachments as needed. This could cause potential safety issues within the confined work area and would add additional time to perform the work which can be critical during water main repairs. The inclusion of the quick-disconnect equipment will allow the backhoe operator to switch equipment without assistance of the ground crew and in a more timely manner. The cost to install the quick-disconnect function of the excavating bucket is $14,500 excluding HST.”

2024 Road Repairs Program – Tender Award

The town put out a Request for Tender for various road repairs to be done this year. They received ONE bid. Yikes. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The 2024 Road Repairs Program Tender BE AWARDED to Nasci Construction Services Ltd. in an amount of $176,400 plus applicable taxes; and, 

2. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Nasci Construction Services Ltd. for the completion of the 2024 Road Repairs Program.

Fraserville Outfall Liner Project Tender Awarded

It appears that a storm sewer failure occurred in 2021 on Sandwich Street near Duff Avenue. The situation was assessed and the required repairs were outlined. It seems that since the approval of the 2022 budget, administration prepared the RFP in order to get clear specifications for the work required. 

The Request for Tender for the project work went out and three bids were received. 

From the report : 

The tender results are as follows: Bidder Tender Amount (excluding HST) 

1. Clearwater Structures Inc. $ 314,309 

2. 2274084 Ontario Ltd/GMP Contracting $ 314,662 

3. Jones Group Ltd. $ 479,380

Since the time that submissions were received,the consulting firm reached out to the lowest bidder and they were able to reduce the cost from $314,309 to $257,031.

It’s still over budget, but at least it’s better I guess. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Fraserville Outfall Liner Project (#722025) BE AWARDED to Clearwater Structures Inc. in an amount not to exceed $261,555 inclusive of HST; 

2. The shortfall in funding for the Fraserville Outfall Liner Project (#722025) in the amount of $144,800 BE FUNDED by a reduction of $144,800 (General Reserve 0400) from the approved Annual Bridge Maintenance Project (#724038) and those funds redirected to the Fraserville Outfall Liner Project (#722025); and, 

3. The Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with Clearwater Structures Inc. for the completion of Fraserville Outfall Liner Project.

Brittany’s Gate Subdivision Agreement File No. 37-T-23005

This small subdivision has been in the works for a while. Looks like the town is ready for a subdivision agreement. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Corporation of the Town of Amherstburg ENTER INTO a Subdivision Agreement with 1109152 Ontario Limited for Brittany’s Gate Subdivision; and, 

2. By-law 2024-034 being a By-law to authorize the signing of a Subdivision Agreement for Brittany’s Gate Subdivision be taken as having been read three times and finally passed and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same.

Cultural Heritage Risk Mitigation – Student Placement Opportunity

With the new provincial legislation looming about heritage properties, it seems that not all potential heritage properties lie in the Heritage Conservation District. It is being recommended to hire a University student in the fall to help with looking at other properties of interest in Amherstburg. Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Administration BE DIRECTED to hire a university student during the fall semester of 2024 to help designate Properties of Cultural Heritage Value or Interest to meet the legislated timeline of Bill 23.

Digital Gateway Signage

This report outlines how the digital gateway signage came to be in 2018. It discusses the advertising that is done and can be done. This part of the report gives the current status of the signs : “On June 30, 2024 the signs will be 5 years old and as a result will fall out of warranty. The Town has inquired about an extended warranty, which would provide for parts, not labour. We can secure a 5-year parts warranty for $4,430 USD, and there is a local company which can provide the labour as and when needed. At this time, there is insufficient revenue from the signs to cover the cost of this agreement. Should Council approve the recommendation to RFP for a third party to take on the advertising, the one time lump sum fee should be more than enough to cover this cost. If we do not proceed with the RFP a funding source will be required. Administration strongly recommends that regardless of whether the RFP is issued or not, the 5-year extended warranty on parts be approved to avoid any significant down time and costs related to part failure.”

Here is the recommendation from the report : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Administration BE DIRECTED to issue a Request for Proposal for third party partnership on the digital gateway signs as outlined in this report; 

2. Administration BE APPROVED to proceed with the extended 5-year parts warranty for the digital signs, at a cost of $4,430 USD, plus taxes, with all revenue and expenditures to be captured under the Economic Development Division; and, 

3. Administration BE DIRECTED to bring back any changes to the Municipal Digital Signage Policy which may be required as a result of the RFP. 

Designate 179 Victoria Street South as a Municipal Capital Facility

This report is in regards to the building at the corner of Victoria Street and Richmond Street (the former ACS building).  It is being recommended that council declare the building a municipal building for public use. Just a side note here folks….just like the Libro arena, this building will not generate a profit either… will be a building for all of the public to use and enjoy. So next time a member of council complains about the Libro Centre budget and wanting it cut…..well, this building too, will have a budget that can be cut, no? 

