Tuesday June 25th Regular town council meeting

Well I decided to watch Tuesday night’s meeting from home. The meeting lasted three hours and was littered with more poor behaviour and conduct from certain members of council…..The behaviour towards staff, inferring they aren’t doing their jobs continued Tuesday night…..at one point Councillor McArthur called a point of order that Councillor Courtney was being abusive towards staff. Mayor Prue said he was close to the line……it wasn’t a meeting to be proud of in my opinion. Oh, and the vocabulary…..things like that “sucks”,  Councillor Courtney referring to Councillor Crain and Councillor McArthur as “Linden” and “Don”, councillors not wanting to sound like a “nagger”, expressions such as “pisses me off”  and “the crap out of it” were said by a councillor, Councillor Courtney badgering and arguing with staff members….the list goes on and on, sadly. Even snide remarks being made towards staff that the Mayor would slough off as a “rhetorical” statement or question. One member of council spent portions of the evening typing on their computer and another member of council was texting on their phone. Not too long ago we had a revolving door of staff. If this rude and disrespectful behaviour continues (which seems to be the trend), we may find ourselves back at square one. And frankly, it’s not staff that don’t understand their jobs, it’s a few members of council that don’t understand theirs. 

There was an in-camera meeting at 4:00 to discuss : 


That Council move into an In-Camera Meeting of Council pursuant to Section 239 of the Municipal Act, 2001, as amended for the following reasons:

Item A – Property Acquisition for Infrastructure Improvements 

Section 239(2)(c) – a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board. 

Item B – Property Disposition – Lease of Municipality Facility 

Section 239(2)(c) – a proposed or pending acquisition or disposition of land by the municipality or local board.

Item C – Recruitment Update 

Section 239(2)(b) – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees. 

Item D – Striking Committee Information 

Section 239(2)(b) – personal matters about an identifiable individual, including municipal or local board employees.

The regular meeting started just after 6:00. There was a revised agenda for Tuesday night’s meeting. 

Here’s the link to the revised agenda in HTML format (with the video too) https://pub-amherstburg.escribemeetings.com/Meeting.aspx?Id=35975801-4447-43e8-83b7-255e7a4e1371&Agenda=Merged&lang=English

And here’s the link to the PDF version of the revised agenda : https://calendar.amherstburg.ca/council/Detail/2024-06-25-1800-Regular-Council-Meeting/bea5fb43-aa53-4080-a892-b1960122e82b

The meeting started with Mayor Prue asking for a moment of reflection and silence. He said that council had decided to lower the flags to half mast, which is not in their usual protocol, but Amherstburg had been deeply moved and affected by what happened to a family in Harrow. 

After the Land Acknowledgement, there was a report out from the in-camera meeting above. Council needed a motion and to vote on item D. A motion was made to nominate Billie Joe Gardiner to the Environmental Committee (I think it was that committee?) and it carried. 


Ontario Senior of the Year Award – Town of Amherstburg – Eleanor Warren 

Mayor Prue explained that every year the province looks to give out awards to seniors that have had outstanding achievements once they were over the age of 65. Mayor Prue referred to two letters. He said that Bonnie Deslippe had written one nomination letter about the work that Ms Warren understood regarding the history of St. John the Baptist Church. She had done extensive research into the stained glass windows, how the church was built and maintained and other items of significance about the church. It was noted that Ms Warren had devoted her lifetime to recording Amherstburg’s past and preserving the records. Another letter of nomination, authored by Doris Gaspar, was referred to Ms Warren had been the President of the Marsh Collection from 1996-2023 and had put together a two volume book with the history of all things Amherstburg. (I have copies of both books and they are truly a wealth of historical facts all about Amherstburg.) It was also noted that the archives at the Marsh Collection are due to the tireless efforts of Eleanor Warren. 

Mayor Prue presented the award to Ms Warren. It looked like some members of her family came forward to take pictures as well as the River Town Times. 

Ms Warren then spoke and thanked the Mayor and council for the award. She spoke about working with so many people during the past 50 years. She mentioned a few people that stirred her interest in local history, including David Botsford, the Marsh’s and David Thrasher. She mentioned that Meg Reiner is now the “head honcho” of the Marsh Collection. She also thanked her three kids for putting up with her history lessons at the dinner table for so many years.  

