In preparation for Tuesday June 25th Regular town council meeting

What a great weekend for Amherstburg! The Rib Fest was a huge success! Thank you to Dan Gemus and his team and all of the volunteers to make this event happen and better yet, to make Amherstburg shine! We are the place to be! I hope everybody had the chance to get out and enjoy it! The weather sure cooperated and that helped out too! Such a beautiful weekend and so many people out enjoying our downtown and having a great time! 

So that means that since I was also out having a great time at Rib Fest, this pre-meeting blog is a little later than usual LOL . 

The meeting will take place on Tuesday June 25th. 

Here’s the link to the agenda in HTML format (you can read each report individually)

Or if you prefer PDF, it’s 403 pages

There are a lot of items on the agenda. Here are the highlights, as I see ‘em:


Ontario Senior of the Year Award – Town of Amherstburg – Eleanor Warren 

There isn’t a report attached to this item but it looks like Eleanor Warren will be recognized by council for winning the Ontario Senior of the Year Award! Congratulations! 

2025 Budget Schedule

It’s time to start preparing for the 2025 budget. The report includes the time table for all of the administrative work that needs to be done, as well as establishes dates for the council meetings, the public consultation and the Audit and Finance Advisory Committee meetings. 

Here are the recommendations : 

It is recommended that:

1) That Council APPROVE the proposed 2025 Budget Schedule. 

2) That Council DIRECT Administration to develop a 2025 Operating Budget based on current service levels.

Parks Master Plan Update RFP No. 2024-013

Council approved an RFP in May to hire a consultant to create an updated Parks Master Plan. The last one was done in 2018. It seems that the timing for the Request for Proposals closes two days shy of the report deadlines for council. It looks like administration is requesting that the CAO be given authority to award the contract to the successful highest ranking proposal as long as the contract falls within the budgeted amount of $200,000 and meets all of the requirements that are in the ARF. As well, it appears that the Director Parks and the Treasurer will also have to be in agreement. It also appears that an updated report will be provided to council with all of the proposals and the scoring. 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to execute an agreement with the Proponent of the highest ranking proposal according to the Purchasing By-Law in the amount not to exceed $200,000 inclusive of HST, being funded as outlined in the financial matters section, for services outlined in their proposal documents, subject to approval of content by the Director of Parks, Facilities and Recreation and in financial content to the Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer; and, 

2. The Chief Administrative Officer, or designate BE AUTHORIZED to sign the Agreement with the Proponent of the highest scoring proposal and or make any and all amendments if required to expand the scope of the work provided all services remain within the total project funding of $200,000 inclusive of HST and subject to approval of content by the Director of Parks, Facilities and Recreation and in financial content by the Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer. 

Phragmites Control Program

This is an information report regarding everything that is being done to control phragmites in Amherstburg. 

Ernest Paquette Drain – Tender Award

It seems that some drain work needs to be done. 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Council APPROVE for immediate use up to $176,925.00 from Drainage Line of Credit to fund the repair and maintenance of the Ernest Paquette Drain until work is completed and added to the affected property tax rolls; 

2. Council APPROVE use of the Drainage Reserve funds up to $20,000 to fund the Municipal cost of the repair and maintenance of the Ernest Paquette Drain once completed; 

3. That Council AUTHORIZE the Clerk and Mayor to execute an agreement with Nevan Construction Inc. for services outlined in the tender documents in the amount of $176, 925.00 plus HST. 

Transit Service Agreement Renewal

Well it looks like ridership is going up, up, up for our Transit service. This is from the discussion section of the report : “Amherstburg Route 605 has experienced growth in ridership every month since its inception, with monthly average ridership up 95% since 2022. Route 605 is doing very well for a new route, since typically a new route takes 18-24 months to truly achieve fullridership potential and growth. Route 605 achieved this in the first 12-months of operation, noting that current service is three (3) trips per day. The largest contributor to this ridership has been students from the University of Windsor and St. Clair College. The Universal Bus Pass Program (U-Pass) with the University of Windsor has represented 36% of Route 605’s ridership for January – April of 2024 and St Clair College with the SaintsPass has represented 22% of Route 605’s ridership for the same time frame.”