Here’s the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The community centre at 179 Victoria Street South BE DECLARED a municipal capital facility for the purposes of the municipality and Council affirms that its facilities are for public use; 

2. By-law 2024-035, being a by-law to designate 179 Victoria Street South as a Municipal Capital Facility, be taken as having been read three times and finally passed, and the Mayor and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to sign same; 

3. Administration BE DIRECTED to negotiate a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with the lessee of 179 Victoria Street South; 4. The Mayor and CAO BE AUTHORIZED to execute a Municipal Capital Facility Agreement with the lessee of 179 Victoria Street South; and, 5. Administration BE DIRECTED to pursue changes in the Property Tax Classification of 179 Victoria Street South, as appropriate. 

Noise By-law Exemption for Royal Canadian Legion Branch #157

Looks like the Legion wants to reap the benefits of Open Air too!!! Why not right? Hundreds and sometimes thousands of people in our beautiful downtown all summer long! For those of you that have been following for a while you may remember there were some noise complaint issues in regards to music from the Legion patio. This time though, I noticed the time frames to exempt the noise by-law are shorter and more clear cut. Hopefully this will allow the Legion to benefit from the crowds at Open Air and will also allow the neighbours to benefit knowing there is a clear start and end time to the music. 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The report from the Manager of Licensing and Enforcement dated April 27, 2024 regarding a noise exemption for Legion Branch #157 BE RECEIVED for information; 

2. THAT a Noise Exemption for Royal Canadian Legion Branch #157 BE APPROVED until September 2, 2024 from Noise By-law 2001-43, table 3-1, section 2 with the respect to the operation of any electronic device or group of connected electronic devices incorporating one or more loudspeakers to allow for music on Friday from 1800hrs to 2200hrs, on Saturday from 1800hrs till 2200hrs and on Sundays from 1400hrs till 1800hrs at the Royal Canadian Legion #157; and, 

3. That the request for the waiver of the Noise Exemption fee of $61.00 BE RECEIVED and FILED for information

For all of my fellow Open Air fans, just a few more weeks and a few more sleeps! And then let the fun begin! 


 Quarterly Fire Department Activity report-1st Quarter 2024 

The quarterly report about the fire department’s activities will be presented to council for information. 

Building Activity Report for Month of January to March 2024

And the quarterly report for the building department will also be presented to council for information. 

2024 Community Risk Assessment (O. Reg. 378/18) Requirement

This seems to be a provincially legislated requirement for a report from the Fire Chief regarding the community risk assessment. It’s to be received for information only. 

Councillor Request for Information re. Resident Concern on Encroachment Matter

OK. This is a strange one. If you recall, two meetings ago, there was much discussion about a letter that was given to Councillor Pouget for her to give to council. But it seems that she gave it to the Mayor and the CAO and they acted on it. I think a report was requested, so the report is on Monday night’s agenda. 

From what I can gather from this report, it seems that a resident was encroaching somehow on town property. Members of administration spoke on the phone with the resident and even attended the residence. It seems that the resident wanted just to assume ownership or rights of the town-owned property since they had been maintaining the property and had also erected a gate to close it off to public access. It appears that the resident wants the property “grandfathered” to them. However, the report goes on that this would incentivize others to illegally use town property for their own personal gain. 

It’s hard to make sense of the report since the property in question isn’t specified. I guess that’s to protect whoever the homeowner is ? I don’t know. Anyway, for those of you that want to read it and try to make sense of it, here’s the link

Ontario Ombudsman Report

It looks like somebody filed a complaint against the town regarding several council meetings and a committee meeting. Here is the full report for those that want the nitty gritty.

Here are the recommendations for the consent correspondence : 

  1. The report by the Ombudsman of Ontario, Paul Dube, BE RECEIVED for information;  
  2. Members of Council continue to adhere and BE VIGILANT with regards to obligations and responsibilities noted in the Municipal Act;
  3. Members of Council ensure that all resolutions to proceed in camera BE PROVIDED in a way that provides the general nature of the matter to be considered in the closed meeting, as required by the Municipal Act; 
  4. Council and Committee training sessions shall BE DELIVERED in a way to prevent a meeting from taking place by not materially advancing the business or decision-making of Council or the Local Board.


Council can ask questions about any unfinished business items. 


Council can ask about any random items……and the laundry list of random items will likely be read out. One after the other after the other. Maybe we should start a small betting pool (just for fun, maybe for a coffee?) about which random items will be brought up? Make things interesting anyway LOL 

And there’s the highlights folks! Enjoy the rest of the week! Happy Mother’s Day to any readers that are moms or play the role of Mom in somebody’s life. Have a great weekend! 

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