Congratulations!!!! A very well-deserved award for someone who has helped preserve precious records of Amherstburg’s history. 


Delegation (Supplementary agenda)

Item #13.1 Phragmites Control Program – Greg Nemeth

Mr Nemeth addressed council about the Big Creek watershed and phragmites. He explained that 20 years have passed since he began photographing wetland areas and that phragmites are destroying habitats. He felt that more care is needed to rid ourselves of the weed. He explained that he is watching a vibrant ecosystem fade away to brown due to the phragmites. He listed off many statistics about certain species. A motion was made to extend the delegation beyond the 5 minute time limit. Mr Nemeth spoke of the loss of habitat and wondered when we will make wildlife preservation a priority. He felt that chemicals are needed to kill this nuisance weed. 

Councillor Courtney wondered what Mr Nemeth wanted to see from this council. Mr Nemeth referred to the area North of Alma Street and South of the Greenway Trail. He mentioned that council could get money from the government and get a professional to come in and assess the situation to see how much it will cost to rid us of all of the phragmites. There was some back and forth about using chemicals or moths that eat phragmites. 

Councillor Pouget said that she had a motion prepared and wanted to read it to Mr Nemth to get his opinion. Mayor Prue said that ultimately it is up to council to decide about the motion. 

Phragmites Control Program

The report for the phragmites control program was moved forward. 

Councillor Allaire felt that the report was good and showed what the town has been doing and trying to control the phragmite problem. She asked about the $10,000 in the budget and it was used each year.  Mr Chamblerlan, the Manager of Roads, said that there is $20,000 in the budget to use for weed cutting and spraying. He explained that the town annually maps the phragmites and sprays the areas that need to be sprayed. He also noted that at times they need to have property owners permission, for example in the Lowes Side Road area, since the phragmites extend and grow on private property. He said it is substantial work and that the money is used on an annual basis. 

Councillor Allaire spoke about being at an ERCA meeting last week. She explained the slow process and that it “sucks”. She noted that the spraying takes months of work and that the problem should be tackled on  a regional scale. She felt that it is a slow process and that ERCA is working hard on the problem too. 

Councillor Pouget wondered if the $20,000 had been spent this year. Mr Chamberlain explained that the work is primarily done in September, as of yet the money was not spent entirely but would be later this year. 

Councillor Courtney felt that this is a regional “thing” and noted that ERCA is involved. He wondered if other areas were having concerns with the weed as well. 

Mr Chamberlain said that Amherstburg is looking to the County. He noted that Lakeshore and Essex have started to deal with the phragmites. He said that Leamington had been dealing with it for many years. He also said that some areas have mapped the phragmites but no area had done as much mapping as Amherstburg has. He talked about looking into creating a program and how to incorporate treating the problem on private property. He mentioned that the town does not own most of the land around Big Creek. He also said that it is a big task to tackle the weeds on private property. 

Councillor Courtney felt “confused” about talking to land owners and reiterated that this should be a regional issue. (He didn’t feel that organic collection should be a regional issue, but dealing with weeds should be? Interesting…..) He felt that mapping was important and that maybe others can begin mapping more, like Amherstburg. 

Councillor Pouget asked about the burning that was mentioned and wondered what type of effect burning the weeds would have on the environment, as well as animals and humans. 

Mr Chamberlain felt that burning and throwing carbon into the air was a downfall however in some cases it was the most effective way to get at the weed, depending where it was growing. He said that also, by getting rid of the weed, it was opening areas for habitat and that overall that was a better benefit for the environment. 

Councillor Pouget made a motion that she said perhaps would need amendment. The motion was (I take my notes by hand, so it’s not exact) to direct administration to prepare a detailed report to preserve and protect the area North of Alma Street with a timeline to reduce and eliminate phragmites. 

Councillor Allaire seconded the motion. Councillor Allaire then spoke and felt that it was unfortunate that “you” (not sure if she meant Councillor Pouget or all of council) are not on the ERCA Board to see the higher level of what is being done. She felt that ERCA is working hard to deal with the problem but that it’s just not fast work. She said she would not support the motion. 