It seems that people are generally happy with the bus service however they want more frequent access to the service. It looks like the route only goes through town 3 times per day and it is being recommended to increase it to four times per day. 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Administration BE AUTHORIZED to update and renew the existing Agreement with Transit Windsor to a five-year term (September 1, 2024 – August 31, 2029) to provide a transit route with four trips per day and that connects with services provided by Transit Windsor; and, 

2. That the Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk BE AUTHORIZED to take any such action required to effect the recommendation noted above and sign any required documentation/agreement(s) for the renewal of the transit service, satisfactory in legal form to the Clerk, in technical content to Director of Infrastructure Services and in financial content to the Chief Financial Office. 

2nd Concession North Reconstruction – Budget Exceedance

Well, it looks like the road work on the Second Concession went over budget….there’s a detailed explanation in the report of how and why that happened, so if anybody is super interested, please go read the report. LOL 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. An over-expenditure not to exceed $475,000 for the 2nd Concession North Road Reconstruction (Middle Sideroad to South Riverview Drive) project (722001), for a total project cost not to exceed $4,401,975 BE AUTHORIZED and funded from the General Reserve Fund (0400);

Water/Wastewater Department Mid-Size Pickup Truck

It seems that a 2007 Ford Ranger needs replacing. (Yes, that’s a 17 year old vehicle folks!).  It went out for tender for a replacement vehicle and here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The tender for a 2024 Mid-Size Pickup Truck BE AWARDED to Joe Meloche Ford Sales Ltd. in the sum of $45,511. 

2. An over-expenditure for the purchase of outfitting equipment not to exceed $15,264 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $60,775 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Water and Waste Water Reserves.

Culvert #45 & #77 Replacement – Tender Results

A request for tender for two culverts went out and now the results are in to get the work done. Here’s the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Council APPROVE for immediate use $1,050,00 in funding for Culvert #45 (722013) & Culvert #77 (722014) Replacement to be funded from Reserve – General Fund (0400); 

2. Council AUTHORIZE the Chief Administrative Officer and Clerk to execute an agreement with Rudak Excavating Inc., for services outlined in the tender documents in the amount of $397,200 plus HST, subject to approval of content by the Director of Infrastructure Services and to financial content by the Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer; and, 

3. Council DIRECT that surplus funding in the amount of $570,000 from the General Reserve Fund (0400) previously approved for this project be redirected as follows: 

a. $363,970 being allocated to the 2nd Concession North Reconstruction (722001) to address the deficit in that project and; 

b. $206,030 be returned to the General Reserve Fund (0400) for future use

 4. Council AUTHORIZE the Chief Administrative Officer, or designate, to amend the agreement with Rudak Excavating Inc. if required to expand the scope of the work plan, provided such additional services remain within the remaining total project funding of $580,000 inclusive of HST and subject to approval of content by the Director of Infrastructure Services and to financial content by the Director of Corporate Services/Chief Financial Officer. 

5. Council DIRECT that any surplus funding realized upon completion of the project (722013 & 722014) be immediately returned to the General Reserve Fund (0400).

Amherstburg Heritage Conservation District Study

The town has been working on creating a Heritage Conservation District for quite some time. There has been consultation about it, several meetings about it and it looks like it is ready for a final approval from council. 

I read through the reports, the study and looked over the survey results. Only 84 people filled out the survey about the Heritage Conservation District. Just putting that information out there, that’s all. 

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The designation of the study area described as Option 1, in the “Amherstburg Heritage Conservation District Study,” prepared by MHBC, dated May 2024, and attached as Appendix A, which includes all Character Areas with the exception of the Belle Vue Character Area, BE APPROVED; and, 

2. The “Amherstburg Heritage Conservation District Study,” prepared by MHBC, dated May 2024, and attached as Appendix A, BE ADOPTED.

Engagement of Principles Integrity to Serve as Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Amherstburg

It seems that the contract with the current Integrity Commissioner (Bruce Elman) is about to expire. There is a recommendation to enter into an agreement with an firm that will provide the services. 

