In preparation for Monday June 10th Regular town council meeting

Well, I had barely recovered from the May 27th meeting and all of a sudden, the agenda for the June 10th meeting was out! I procrastinated opening it to take a peek. I know many of us are still reeling from the last meeting….here’s hoping for a civil, respectful meeting next time. Kind of sad, that a bare bones basic is something we have to hope for? 

Council has a planning meeting scheduled for 4:30. 

The regular meeting is set to start at 6:00. 

The agenda is only 110 pages, so that’s a good start. Here’s the link to the PDF version of the agenda

And if you prefer the HTML version, here it is

Just remember, this is a brief preview of some of the items on the agenda. If you want to read the whole thing, you’ve got to open the agenda and start reading….

Report on Open Air/Festival Street Closure Footprint Expansion

If you recall, back in March, there had been some delegations requesting to expand the Open Air footprint. (Yes, make it bigger!)  Well, there are some options presented to council in the report but the recommendation is just to receive the report for information. It looks to me like it is too problematic to expand the footprint based on the four options presented. 

Here is the motion that council had approved back in March. “That Administration BE DIRECTED to approach Flow Café and Bikes, other businesses and residents of the Queen Charlotte to see if it is possible to extend the footprint safely, enhance signage and see if they can benefit like other businesses in the footprint.”

From what I can gather in the report, each of the businesses and the residents were consulted about some various scenarios to close a portion of Dalhousie, from Murray St to Gore St to include the businesses in the footprint. There are four possibilities presented. Administration is not recommending to proceed with options 1, 2 or 3. Although it is mentioned further in the report, that once the development of the extension of Kings Navy Yard Park is complete, option 1 could be feasible at that time. The fourth option is possible, perhaps, but states that : “Should Council direct that Option 4 be approved, clarity on whether the set up should be Option 4a – Jersey Barriers and Fencing or Options 4b – Jersey Barriers only, would be required. In addition, the motion would require a funding source for the additional costs, which is recommended to be the Tax Stabilization Reserve given these costs are operational in nature.”

Here is the link to the report :

And here is the link to a map with the current set up for Open Air, as as well as the four options being presented to council

I would try to summarize them but I think it would get complicated to follow. If you’re extremely interested in this item, please read the report and check out the maps. 🙂 

Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-07-24 for 527 Sandwich Street South

This zoning bylaw amendment appears to be about the new plaza going in next to the current Tim Horton’s. It is expected to house a Starbucks, Burger King and Taco Bell as well as some other commercial properties. It seems that the three restaurants want to provide patios and a zoning bylaw amendment is required. (People really do love patios, just sayin’ .) 

Zoning By-law Amendment for Lands Severed from 6387-6391 Concession 6 N

This appears to be a planning item that has gone through all the processes and is ready for approval by council. 

Amendments to the Leave of Absence Policy

It appears that the current leave of absence policy for town employees hasn’t been reviewed since 2006. Since administration has been working on reviewing all policies within a 5 year cycle, this one has finally been reviewed and is ready for some updates. 


Council can ask questions about any unfinished business items. 


The roulette wheel will spin and where it will land, nobody knows. Any random email, phone call or conversation, ranging from a very small item that may affect one person to any large item that could affect hundreds or thousands can be brought up…..And we, and council, will have to try to make sense of it, on the spot. 


The following notice of motion will be debated at the June 10th meeting: 

Notice of Motion of May 27, 2024 – Cost of the Regional Organics Waste Collection and Processing Program -Councillor Allaire 

To be deliberated June 10, 2024 

The Notice of Motion states that: 

Whereas; on March 16, 2022, Essex County Council determined that all lower-tier municipalities shall participate in the regional organic waste collection and processing program; 

And whereas Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority is proposing the level of service be applied to urban and rural areas; 

And whereas the Town of Amherstburg is required to commence an organics program commencing in 2027. 

And whereas the Town of Amherstburg supported the regionalization of organics pickup as per resolution #20211122-362. 

And whereas a phased in commencement of organics programs will have an impact on taxation at the municipal level. 

Now therefore, be it resolved that Amherstburg Council directs Mayor Prue or Deputy Mayor Gibb to make a motion of County Council asking that the County Council agree to fund the cost of the regional organics waste collection and processing program through the County of Essex property tax levy.

The following notice of motion won’t be debated until June 25th. 

Notice of Motion of June 10, 2024 – Business Encroachment Fees Proposal – Councillor Courtney

To be deliberated June 25, 2024 

That: Any commercial business seeking temporary patio extension onto a public right of way shall pay the same encroachment fees as a permanent encroachment or applicable to the payment fees as laid out in our fee bylaw. 

Overall, it seems like a pretty basic meeting. Although anything Open Air related seems to bring out some snarky commentary from certain members of council. So who knows? Strange how an event that so many like and participate in, brings out such venom. It’s weird. Oh well, we’ll see. Maybe this meeting will be different? Fingers crossed. 

That’s it, that’s all. The agenda is only 110 pages which is refreshing and unusual. Looks like they’re predicting nice weather for this coming weekend! Hope to see everybody out enjoying our streets at Open Air! (I saw a lot of you there this past weekend! It was a lot of fun!) 

Have a great rest of the week and I hope you can get out and enjoy the Open Air! 

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