Councillor Courtney also said he would not support the motion since it flagged just one area. He felt that perhaps the town should ask at the County level where they are with mapping out the problem. 

Mayor Prue then spoke and felt that it was simple what council could do. He suggested a motion be made asking that a letter be written to County Council and that the mayor would sign it to investigate county-wide phragmites destruction. (I found this odd….the chair of the meeting suggesting a motion. It’s not the first time it’s happened and probably won’t be the last. I don’t know why members of council aren’t approaching him ahead of time – one on one – for ideas for motions? Rather than have the chair suggesting motions during a meeting, regardless of where the gavel may be in the room when it happens….just a thought….)

Councillor Pouget then withdrew her motion and said she’d make the motion that the Mayor recommended. Mayor Prue again, basically gave the wording for the motion….for the Mayor to sign a letter asking the County to investigate county-wide phragmites destruction. 

Councillor McArthur acknowledged that seeds spread and don’t respect borders. He noted that an extra challenge is added when the weeds are on private property. He felt that a letter to the county would be a better way to tackle the problem. 

The motion carried unanimously. 

Amherstburg Heritage Conservation District Study

Next on the agenda was a presentation from MHBC regarding the Heritage Conservation District Study. Here is the link to the presentation if you’re interested https://pub-amherstburg.escribemeetings.com/filestream.ashx?DocumentId=15417

Mr Boggart presented it to council. He explained that it was a project update that was being provided and recommendations had been made. He explained the two phases of the study and showed the various maps of proposed heritage district areas. He explained the next steps and the study was done to manage and guide change in the heritage district. (I really liked that….manage and guide change…..change WILL happen, all the time, everywhere….it’s important to manage it and to guide it…..resisting it is futile….much like the Grinch, we can’t stop Christmas from coming. And we can’t stop change either. I hope that the people that need to read that, read it….just sayin’

Mayor Prue felt that this had been one of the best studies he had ever seen. He felt that they had included everything. Councillor Crain said he had liked the process so far and that it was easy to navigate. He also noted that there was a lot of Q&A at the open houses. 

Councillor Crain spoke about being a member of the Heritage Committee and the importance of this project. He then made the motion for the recommended option, option #1 as per the recommendation. Councillor Courtney seconded it. 

Councillor Courtney talked about this being phase one. He referred to only fighting history once when he was on the previous council which was a house on Park Street that now sits empty. When he was speaking at this point of the meeting he also referred to both Councillor McArthur and Councillor Crain by their first names. (I don’t think I need to share my opinion on that, do I?

Deputy Mayor Gibb shared that he is also a member of the Heritage Committee and he found the study fascinating to find out what makes our downtown core so special. He spoke about how people have reservations when it comes to heritage preservation since they think that they’ll need permission for each thing they want to do to their property.  He noted that a Heritage Conservation District just preserves the look of the neighbourhood and the buildings. He mentioned protecting our past and forging our future (the Strategic Plan slogan) and said he was excited for the next step. 

Councillor McArthur said that he would support the recommendation as well. He felt that it made sense to streamline the process and that this will set consistent rules for homeowners. He noted that in Amherstburg’s core area, 61% of the properties are heritage properties that “our streets whisper with history”.  (I really liked that. Gave me a vision of ghosts in the air above our streets – good ghosts of course – not scary ones. Whispering our history to those that were here before us…..I wonder if those ghosts managed and guided the changes that happened? Or if they tried to resist it? I dunno….)

The motion for the heritage district went to a vote and it carried unanimously. 

2025 Budget Schedule

This agenda item went right off the rails. It was simply a report to approve the 2025 budget schedule and give direction to administration about the budget. It was NOT time to debate the budget LOL! But it kind of turned into that. 

The report included the time table for all of the administrative work that needs to be done, as well as establishes dates for the council meetings, the public consultation and the Audit and Finance Advisory Committee meetings. 

Here are the recommendations : 

It is recommended that:

1) That Council APPROVE the proposed 2025 Budget Schedule. 

2) That Council DIRECT Administration to develop a 2025 Operating Budget based on current service levels.

Councillor Allaire had a question about when council as a whole will discuss the upcoming capital budget. Ms Osborne, Deputy CAO said that the August 12th meeting would include a report about that. 