From the discussion section of the report : 

“Principles Integrity is a partnership formed in 2017 to focus on the provision of Integrity Commissioner and municipal governance services through its two principals, Jeffrey A. Abrams and Janice Atwood-Petkovski. Each of its principals have enjoyed a career focused on local government, and have experience at the local, single-tier, regional and provincial government levels. 

Prior to joining Principles Integrity, Mr. Abrams was Clerk of the City of Vaughan, and prior to that he worked in a similar capacity for the Regional Municipality of York and the amalgamated City of Toronto. He began his career as a solicitor in the pre-amalgamation Municipality of Metropolitan Toronto. Ms. Atwood-Petkovski most recently was City Solicitor for the City of Hamilton and prior to that was City Solicitor in Vaughan. Her municipal career spans engagements with the legal departments of the Cities of Mississauga and Brampton, the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, and a term as an elected official on the Peel District School Board. Both have abundant training and experience in law, municipal government, governance, ethical behaviours, investigations, coaching and legislative drafting.

Principles Integrity represents approximately 50 municipalities and other public bodies across the province. Mr. Abrams and Ms Atwood-Petkovski are active members of MICO, an association of municipal integrity commissioners in Ontario. Mr. Abrams was recently a part-time professor at Seneca College, where he taught courses in municipal management and structures, and municipal law and ethics and was recently a featured speaker at the Annual Conference of the Association of Municipal Clerks and Treasurers of Ontario (AMCTO).”

Here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. Principles Integrity BE APPOINTED to provide Integrity Commissioner Services for the Town of Amherstburg commencing July 1, 2024. 

Information for Consideration on Temporary Encroachment Fees

If you recall, at the June 10th council meeting, Councillor Courtney had made a notice of motion that would be debated at the June 25th meeting. The motion was : 

That: Any commercial business seeking temporary patio extension onto a public right of way shall pay the same encroachment fees as a permanent encroachment or applicable to the payment fees as laid out in our fee bylaw.

There is a report written about this subject that is to be received for information. The report walks through the process in place for permanent encroachment agreements, the fee structures and the legal reasons behind the agreements. There are several examples of various businesses in town that have agreements in place for permanent patios such as Salty Dog, Pepper Cat, Caffeine and Co, the Legion….The report then goes on to explain the process for temporary encroachments or patios, where businesses may put clothing racks, tables and chairs etc onto public property (such as street closures for Open Air).  

The report then goes on to explain how everything works for contracting buskers and entertainers, the night markets and the markets for businesses that are outside of the Open Air footprint and how they all encroach on town property. 

Basically, it seems to me that the report is outlining how and why permanent patios are charged a fee and that it is not really feasible to simply just charge the exact same thing for temporary patios. 

Here’s the link to the full report if anybody is interested, it’s more complicated than you’d think.

Audit and Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes – May 28, 2024

I generally don’t include committee meeting minutes in the pre-meeting blog but this one stood out. It looks like the Audit and Finance Advisory Committee is recommending that lifecycle and legacy costs be included in reports when administration is tasked with pricing out capital assets. It’s an interesting perspective on the issue, since council is often seeking to add new infrastructure but everybody seems to forget to factor in how long the infrastructure will last and how much it will cost to maintain it during its lifetime. (We only have to look at the infrastructure that wasn’t maintained and is now gone or falling apart to see the importance of considering these costs too….) 

Anyway, here is the recommendation in the agenda:

  • That:
    1. The Audit and Finance Advisory Committee Meeting Minutes of May 28, 2024 BE RECEIVED;
    2. Lifecycle and legacy costs BE CONSIDERED by Administration when bringing forward new capital assets to Council; and
    3. 10, 15 and 20 year models for new re-investment rates based on the 2025 asset management plan BE DEVELOPED by Administration and brought back to the Audit and Finance Advisory Committee for their review and recommendation to Council.


Council can ask about any unfinished business items. 


And council can bring up any random email, phone call, or conversation. It just depends who’s got certain members of council’s ear I guess. Or perhaps it depends on how much drama can be created…strange how certain things are followed up on publicly, others are followed up on privately perhaps and others are never followed up on? 


Councillor Courtney had had a notice of motion read out at the last meeting, about the patio fees but I don’t see it on the agenda. 

Councillor Pouget had read a notice of motion at the last meeting as well about traffic calming measures for the Sandwich Street / Lowes Side Road area but I don’t see it on the agenda either. 

And that’s the preview folks. We’ll wait and see what next Tuesday night brings us! In the meantime, I hope everyone has a great weekend and can go out to enjoy some Open Air!

Monday June 10th Regular town council meeting

I arrived for the 6:00 meeting at town hall around 5:45. The planning meeting was still going… had started at 5:00. Long story short, council recessed the planning meeting at 6:00, then started the regular meeting…..then recessed the regular meeting so that they could continue (and finish) the planning meeting. There are legal requirements about planning meetings that have to happen within certain time-frames…..

I don’t really read the agendas for planning so I just kind of sat and listened during the planning meeting portion. I didn’t take notes though. There were a lot of residents in attendance that were  opposed to an additional dwelling unit on Laird Avenue. Then, there was a presentation about some structures being added in the alley area near Hotel Stry, to be used as patio space for dining and drinks. It was kind of funny when Councillor Courtney asked what the address of the patios would be (for emergency services).  It was explained that the patios would have the same address as the building. (How about you? Does your patio have a different address than your house? Mine doesn’t….) Then, this was really funny…..Councillor Courtney asked what the name of the patio would be…..the room got quiet, people looked around….somebody told him it would be called “patio”. Sometimes I think certain members of council just like to hear themselves. But it’s ok. Another member of council just typed and typed while delegates spoke to council……odd. 

Finally at 7:11 PM, the planning meeting adjourned. 

The regular meeting resumed at 7:19 PM. 

***Councillor Courtney was on zoom and appeared to be at work. ***

Here’s the agenda in HTML format with the video

And the agenda in PDF format

Report on Open Air/Festival Street Closure Footprint Expansion

If you recall, back in March, there had been some delegations requesting to expand the Open Air footprint. (Yes, make it bigger!)  Well, there are some options presented to council in the report but the recommendation is just to receive the report for information. 

Here is the link to the current footprint as well as the four options.

Councillor McArthur spoke first. He wondered in general, why administration hadn’t offered a professional opinion about the possible closures and a recommendation. He noted that there were 4 options with three options being “no’s” and one being a maybe. He noted that administration have been big proponents of Open Air and working hard at the programming yet the report was simply for receipt. Ms Osborne, Deputy CAO, replied that administration had been asked to bring back options and consult with the business owners and residents in the one block area of Dalhousie (between Murray St and Gore St) and they had done so and brought back 4 options.  Councillor McArthur asked about parking with option 4 that some would be on street parking but that the amount of spots for accessible parking would double. 

Councillor Pouget asked if council doesn’t do anything right now, if that would mean that Flow Cafe, Thrasher’s and the Legion would be closed off. Ms Osborne explained that everything would remain as is if no direction were given by council. She also talked about the signage that was created by the high school students that shows directions to businesses outside of the footprint. (I saw them when I was at Open Air. They’re really really cute! Love the creativity!

Councillor Courtney wondered why it was such a logistical nightmare to get the Queen Charlotte building into the footprint yet the Salmoni building, which is at “dead center” works. Ms Osborne explained that the parking lot in the Kings Navy Yard park was accessible parking during Open Air and the Salmoni residents are able to drive through that parking lot to access their parking garage. She also noted that Pepper Cat, Salty Dog, Waterfront Ice Cream and Caffeine and Co didn’t have a problem not being in the Open Air footprint. She noted that Flow Cafe and other businesses at the other end of the footprint had asked to be included. 

Councillor Crain felt that all four options presented risk to pedestrians. He asked about Option 4 and wondered how that would affect the Legion. They brought Option 4 up on the screen at the meeting. Ms Osborne noted that Flow Cafe wanted to put programming in front of their businesses. She again talked about the signage created by the high school students to draw people outside of the footprint. Ms Osborne also talked about a scavenger hunt that was done on the weekend and that the kids went to businesses outside of the footprint and she used Waterfront Ice Cream as an example. 