Then Councillor Pouget spoke. She felt that she had concerns about the budget. She noted that the budget would be presented to council and the public on November 18th and that a meeting was scheduled for December 2nd for the Audit and Finance Committee. She wanted to make sure that the Audit and Finance committee would receive the budget in advance and she felt that one week was not enough. (Side note, the committee would get the budget on November 18th at the same time as the public – and council – and they would have TWO weeks before their meeting to read it and prepare for their meeting). She mentioned having a motion. 

Then Councillor Pouget started talking about the budget coming out too early with no actuals.  (Luckily I was at home for this so no one heard my very loud sigh…..I hear this same thing EVERY SINGLE YEAR!) The Treasurer explained that administration is still working on the 2023 actuals (in June) and they are currently under review of the auditors. CAO Critchley also pointed out (again, as she had in another meeting) that if the budget is later in the year, it takes longer to get things to tender and delays the tenders and work getting done. CAO Critchley said that many other municipalities do their budget as early as possible in December for these reasons. Councillor Pouget then complained that at almost every meeting there were over expenditures presented to council. CAO Critchely said that the budget is based on best estimates and they are quite accurate for projections. She also said that sometimes things come up. The CAO said that Q3 actuals and projections could be looked at and that this could all be given to the Audit and Finance Committee. She also said that 5 year trends are used and historical information that make the projections solid. Councillor Pouget continued to argue about wanting actuals. The Clerk joined the fray to try to explain the time lines to Councillor Pouget. 

Councillor Crain then spoke as the Chair of the Audit and Finance Committee. He said that November 18th to December 2nd is two weeks, which gives the committee plenty of time to read the budget and prepare their questions or ideas. Then the committee has seven days to prepare their presentation to council, which he also said is adequate time. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb, also a member of the Audit and Finance Committee said that he prefers the schedule “as is”, giving two weeks to review the budget. 

Councillor Courtney then said that he was talking to Councillor Pouget (I think while others were speaking?) . He agreed with the two weeks to review the budget for the committee. He said that it “irks” him that they were giving direction to maintain current service levels. He wondered if we were over indulging? He then started on a rant about the sidewalk snow removal saying that the residents and businesses can do it. He felt that no one was looking at retractions then started talking about keeping “the jewelry”.  He did not want to start at the current service levels but did not have an issue with the scheduling. (And yet, Councillor Courtney was all talk….he never made a motion to cut services to reduce the budget, which he could have if he didn’t want to maintain the current service levels….but he didn’t…..What’s that saying? All talk, no action?….he sure can do a lot of talking….)

Councillor Allaire felt that it would all work out but she didn’t want to sound like a “nagger”.  She also mentioned having issues with the current service levels and felt that maybe there were some that they could remove. 

Mayor Prue spoke that council had already made some motions with recommendations of things they wanted included in the 2025 budget as well. 

CAO Critchley spoke about the financial commitments through the year. She mentioned a few examples like a 2% salary increase that was contractual that had to be honoured, CPI etc. She talked about how the previous council had kept rates low during COVID when inflation was very high and that caught up with them. She said that administration always wants to be efficient with the budget and ultimately that is their goal. 

Councillor Pouget got quite upset that she did not want another budget with a 7% increase and that she was the only one that voted against the budget. She “told” administration that they can’t present another budget like last year. And suddenly she was talking about the snow removal of sidewalks.  (It just hit me…..did we even get that much snow this past winter? This seems like an odd thing for Councillors Courtney and Pouget to get caught up with….? I don’t understand the fixation about sidewalk snow removal….) 

Mayor Prue finally interjected that now was not the appropriate time for this discussion and to save the fire for later. He said that council can cut later, that administration would tell them the costs and then council can cut what they want to. (I wonder who will be the first to cut the snow removal budget? LOL

Councillor Pouget started talking about snow removal only for Front Rd sidewalks and that when they ran for office some of them made promises about tax increases. She said that the Mayor had said zero percent. Mayor Prue said that he had said “low” and that the first budget of this council had had the lowest tax increase in the County and nobody congratulated them. He said the second year, Amherstburg was the second highest. The argument raged on and on, more comments about sidewalk snow plowing…..the broken record was spinning fast. 

Finally Councilor Crain made a motion for the recommendation. Deputy Mayor Gibb seconded. I thought maybe it was over…..nope. 

Councillor Courtney said that some reports “pisses me off”…..he got snarky about how Amherstburg still survived when things were cut.  (Is that why Centennial Park got neglected and the track? They didn’t survive the “cuts” I guess…..along with many of our roads, parks, ball diamonds, tennis courts, seniors center, the list goes on of the casualties but I digress….

Deputy Mayor Gibb then spoke and said that he was looking forward to hear what council will cut and he noted that no motions had been made, just talk. At that point he said “thank you for interrupting me” to Councillor Courtney….I was watching from home so I did not hear what Councillor Courtney said, but he did speak while the Deputy Mayor was speaking, which I believe is against the rules of order. But it seems like the rules of order matter less and less at each passing meeting, as does the code of conduct I guess. 

The Mayor put the motion and it carried. All that ring around the rosy to just pass the recommendation. 

Parks Master Plan Update RFP No. 2024-013

Council approved an RFP in May to hire a consultant to create an updated Parks Master Plan. The last one was done in 2018. It seems that the timing for the Request for Proposals closes two days shy of the report deadlines for council. It looks like administration is requesting that the CAO be given authority to award the contract to the successful highest ranking proposal as long as the contract falls within the budgeted amount of $200,000 and meets all of the requirements that are in the RFP. As well, it appears that the Director Parks and the Treasurer will also have to be in agreement. It also appears that an updated report will be provided to council with all of the proposals and the scoring. 

Hang onto your hats folks! The ring around the rosy game was about to get faster. 

Councillor Courtney asked which parks would be updated. He felt that it was vague and wondered if this was the Libro Secondary Plan.  Ms Baillargeon explained that it was an update to the 2018 document and would include ALL parks and that public consultation would be July 29th. Councillor Courtney felt that we had publicly consulted “the crap out of it”. Councillor Courtney said that he wanted to get the residents the lost amenities back. (Just 5 minutes before he had talked about wanting budget cuts, but now wants to spend money to get amenities back…..I wonder if a new pool costs the same as snow removal from sidewalks? LOL Sorry, I couldn’t resist….) 

Councillor McArthur asked if the Parks Master Plan was going to cost any new money. Ms Baillargeon explained that it was in the capital budget and that it wouldn’t cost any new money. (Remember that folks…..the debate was far from over and this was for an item that had been budgeted for and approved…..) 

Councillor Allaire felt that if the money hadn’t already been spent, why couldn’t council tackle another plan. Ms Baillargeon explained that this was to look at all of the parks and the plans so that council could identify how much they wanted to spend on each park going forward. Councillor Allaire felt that no money had been spent on Jack Purdie Park or Centennial Park yet. Ms Baillargeon said that $350,000 had been spent on Jack Purdie Park, Mickle Park and Briar Ridge Park. She said that this would incorporate a Master Plan for each park so that council could see and decide where the money is going. It would give a bird’s eye view and balance it all out. (Makes sense if you stop and think about it…..this would allow council to ensure they’re not duplicating things at parks that are close to each other, to make sure various amenities are being grouped together properly etc….) 

Councillor Crain noticed that the RFP had already been approved and that if council did not authorize it to the bidder, that was within the budget, if that would be breaching laws. He wondered if the town could be at-risk if they didn’t approve this final step now. CAO Critchley said that she could elaborate in-camera but not in open session. 

Councillor Pouget started talking and talking and said something like $200,000 could be better spent elsewhere than on this study. Mayor Prue made a comment that that was “not parliamentary”.  

Councillor Courtney started listing off parks in Amherstburg and wondered which parks didn’t have a plan. Ms Baillargeon said that 6 out of 25 parks have a plan and that they still need public consultation. She again reiterated that the last plan was from 2018 and that this is an update and generally plans are updated every 4 years. Councillor Courtney started then talking about open houses and if concepts for parks would be out on display. Ms Baillargeon said that they will be displayed and that administration would ask for public comments. Councillor Courtney kept cutting her off while she spoke and was being quite argumentative with Ms Baillargeon. Councillor McArthur called a point of order and said that Councillor Courtney was being abusive to staff. There was some more arguing and Mayor Prue said that it was close to the line.  (Frankly, this is all getting to be too much…..some members of council are blatantly rude, disrespectful and argumentative with staff. Week after week…..it just seems to be getting worse. It’s more than sad now, it’s gotten disgusting.