Councillors Crain and McArthur asked some more questions regarding the Legion and option 4. They also noted that it didn’t seem to be what Flow Cafe had envisioned. 

Mayor Prue passed the gavel and asked about costs. It seems that with temporary barriers it would be just under $4,000. But with the jersey barriers (water filled like they use now), it would be about $11,000.  Mayor Prue noted that if the barriers were purchased the town would own them for a long time. He asked how things may look for options for that area of Dalhousie street once the Navy Yard Park extension was complete and open to the public. 

Ms Osborne noted that once the park is complete, people can walk south behind the Queen Charlotte building and then around to access the businesses in the building. Ms Baillargeon said that currently they are working on servicing the property and soil remediation. She noted that the park would be open until late fall or maybe even into next year. 

Mayor Prue felt that if council would forego spending the $11,000 that the scenario may be doable next year at no cost. Ms Baillargeon said that opening the park would open up a large area that would allow it all to flow and become one. 

Councillor Crain wondered if businesses had permission to walk around and hand out leaflets or other forms of advertisement. Ms Osborne said that not exactly at the moment but that they can set up booths and they are integrated into the programming. She said the concept could be explored. 

Councillor Courtney agreed that it’s all about marketing. He also said he agreed with staff. Councillor Courtney then went on about how he went to Jack’s Gastro in Kingsville and that the businesses had QR codes. (He seemed quite proud that he went outside of Amherstburg for dinner – I never see him at Open Air though, supporting local? Maybe it’s just timing and it’s coincidental. Who knows.

Councillor Pouget talked about the information that they received from Thrasher Law that they had asked for no street closures until 5PM on Fridays (if the new footprint were to be approved). She wondered if council was just going to ignore the request and if there was anything they could do for her. Ms Osborne explained that currently the streets in front of the Queen Charlotte building are open for traffic.

Finally, Councillor Crain made a motion to receive the report for information. (I was starting to wonder when the song and dance would end…..and it was finally in sight….)

Deputy Mayor Gibb spoke and said he wished that a great solution could be found for everybody but he did not want to spend money from reserves for a less than optimal solution. He seconded the motion just to receive the report and felt that maybe next year, once the extension of the Navy Yard Park were open that a more viable solution would be available. 

Councillor Allaire then spoke and shared that she had attended all 6 days of Open Air so far this year. (Some may say that that is odd or perhaps even hypocritical considering that Councillor Allaire has consistently voted against Open Air since she’s been elected. She also voted against funding events in the budget….yet attends them all?) Anyway, she went on to say that staff has worked hard to support the businesses outside of the footprint. She also felt that changing the footprint wouldn’t be a good idea for this year but that maybe it could be revisited next year. Councillor Allaire also talked about the meeting that is to be held in the fall with the stakeholders of Open Air and how they can make the event “work”.  (I thought the event is working now? Maybe Councillor Allaire will change her vote and will support Open Air in the fall? We’ll see I guess…..but if history repeats itself…..Anybody want to take a friendly bet for a coffee? LOL Just to keep things interesting….) 

Councillor McArthur said that he has been a big supporter of Open Air. He looked at the possible solutions and he felt that they were trying to put a square peg in a round hole and that these options may make access more difficult. (Some people in the gallery started talking while Councillor McArthur spoke so I missed some of what he said… is very frustrating for me that people can’t sit quietly and listen while members of council are speaking. Or at least they can’t sit quietly and listen while certain members of council are speaking…..Perhaps if they feel compelled to offer their commentary about what members of council are saying, perhaps they could start a blog and offer up such commentary AFTER the meetings, not during….) Councillor McArthur mentioned that during this past weekend’s Open Air activities, that Jack’s Organics was giving away free tomato plants and he saw people walking all over with their free plants. 

Mayor Prue mentioned that next year, the town would be able to do it well when the park opens. 

The motion to receive the report went to a vote and the Mayor mentioned it was unanimous. 

There were many items that went through with little or no discussion after this. I won’t cover them all. As always, the video link is available if you’re interested in watching the whole show. I mean meeting. 


Mayor Prue asked about two items (I didn’t catch them) and it seems they will be ready at the end of the summer. 

Councillor Pouget asked when the report about the town’s phragmites program would be coming forward. Ms Giofu, Director of Engineering, said the report will be at the next meeting on June 25th. (I believe that was the date given for the report when it was requested, but perhaps Councillor Pouget forgot.

Councillor Allaire wondered about the hard court surfaces. Ms Baillargeon said that administration is currently working on the tender. 

Councillor Allaire asked about the Walter Ranta Park and was curious as to when the first public consultation would be. Ms Baillargeon said that they are currently working on the Parks Master Plan this year and they are looking at perhaps July 29th for surveys and feedback. 


Councillor Pouget asked about red light cameras and if we had a police auxiliary to handle the problems in the park during fishing season. CAO Critchley advised that we do not have a police auxiliary since that would require budgeted money for that service. She added that they are looking at changing the schedule for the bylaw officers for next year’s fishing season. Ms Gioffu, Director of Engineering said that a costing had been given for red light cameras with a report to council but that it was decided the cost was too high. She said she’d have to find the report but that it had been at least 4 years ago if not longer. 

Councillor Crain asked about a new provincial law that had just received royal assent. He asked if there had been changes to the deadline to designate properties as heritage. 

Ms Osborne said that yes, they were surprised and that the deadline was now January 1 2027 instead of January 1 2025. 

Councillor McArthur mentioned some posts he had seen about garbage in the Big Creek and County Road 20 area and wondered if it was town owned land and if a garbage can could be added. Mr Tetler said that it is private property and that the town would need permission and he was unsure if that would be possible. Ms Baillargeon said that anything is possible but that council would have to request a costing and then decide. 

Councillor McArthur mentioned an email about harmonizing the speed limits on the Second Concession. The area on Thomas Road is 60 km/hr and the other side is 70 km/hr. Ms Gioffu said that as long as a road is not a county road then Town Council can change the speed limit of a road at their discretion.  (Two weeks ago council decided not to reduce the speed limit in the downtown area…..but then an hour later, requested a study for County Road 20, the main thoroughfare to Windsor for many residents….and if the county decides to lower that speed limit from 70 km/hr to 60 km/hr……I imagine there will be many unhappy people….but council handed it over to the county to decide….be careful what you ask for….) 

Councillor McArthur made a motion to get a report regarding the traffic on the Second Concession. That carried. 

Councillor Pouget had questions about the Rib Fest. She wondered if Ramsey Street was closing on Friday at 11AM or 3PM.  Mr Tetler explained that it would be closing at 10AM on Thursday and it would reopen on Sunday night at 11:59PM. He noted that this had already been approved by council.  (Yes it was….unanimously too! Back in April I believe. Councillor Pouget seemed not to recall that.) Councillor Pouget said that she had concerns regarding safety but that she would take up the concerns with the CAO on Tuesday. 

Councillor Allaire asked about Flashvote and how residents could sign up. CAO Crtichley said that yes, residents need to sign up to receive the short survey questions and that it is similar to Amherstburg Alerts (in terms of the sign up process).  Deputy Mayor Gibb said he had already signed up and it was very easy to navigate. 

Councillor Crain mentioned that it was in the news that the federal government had not provided funding for the removal of the old Boblo dock. He wondered if there was anything that could be done. CAO Critchley said that it would be completely up to the federal government since they own the dock. Councillor Courtney wondered if it would be out of order for the town to remove it and then send the bill to the federal government. (Just going to insert a little bit of logic here…..would it be out of order to demolish something you don’t own and then send the bill to the person that owns it? Probably out of order at minimum….at bare minimum….) CAO Crtichley said that there would be risk of non payment for the bill and risk of a lawsuit. Councillor McArthur noted that letters had been sent to the MP in the past. He wondered if we had ever heard back.  There was a lot of discussion back and forth about this. Ultimately a motion was made for the Mayor to contact MP Irek Kusmierczyk and MP Chris Lewis about the old Boblo dock and its demolition. 