Ms Osborne jumped in and started explaining about Centennial Park, but I didn’t catch it all. My head was still hurting from what I had just witnessed. I was happy I wasn’t there in person. It’s worse to witness it live. I’ve seen both, on-line and in-person and in-person is harder to stomach.

Councillor McArthur spoke and said that council had already approved the money in the budget and that this was an update to the 2018 plan. He noted that the landscape had changed since 2018. There was no plan about a pool or a track in 2018, there was no plan for a boat ramp at Ranta Park in 2018, there was no dog park or bike trails at the Libro in 2018. He felt that this was a refresh to the Parks Master Plan so that council can use up to date information for all parks, including Centennial Park. 

Ms Baillargeon explained that it is a guide for the future. 

Thankfully, once again, Councillor Crain came to the rescue and made the motion as presented. Councillor McArthur seconded the motion. 

Councillor Courtney said he would support the motion and it was too late to go backwards. 

Councillor Pouget made a motion for deferral to get a legal opinion if council needed to proceed or not. 

Crickets. No seconder, so the motion to defer failed automatically. 

So the original motion made by Councillor Crain was voted on and was carried. Councillor Pouget was the only one that voted in opposition. 

Transit Service Agreement Renewal

Well it looks like ridership is going up, up, up for our Transit service. There was a recommendation to increase from three trips per day to four trips per day. 

The meeting was dragging, my head was spinning and I can see that now in my note-taking LOL. 

There was a lot of back and forth, mostly little stuff.  And again, Councillor Crain was trying to wrap it up by making a motion for the recommendation to change from 3 trips per day to 4 trips per day. 

Councillor McArthur wondered if there would be any adjustments in the times. Ms Giofu, Director of Engineering said that was in discussions but that they didn’t want to make too many changes all at once. She noted that over 50% of the ridership are students.  She said that the last bus is now at 6:00 and often students have late classes at college or university and that a later trip is necessary. She said that changes need to be made gradually. She also pointed out that Transit Windsor is a unionized environment and that schedules are made well in advance. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb said that he would be supporting the recommendation. He felt that he couldn’t get over the number of riders using the service. He also felt that the busing service was a social justice issue since there are people that can’t afford personal transportation or reliable transportation. 

The motion carried. 

Culvert #45 & #77 Replacement – Tender Results

Councillor Allaire immediately made the motion for the recommendation. (Thank you! Maybe she was getting tired of ring around the rosy too…?)  Councillor Courtney had a bunch of stuff to say, but I was fading fast. 

The motion carried. 

Water/Wastewater Department Mid-Size Pickup Truck

It seems that a 2007 Ford Ranger needs replacing. (Yes, that’s a 17 year old vehicle folks!).  It went out for tender for a replacement vehicle and here is the recommendation : 

It is recommended that: 

1. The tender for a 2024 Mid-Size Pickup Truck BE AWARDED to Joe Meloche Ford Sales Ltd. in the sum of $45,511. 

2. An over-expenditure for the purchase of outfitting equipment not to exceed $15,264 BE APPROVED for a total cost not to exceed $60,775 including net HST and that the over-expenditure BE FUNDED from the Water and Waste Water Reserves.

Councillor Pouget made a comment about this being just another over expenditure. Councillor Courtney asked why administration didn’t see this and wondered if there was a better way to handle it in the budget. 

Ms Giofu, Manager of Engineering, said that they had hoped to get a van and had tendered for a van. By the time the tender came through, Ford’s was no longer making a van and that they had to switch back to a truck. 

They voted and the motion carried. 

2nd Concession North Reconstruction – Budget Exceedance

Well, it looks like the road work on the Second Concession went over budget….there’s a detailed explanation in the report of how and why that happened, so if anybody is super interested, please go read the report. LOL 

Councillor Courtney felt that this was a nightmare and wondered why they couldn’t get the estimate right. He wondered what went wrong. 

Mr Hewitt, Manager of Engineering, said that they aim to be as close as possible to budget. He said something about not using a certain geotechnical consultant anymore since this was the second situation that the estimate was incorrect. 

Councillor Crain wondered if there was anything the town could do to make companies make up for mistakes when numbers are incorrect. CAO Critchley said that generally courts won’t allow municipalities to claim back because of an error. She noted the good fortune that the culverts had come in way under budget on a previous agenda item. 

Councillor Pouget asked about recouping the cost and asked about going to court. CAO Critchley explained again and used the analogy if you needed 4 cans of paint a room, but they just quoted one can of paint by mistake, you would have still needed the 4 cans of paint, so legally, it was an error and you would still have needed to pay for 4 cans of paint to get the work done. 

There was some more back and forth. It went to a vote. 

I watched the vote. Councillor Pouget voted in opposition. During the vote, Councillor Courtney was writing on a paper, so he didn’t vote for or against. 

Some more items came before council with little discussion. During the Site Plan Application Councillor Pouget made a comment about wanting to ensure what council approved gets followed. She seemed to imply that administration wasn’t doing that. Mayor Prue said something about that he’d put that as a rhetorical comment. There was a lot of back and forth. 

Engagement of Principles Integrity to Serve as Integrity Commissioner for the Town of Amherstburg

Councillor Courtney said that this new contract did not overlap with Mr Elman’s since his contract ends June 31st. (Did you catch that? I did! LOL

Councillor Pouget asked that since this firm represents 50 municipalities how accessible would they be. CAO Critchley said that they have two principles and that they can hire out if they are overloaded. Councillor Pouget asked about the costing and the length of the contract. The Clerk said that it was a 3 year term and information had been given at a confidential meeting. 

It carried. New Integrity Commissioner services for Amherstburg as of July 1st. Based on the behaviour of some members of council during the council meetings, they may be busy! 

Information Reports

Councillor Courtney withdrew his notice of motion about charging fees for temporary patios, that were to be the same as permanent patios. He felt that his thoughts were in a good place and that he didn’t want to bog down the meeting. (???? As if he hadn’t already bogged down the meeting??? What am I missing here?) Anyway, he said something about administration wil look at the situation and see if fees could be in the budget. 

New Business

And all the hands shot up! Well, not all, but many…..

Councillor Crain made a motion that any motion regarding fees affecting town businesses be brought to the Economic Development Committee before it comes to council. He said that the committee had expressed an interest to be part of the conversation regarding fees for businesses. He noted that they had given good input in the latest notice of motion and that he wanted to see them get more involved. 

Councillor Courtney said that we might as well include the Audit and Finance Committee if “we’re giving away free real estate”.  (I wonder if he’s referring to the free parking downtown that we all pay for? Doubt it, but it fits.) Councillor Crain didn’t have an issue with adding that committee to the motion since he felt that more input is good. 

The motion carried. 

Councillor Pouget then made a motion to request the Audit and Finance Committee to do a cost analysis of the Libro Centre. Councillor Courtney seconded it. 

Councillor Courtney talked about the Libro being a massive system. (So massive that he voted during his last term of council against the Libro Master Plan so that council could properly plan for this massive system….but I digress.) He talked about an online booking system that may make it run less in the red. 

Councillor Crain wondered what council wanted included in the cost analysis. He noted that the committee is made up of volunteers and that it may be unfair to have them do a very large task. He was also concerned that the motion did not provide clear direction. 

Councillor McArthur also felt that the motion needed to be clear. He did not think the committee should be dealing with staff directly. 

Councillor Pouget felt it would be up to the committee to comment and to speak. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb said that as a member of the Audit and Finance Committee he needed clarification. He asked if council wanted the committee to do the analysis or if staff would do the analysis for the committee to review. (Big difference there.

Councillor Pouget said that it would be up to the committee to discuss. She felt it had been done in the past and was successful. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb said that as a member of council he was not comfortable for a committee to decide on levels of service, that is up to council. 

Councillor Courtney said it was kind of a flip flop to go to the committee first and that he would not support the motion. 

Mayor Prue asked Councilllor Pouget to close the debate. 

Councillor Pouget said that she was looking for ways to save money. She felt that it could go to the Audit and Finance Committee and that they don’t decide on the budget, that they provide advice. 