Councillor Allaire had prepared a notice of motion regarding collection of the new organics program. Mayor Prue explained that the notice of motion had been rendered moot since the subject had been dealt with by county council last week. It had been approved in an 8-6 vote to include all areas of the county for compost pick up but it would require an extra 2 Million in funding to do so. He noted that he and Deputy Mayor Gibb had voted in favour. Deputy Mayor Gibb explained that the organics pick up would be funded through the County Levy and would show up as a separate line item on our tax bills. Councillor Allaire wondered out of curiosity when organics waste services would be coming to Amherstburg. CAO Critchley explained it would be in 2027 when our waste collection contract comes up for renewal. Councillor Pouget asked if the town was going to ask the province to compensate for this. Mayor Prue explained that the province mandated organics waste collection and that many municipalities have already been doing it and for many years. 

Mayor Prue talked about a recent item that was before County Council to raise the County Councillors pay 135% and to take the money from reserves. He noted that he and the Deputy Mayor had voted against the motion. Mayor Prue said he would be donating his raise in pay to charities. Deputy Mayor Gibb felt that the matter was not urgent enough to take the money from reserves and that’s why he had voted against it. Councillor Crain said he applauded them both for voting against the pay raise. He noted that town council had looked at increasing town councillor’s pay slightly but for the next term only. 

Councillor Courtney read a notice of motion that staff had helped him write up regarding the patio fees and bylaw. It will be debated at the next council meeting on June 25th. 

Councillor Pouget read a notice of motion to direct the Mayor or Deputy Mayor to bring forth a motion at county council to look at traffic calming measures in the Lowes Side Road / Sandwich Street area, including a crosswalk and lowering the speed limit. It will be debated at the June 25th meeting as well. 

Mayor Prue explained to Councillor Pouget that if the motion is passed at the next meeting, it will take 4 or 5 meetings before it gets in front of County Council. He and the Deputy Mayor have to follow procedure and submit notices of motion as well and it takes time. I am guessing this explanation had to do with Councillor Pouget’s unrealistic expectations at the last meeting at how quickly the study for County Road 20 study request would be in front of County Council. 

The meeting adjourned at 8:16PM. It only lasted about an hour but since it started late… ended late, according to the clock anyway. 

And with that…..this weekend Rib Fest AND Open Air will both be wrapped together into one fantastic event!!! The weather forecast looks good and fingers crossed it stays that way! I plan to be downtown Amherstburg most of the weekend having fun and seeing friends and family alike! I hope to see you there! This is going to be AWESOME!! What could be better than TWO fantastic events happening right next door to each other all weekend long?? 

The agenda for the June 25th meeting will be out this Friday. But with so much fun going on right here in Amherstburg this weekend, I’ll be back with the preview some time next week!

In preparation for Monday June 10th Regular town council meeting

Well, I had barely recovered from the May 27th meeting and all of a sudden, the agenda for the June 10th meeting was out! I procrastinated opening it to take a peek. I know many of us are still reeling from the last meeting….here’s hoping for a civil, respectful meeting next time. Kind of sad, that a bare bones basic is something we have to hope for? 

Council has a planning meeting scheduled for 4:30. 

The regular meeting is set to start at 6:00. 

The agenda is only 110 pages, so that’s a good start. Here’s the link to the PDF version of the agenda

And if you prefer the HTML version, here it is

Just remember, this is a brief preview of some of the items on the agenda. If you want to read the whole thing, you’ve got to open the agenda and start reading….

Report on Open Air/Festival Street Closure Footprint Expansion

If you recall, back in March, there had been some delegations requesting to expand the Open Air footprint. (Yes, make it bigger!)  Well, there are some options presented to council in the report but the recommendation is just to receive the report for information. It looks to me like it is too problematic to expand the footprint based on the four options presented. 

Here is the motion that council had approved back in March. “That Administration BE DIRECTED to approach Flow Café and Bikes, other businesses and residents of the Queen Charlotte to see if it is possible to extend the footprint safely, enhance signage and see if they can benefit like other businesses in the footprint.”

From what I can gather in the report, each of the businesses and the residents were consulted about some various scenarios to close a portion of Dalhousie, from Murray St to Gore St to include the businesses in the footprint. There are four possibilities presented. Administration is not recommending to proceed with options 1, 2 or 3. Although it is mentioned further in the report, that once the development of the extension of Kings Navy Yard Park is complete, option 1 could be feasible at that time. The fourth option is possible, perhaps, but states that : “Should Council direct that Option 4 be approved, clarity on whether the set up should be Option 4a – Jersey Barriers and Fencing or Options 4b – Jersey Barriers only, would be required. In addition, the motion would require a funding source for the additional costs, which is recommended to be the Tax Stabilization Reserve given these costs are operational in nature.”

Here is the link to the report :

And here is the link to a map with the current set up for Open Air, as as well as the four options being presented to council

I would try to summarize them but I think it would get complicated to follow. If you’re extremely interested in this item, please read the report and check out the maps. 🙂 

Zoning By-law Amendment ZBA-07-24 for 527 Sandwich Street South

This zoning bylaw amendment appears to be about the new plaza going in next to the current Tim Horton’s. It is expected to house a Starbucks, Burger King and Taco Bell as well as some other commercial properties. It seems that the three restaurants want to provide patios and a zoning bylaw amendment is required. (People really do love patios, just sayin’ .) 

Zoning By-law Amendment for Lands Severed from 6387-6391 Concession 6 N

This appears to be a planning item that has gone through all the processes and is ready for approval by council. 

Amendments to the Leave of Absence Policy

It appears that the current leave of absence policy for town employees hasn’t been reviewed since 2006. Since administration has been working on reviewing all policies within a 5 year cycle, this one has finally been reviewed and is ready for some updates. 


Council can ask questions about any unfinished business items. 


The roulette wheel will spin and where it will land, nobody knows. Any random email, phone call or conversation, ranging from a very small item that may affect one person to any large item that could affect hundreds or thousands can be brought up…..And we, and council, will have to try to make sense of it, on the spot. 


The following notice of motion will be debated at the June 10th meeting: 

Notice of Motion of May 27, 2024 – Cost of the Regional Organics Waste Collection and Processing Program -Councillor Allaire 

To be deliberated June 10, 2024 

The Notice of Motion states that: 

Whereas; on March 16, 2022, Essex County Council determined that all lower-tier municipalities shall participate in the regional organic waste collection and processing program; 

And whereas Essex Windsor Solid Waste Authority is proposing the level of service be applied to urban and rural areas; 

And whereas the Town of Amherstburg is required to commence an organics program commencing in 2027. 

And whereas the Town of Amherstburg supported the regionalization of organics pickup as per resolution #20211122-362. 

And whereas a phased in commencement of organics programs will have an impact on taxation at the municipal level. 

Now therefore, be it resolved that Amherstburg Council directs Mayor Prue or Deputy Mayor Gibb to make a motion of County Council asking that the County Council agree to fund the cost of the regional organics waste collection and processing program through the County of Essex property tax levy.

The following notice of motion won’t be debated until June 25th. 

Notice of Motion of June 10, 2024 – Business Encroachment Fees Proposal – Councillor Courtney

To be deliberated June 25, 2024 

That: Any commercial business seeking temporary patio extension onto a public right of way shall pay the same encroachment fees as a permanent encroachment or applicable to the payment fees as laid out in our fee bylaw. 

Overall, it seems like a pretty basic meeting. Although anything Open Air related seems to bring out some snarky commentary from certain members of council. So who knows? Strange how an event that so many like and participate in, brings out such venom. It’s weird. Oh well, we’ll see. Maybe this meeting will be different? Fingers crossed. 

That’s it, that’s all. The agenda is only 110 pages which is refreshing and unusual. Looks like they’re predicting nice weather for this coming weekend! Hope to see everybody out enjoying our streets at Open Air! (I saw a lot of you there this past weekend! It was a lot of fun!) 

Have a great rest of the week and I hope you can get out and enjoy the Open Air!