Mayor Prue said that it was perplexing to him. 

In went to a vote, not recorded, but I watched. 

In favour : Councillor Pouget

Opposed : everybody else

Councillor Allaire said she had received good feedback about the port-a-johns in some of our parks. She asked for a price to put one in Beaudoin (I think?) Park. It will come forward in a report I believe. 

Councillor Pouget then made a motion something about administration to notify KPMG to advise council before going over town finances (I take my notes by hand and I don’t feel like going back to watch it all……if you’re curious, the video is posted, you can watch

Crickets. Nobody seconded the motion. I guess I wasn’t the only one that didn’t understand that motion. 

Notice of Motion of June 10, 2024 – Traffic calming and Crosswalk – Councillor Pouget

To be deliberated June 25, 2024

The Notice of Motion states that:

Motion to direct our Mayor or Deputy Mayor to introduce a Notice of Motion to County Council, in order to request a traffic calming study to relocate the 70 km speed limit sign at Lowes and Sandwich Street to South of the five (5) entrances to the Seasons Retirement Home, the Family Health Team, the Pharmacy, Blue Haven Apartments and County Road 20 and Dalhousie Street Intersection.

Further to that, we are requesting the County to investigate the feasibility to consider a crosswalk at the Sandwich/Lowes intersection, to accommodate residents with assisted devices, who reside at the Blue Haven Apartments, and many other residents, to cross safely for their health care needs.

Councillor Courtney felt that it was a great idea to move forward to this since there are a lot of seniors in the area. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb also felt it was a great idea to add a crosswalk there. He noted that he and the Mayor had had incredible challenges to get everything from the traffic study at county council. He said that at their next meeting, July 17th, they would be asking for traffic lights at the Howard Avenue and County Road 10 intersection. He felt that the timing for this request should be pushed back so that two items for Amherstburg wouldn’t be on the same agenda for County Council. 

Councillor McArthur agreed that it’s a great idea to ask for a crosswalk there and it is a cost worth bearing. He noted that the road is on a bit of an angle there.

Councillor Allaire said that since they were discussing the light on July 17th, this could just be a notice of motion for the same meeting. 

Mayor Prue said that the Deputy Mayor was asking to bring the item up in August. 

Councillor Allaire felt that County Council should listen to any of Amherstburg’s requests. 

Mayor Prue said that Amherstburg has had more notices of motions and requests than any of the other municipalities combined. (Side note we are about one and a half years into this term of council / County Council…still two years to go…..) 

Councillor Pouget said that they’ll be discussing the lights on July 17th so just introduce this new item as a notice of motion. She felt it was important to bring this up as quickly as possible. (I have to chuckle when a ‘time is of the essence’ argument is used when this intersection has been like this for decades and the Assisted Living Facility has been there for about 15 years I think? Maybe more? It can’t wait one more month?

Councillor Courtney mentioned about the traffic study at the other end of County Road 20. Mayor Prue felt that one of the requests we made to County Council had been more difficult to get and another one easier. (I’m not sure which ones he was referring to.) 

Councillor Allaire felt that she would really appreciate it being on the July agenda for County Council. 

Deputy Mayor Gibb said that he was trying to be strategic. He said that he and Mayor Prue have requested, on behalf of Amherstburg town council, more studies than the other municipalities in the county combined. He felt that the County may start saying ‘no’ if too many requests are coming forward too frequently and that Amherstburg should be more strategic with our requests. 

Mayor Prue said they’ll do their best. 

The motion carried. 

I’ve been watching councils for 10 years. This is the third council I’ve been following closely. I’ve attended (or watched) almost every single meeting. I have never seen a council sending the Mayor and Deputy Mayor to County Council with requests as frequently as I have the last year and a half. It used to be an odd thing here or there during previous terms, and now, we’re sending them there with their hands out almost every other month. 

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 PM. 

Once again, just as I recover from this meeting, the agenda for the July 8th meeting will be posted! But I intend to enjoy some Open Air and some Canada Day festivities so I won’t be back with the pre-meeting blog until some time next week! 

I hope everybody is able to get out and enjoy Open Air AND Canada Day! What a great place to live right here in Amherstburg! Going to focus on the fun, not the politics this weekend! LOL Have a great one! 

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